posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 12:31 PM
I've been checking in with this thread daily. A bit of 16 core vicarious living, mixed with just a pinch of envy - but mostly just happy for ya Neo.
Unless something goes horribly, horribly wrong I imagine that this will be a purchase you'll thoroughly enjoy and be proud of having made.
The Zen 2 chips really are amazing. One of those iterative jumps in tech that I think will be looked back upon as game changers.
For now most use cases won't show a quantum increase in performance. I mean budget smart phones, tablets and Chromebooks can load web pages, stream
video and do the basics - quickly and effectively... And, for the moment, most games - even the most demanding ones - usually only harness a few
cores, at most. Given that when you finally get it up and running, sit down and start enjoying your build - the benefits might not immediately be
But man oh man, when you finally do fire up something that can take advantage of those cores? It's pretty mind blowing. Like going to render something
that would have taken you 20 minutes previously and watch as it gets down in 2 or 3 minutes.
It's a great feeling.
As for games... The upcoming console generation, at least the PS5 and Xbox Series X, are both based on Zen and will almost certainly have 8 core / 16
thread CPU's. This means that game devs are already shifting to / adapting engines that will take advantage of more cores. Those games will start
trickling out relatively soon and, once they do, those high core counts will begin to offer a dramatic performance benefit.
You're gonna love it man. You've picked up an epic slice of silicon.