posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 10:43 PM
I refuse to celebrate New Year’s Eve. For me it’s just gotten old and boring . Plus the cops and mothers against drunk drivers sure put a damper
on the celebration. But I guess it’s better than having a drunk swerve out of his lane and hit you head on at 60 miles an hour. that will definitely
put a damper on your celebration too.
But I digress.
Dec. 31 2019 is the last day of the year celebrating 150th anniversary of....,,
The International year ofPeriodic Table of Chemical Elements
The periodic table of elements is the common language of science. Let’s give it a whack.
RuN for AlCoHoL SNAg a SAsSY LaDy bring LuBrICaTiON and remember the wife is PSYCHIC CoVEr your AsS.
Ladies SNAg a BOY (that’s the only thing I could think of to fit) and forget the LuBrICaTiON.
Since humor is universal we will go there too.
Chemistry themed tongue in cheek post rarely produces a reaction.
Looking for quotes I realized Bill Nye is a dick. He wants to imprison “ climate deniers” now this
“If you can name three Kardashians but can’t name three elements of the periodic table . Go shower with your toaster oven while it’s
OH HeCK post whatever you guys want. This is mainly a New Year’s eve alternative thread.
But somebody bring needs to bring BaCON