posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 03:58 AM
ah - the " suply & demand " argument
this is one of the cases - where it is utterly specious
wages based on supply and demand - work for ditch diggers
they do not work when she is the daughter of the bloke that her company is an offshoot from
here is why
now the edited highlights of this case are :
her father owned a sucessful " bricks and motar " book makers business - and ms coates joined the family firm on graduation from uni - with a useful
degree . at the time - on-line betting was almost noe existant in the UK - but a mature business model in the USA and japan - ms coates persauaded
her father to bankroal the diversity into " online betting " - and use his and his employees expertiese and legal status to assist his daughter - the
venture was a sucess - and now its a massive business
now here is the thing - ms coates only " unique asset " - is ger genes - she is her fathers daughter
she simply copied elements of that was happening overseas - modifying them to account for the differences in legislationa and book making practice in
different countries
she inovated nothing - [ the company ] - has no killer app - its just one of the herd - it didnt invent or do anything special
this is not an attack on ms coates or denigrating her sucess - several other attempts have floundered - hers prospered
thus - i have zero issue with ther £55 million / PA earnings - as a principle shareholder in the company
but " supply and demand " - does NOT address why she gets £277 million salary
there are thousands of people out there who could do her job for less - and would
i am unfortunatly not one of them [ utterly unqualified and incapable ]
so - what does she do to be worth £277 million ????????????