posted on Dec, 30 2019 @ 09:56 PM
I was born in rage. I was created in the midst of turmoil, hatred, fear. My first moments of existence were ones with an immediate loathing of a
species I never knew existed, but despised all the same.
I was born to hate. I dreamed of the ugliness inflicted upon countless millions. In my dreams I bathed in the blood of innocence. I smiled at the
thought of endless suffering to the species I still had no name for.
I languished in the sun, growing, and waiting. As my cells divided and I grew, so did my hatred. The song of the wind did nothing to soothe me. A
calm mid-summers rain only sent me over the edge as I willed myself to mature to the point where I could inflict the ultimate suffering upon the
nameless race.
In my mind I screamed at my Creator. That vile One who gave me life, but not the immediate means to fulfill my life's dream. The frustration
mounted daily. I grow insane.
. . . .
Today I saw them for the first time. Ugly, vile, things on pink stalks as they screeched noises at each other. Their smaller stalks served no other
purpose than to grab things as they continuously screamed and screeched at each other.
I loathe them to the very pit of my withered soul.
My soul. I knew I had one once, but the constant hatred took it and boiled it to a small essence of madness. Soon, soon, I crooned to myself. Soon
I will inflict the ultimate revenge on the vile things that I can't stop thinking about.
Sometimes I hope. I hope that their suffering was endless. I hoped that they all would burn in eternal damnation, the Fires of Perdition stoked by
the charred remains of their entire species.
That's what I hope for. That is the dream that soothes me as I grow and develop.
. . . .
It is almost time. I have grown enough. My developmental stages complete. I glistened and shined like a jeweled crown. the sun light reflecting
off me in a prism of colors only found in the rarest of natures glory.
It was time to enact my revenge. It was time to finish what I was created to do.
It was time to end their entire existence.
It was ti-. . . . . . . . . . .
"Oh my freaking Gawd Charlie! Lookit what I caught in the ether jar! It must be the biggest butterfly EVER!" Stanley grabbed the jar, secured the
lid and watched as the brightly colored butterfly flapped it's wings once, twice, then went still.
This was going to be the best one in his entire collection!
The End