Shapes and numbers:
Shapes and Numbers
That's all we are
From the smallest atom (equation)
to the largest dead star, ( first element of the 3rd Dimension)
Polyverse Theory ©thebarefootbearfootpoet
(An attempt to synthesize the quantum state into existence, and attempt to explain everything, one element at a time)
Where the light beings are.
Where the Darkness beings are.
White and black create the grey – matter
Matter is first but without will matter cannot be. First one must take from what resources one has and use will to fashion, designing something unique
and a completely different and random algorithm for everything. Think God is God, like us, and they love us, but they never have been one being, you
see they are being, and this was a way for them to manifest and save themselves by placing their species race on this world, leaving behind gods,
people of reason and thought, but also of anger and love. This is like in 0 where we don’t divide by 0 because we are zero. We are nothing and
everything yet still in everything and nowhere and everywhere and that is how ESP works it is no secret duh, like ancient one knowledge to learn the
voices are static and learn to communicate through the Poly Verse* *This poly verse theory is know as 3. As it is the first shape that makes all
shapes, therefore what came before was a remanent of the old world. I believe God has made it, and the Race of First Born learned eventually that
taking life, only to experience the joy of Divinity and Sin. Not duality, welcome to the poly verse. Let’s take a step inside ourselves and look
within to know without. Whatever realm these beings exist in, there is a time when the 0 becomes 1. Heaven of earth. A Quark. WHATEVER YOU WANT
REALITY TO BE JUST DON’T KILL, HURT, ABUSE, MAIM, ATTACK Any living bleeding thing. Blood is the sign of existence for in the blood is all manner of
mystery. Sharing blood? We truly share our DNA in birth, therefore the blood of others we bleed in life is greater how much more so your own DNA. Now
isn’t like just life today on the Carbon Dense planet. Where we can make things 3D. In any words, the polyverse. Where anyone can be anyone and
everyone is everyone. grand. Knowing that so much labour of love went into existence, to take one out is to take oneself until you learn to know
yourself. Yes, you might live in Hell with the consequences. All is forgot except that never ending .9999. The one thing that doesn’t change is 1.
Therefore, if God 1, then we can calculate the density of a light being and where they might be residing in the poly verse. Because of dark matter and
other energy that lower density Based Polyverse’s such as our own, the only way to pass through is a neutrino which is why we shall begin there.
What are the compositions of a neutrino? Whatever a Neutrino is, In theory, because it is 1 whilst still a zero and is.
And the word was made flesh
26 letters in the English alphabet. English is universal language because those who are word made flesh. 24 = holy (scientific interpretation)
Dividing by zero is simple. You have 3 elements. Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon. They are the only known elements which compose the 3d realm. Hydrogen
however gives light which makes 0s or plants. Because Gas is without form, It had to wait till it found the first element coupled with oxygen and
carbon, therefore the first born over all things G-D
Now we will Calculate the totality of all three elements and then apply dividing by 0 by removing light.
First: Hydrogen
English is language of the Gods. However because they are light beings first (eminations). It is usually the result of all language, that it borrows
in incorporates eventually becoming one because the very funadmentals of the English language are Light in nature, that they can send formless words
in physical form because they are of that which is 0. 26 is the number for which I will work because it doesn’t matter, Ominations from the mouth
are whatever (light is composed of) this is how we devide by 0/. 3 minus carbon and oxygen. No words to speak. No where to sit.
11 = the amount of if it fits
3 is hidden in everything in quarks
2 Up one down.
A Quark is therefore = to that of of 3 dividing by itself.
To do this, - its weight. After the total.
Therefore = to light.
Okay now to show you my wonderful amazing infinite possibilities of how they master the elements and how to master the elements (Gnosis). I.e.
Hydrogen beings mastered the element of formlessness and existence and therefore evolved to their beyond dark matter existence know has heaven or
light. Earth is in darkness. Planets are hell are times. Unconscious suffering at the hands of Sins against the weight of your soul sound like hell
enough. Because of their ability to phase in and out being 0, they divided themselves and split out. The lesser beings are know as Archons (lower
demiurge) and the hgher beings as Arch Angels travel between realms, however the lesser forms of men (ancient gods who bread with humans, saw the
planet as a potention home and all landed here. We are the fallen ones, however rising to glory through the first being from themselves, begetting
themselves- Swords of the spirit / word / life. THC is a gas that is linked to the Elohim Home world and they planet it here so that the gasses
intoxicating us might fill our minds with light of truth.
The name of Cannabis in ancient Language is Asterion, meaning star flower, being its origin said to have been brought here by an ancient race. That is
why you wont find cannabis in Australia natively as at the time the evolution of men in Australia were too far away to centralize an experiment on
with greater odds of diversity, however, this explains why cannabis seeds never originated in Australia however else are scattered north where tribes
migrated and settled when they knew Australia was already inhabited. Whilst observing and allowing the indigenous alone to know themselves. It was
with the more early first human civilizations that existed I,e Atlantis, Lemuria etc. From there knowledge quickly grew and they destroyed themselves,
leaving us a garden in the unihabitated deserts of Africa. Now the experiment is reaching critical and climate as we keep ignoring the signs from
scientists, prophets, god dam # for heavens sake, how many more messengers are being sent down from paradise to save this planet again, So I have left
a game with instructions to help you understand the nature of being to know yourself, As above, so below. P.S The masons and every secret shadow
organization is an Archon in nature (oppressed) and Replicated God in the garden keeping knowledge for themselves but letting us taste and relish in
the carnal pleasures of not having to use thought or will which is beingness. I don’t Say this to hate on anyone, I just want to light a candle at
midday to light the way for those who know too much and nothing at all. Loving one another is the paramount rule of existence, don’t ruin it. There
are consequences to the nature of will, that most likely being a dice game system (jokes), more actually like a device made from the elements of the
first being. Therefore we cannot understand ourselves until we first know ourselves. We are all children of the lost tribe of those
hydrogen-carbon-oxygen beings.
P.t 2 incoming if anyone wants the theories and demonstation.
edit on 23-12-2019 by spacemonk because: (no reason given)
edit on 23-12-2019 by spacemonk because: Title was not clear