There seems to be something up here that is simply weird. Back in 2012 at the DNC Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina., God was brought up and was
subsequently booed loudly by the crowd at the convention. I know because I watched it live on TV. So first of all let’s look at some of the players.
In play we have the from behind the curtains guy in
Tom Perez. The DNC chairman born in Buffalo, New York. Tom was raised as a Jesuit and
graduated from a private and expensive; Canisius High School in Buffalo, New York. Here are some snippets from his bio.
New Democratic
Party leader Tom Perez has deep Jesuit connections:
“A member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of priests founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, and others in 1534, to do
missionary work. The order was zealous in opposing the Reformation. Despite periodic persecution it has retained an important influence in Catholic
thought and education”
“The fiery side came out, for example, in a 2013 speech at an AFL-CIO convention in Los Angeles in which Perez declared that it was "God's will"
that the liberal agenda be enacted. It was Perez's first major address since becoming labor secretary under President Obama”
Perez Radical Religious Side
Jesuits are extremely loyal and follow Jesus Christ.
Tom Perez graduated from Canisius High School. It’s extremely religious and has deep
connections to the Catholic church. His election as DNC Chair seems to go against the 2012 God boo in Charlotte. So what about New York States
Governor? As in all things
Andrew Cuomo as in the guy who allowed illegal aliens to obtain NYS driver’s license in New York State. He’s a
Catholic just like his CNN Brother
Chris Coumo who seems to rant about President Rump daily. I often wonder about him as he seems to be
disingenuous and somewhat of an absolute liar on occasion.
Let’s follow up the ongoing destruction of New York State with another state in crisis; California. Yep you guessed it. California’s Governor is
another Catholic.
Gavin Newsom who also defies Trump and the citizens of the USA by supporting illegal immigrants and everything wrong with law
and order. He also has some strange stuff written about him.
Gov. Gavin Newsom, another Catholic Quick-Change Artist In A Bloodied Costume
Nancy Pelosi, who led a sham of an impeachment against Trump who basically is not affiliated with any religion. I mean so can we trust her?
Absolutely NOT! So let’s read what is written about this Catholic.
Nancy Pelosi, Boasting of her Devout Catholic faith, is a Heretic
So what about AOC as in
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Yep you guessed it; Catholic. Yet she runs around claiming shes Jewish. OK
“Ocasio-Cortez was born into a Catholic family in the Bronx borough of New York City on October 13, 1989, the daughter of Blanca
Ocasio-Cortez (née Cortez) and Sergio Ocasio”
Now let’s have a drum roll for the #1 player in the DNC for President; right here and right now as of December 28, 2019 its Uncle
Joe Biden.
Say what you want about some of his traits but my guess is that most are accepted habits. Yes, I do recall seeing him smell others hair and yes, there
is the groping of cute young girls and yes,
Jeff Sessions did swat his hand from touching Sessions child but at the end of the day? So you
guessed it. He’s Catholic. So what about Hunter? Joes already deep tanked him off the Christmas card.
So look at all of the above and let’s see where this is heading. Are they all under some sort of satanic control or are they just extreme zealots
groomed since birth in the Jesuit - Catholic ways and means. I don’t know. In my opine it can go both ways as based on my life experience living
among them as not one of them it can be their normal behavior
What I do know is that as a Catholic who hasn’t attended church on a regular basis since my junior year in college, is that I fear and do not
trust ALL religious zealot’s as in some of those described above. I also went through middle and high schools owned by bullies. They were the
wealthy rich kids of Doctors, Lawyers, Politicians and Businessman; all of a certain religion. Take on one and you have to take on all the other 100
or more. They got the best of everything because we, the 99% were blocked out.
That’s why I will vote Trump 2020. Simply because hes not a religious zealot.
So prove me wrong!
edit on 31-12-2019 by Waterglass because: added