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TIC TAC Pilot Adrresses ATS Skeptics....

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posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

absolutely. And they are being seen in the oceans as well as the sky. The Russians thought we might know something about them, as well as we thought Russia may as well, so clearly, there is no known explanation for these objects being seen in our skies AND our oceans.

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 12:42 PM
Non governmental experimental craft.

This is fact.

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect

Since he was a paid disinfo officer everything Hynek said should be taken with a grain of salt.

As for salt, considering your signature...

The cover up all comes down to a black op in the military government allowing human beings to be used as science experiments in a trade for alien technology.

... I think we need several trucks of salt. Where IS that unfalsifiable claim from ? John Lear? Steven Greer? You need to start formulating your OWN point of view rather than nodding and agreeing excitedly with every story of Woo thrown your way by UFOtainers (the Skinny Bob saga being a perfect example). And if people disagree with you, don't immediately assume there is a grand conspiracy with potential paid disinfo merchants populating ATS. It's truly embarrassing.

For the record, I never said anyone was being paid to be here.

For the record, you worded it very carefully within a plea to stop people disagreeing with you:

Unless you are getting paid to post here, do the rest of us a favor and stop promoting the cover-up.

As for this...

Yes seeing a flying saucer means that aliens are here. Because aliens make flying saucers, not men. Men did not make them in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's and they still do not make them today.

If you think flying saucers man made, prove it. If you think Tic Tac's are man made, prove it.

*toes curling painfully*

Have a cold beer (or a Coke if under-age; I have no idea how old you are), read that back to yourself, and tell me that doesn't sound like an outrageously pointless bundle of unfalsifiable ET dreams.

edit on 20-12-2019 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: and14263
Non governmental experimental craft.

This is fact.

No, its a statement.
Please provide the evidence.

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 03:51 PM
"And if people disagree with you, don't immediately assume there is a grand conspiracy with potential paid disinfo merchants populating ATS.

By the book disinfo fallback statement. If outted claim that ALL skeptics are "disinfo" agents.

There is a difference between a skeptic and a disinfo agent". Yes, disinfo agents get paid to post on the internet and they are not skeptics, they know what it is they are supposed to cover-up. They know it is real, that is why they are being paid.

There are many skeptics here who do not spend all their time down playing UFO's and alien contact. You can tell one from the other by their trail of crumbs. A skeptic does not spend ALL their time fussing over something they do not think is real. Considering your history and that ALL your threads are Alien related and that ALL your post are alien related, you might want to check out that line of work.

Management does not want us to derail threads with these types of post, so now would be a good time for OUR conversations to end. So I say goodbye to you and leave you with this:

I still stand by my statement that Dr. Hynek was at one time a "disinfo" agent for the military/government.

I still stand by my statement that, until proven to be man made, the Tic Tac's are alien.

Like Skinny Bob, who no one has been able to recreate in 8 years and as such has never been proven to be fake - the Tic Tac's have been around for 15 years. What airbase are they parked at? Why can't they arm them? Where is the proof that they are man made?

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 05:45 PM
thank you for the article

"“There weren’t really a lot of skeptics in that room.” Years later, Fravor told ABC News that he didn’t know what the Tic Tac was, but that “it was really impressive, really fast, and I would like to fly it.” In the CVIC that day, the anonymous pilot told Intelligencer, “We all had that. We all wanted to fly it.”

yes indeed , flying as fast

let's imagine that some of those ufos maybe just "alien drones" fly in fact in a sort of "physic bubble"

the natural bubble, pattern if you prefer in that case, of all things is formed by four forces

but imagine that the fifth force is information, universal positional information upi and that all tiny particule in the all universe have only one upi, and that the ensemble of the patterns is Not infinite , but depend of the number of the particule and precisely the combinations of their upi ..

wave and particule in the same time

if you could change the universal informational position of some particles , even temporarly, of all the particules that formed your real craft then the craft could change form and properties

because this is the role of the information to authorized pattern

we are all results of constants 4 forces + positional informations of all the particules involved in the "pattern" we are

sorry for this , this is an hypothesis

if this is true, then such ufos in a bubble can penetrate water, mountains and of course atmosphere

it is not a threat for aircraft except if the aircraft collide even partially with the "bubble" but let's assume the frontier between the bubble and the atmosphere act as a magnet with some ionization too

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: spiritualarchitect

The Skeptics Easy Out answer.

No , the rules of debate.
Which is what this is about.

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 07:06 PM
More pointless debate where nobody has all of the information. People trying to remember details of things that happened 15 years ago. Nothing that moves the case forward, only back. Rehashing a rehash.

What have we learned? Odd stuff flies around. We've known that for 20,000 years. We're still trying to impose our popular concepts on them, and still failing.

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Not correct.

This is the first time in the modern era that the "UAP/UFO" narrative is widely discussed on Mainstream Media. Before TTSA and the Nimtz event UFOs were relegated to back alley conspiracy websites like ATS.
edit on 20-12-2019 by celltypespecific because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: anakinnEo
thank you for the article

"“There weren’t really a lot of skeptics in that room.” Years later, Fravor told ABC News that he didn’t know what the Tic Tac was, but that “it was really impressive, really fast, and I would like to fly it.” In the CVIC that day, the anonymous pilot told Intelligencer, “We all had that. We all wanted to fly it.”

yes indeed , flying as fast

let's imagine that some of those ufos maybe just "alien drones" fly in fact in a sort of "physic bubble"

the natural bubble, pattern if you prefer in that case, of all things is formed by four forces

but imagine that the fifth force is information, universal positional information upi and that all tiny particule in the all universe have only one upi, and that the ensemble of the patterns is Not infinite , but depend of the number of the particule and precisely the combinations of their upi ..

wave and particule in the same time

if you could change the universal informational position of some particles , even temporarly, of all the particules that formed your real craft then the craft could change form and properties

because this is the role of the information to authorized pattern

we are all results of constants 4 forces + positional informations of all the particules involved in the "pattern" we are

sorry for this , this is an hypothesis

if this is true, then such ufos in a bubble can penetrate water, mountains and of course atmosphere

it is not a threat for aircraft except if the aircraft collide even partially with the "bubble" but let's assume the frontier between the bubble and the atmosphere act as a magnet with some ionization too

I already told you they use Neutral-Dimension Generators....of course they create a Neutral-Dimension Zone or Bubble around themselves....yes...this has already ben stated......its a Bubble.

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 10:12 PM
Happy Holidays...and I will state this once and for all, from someone who knows: "there are two kinds of UFO's - ours and theirs. "

This is a good article of some of the carryover programs from WWII where it started,

Now, here comes the Sereda called out as wacko con-man. The naysays will pounce. No matter, heed what the man is trying to convey and you will predominately see the future of what you do not know now. Go to Part 11 if you want it in a nutshell as understood by the plutocracy who are moving the technology forward.

For years, I have read the ending rhetoric from Oberg, Arbitraurer, and Mirageman among others, calling bunk toward all kinds of phenomena and solution to understanding said phenomena and personalities related to it (Lazar, Sereda, Travis Walton, Barney and Betty Hill).

I do respect the skeptical subjective statements and their objections to anything related to ETs but they seem to fail to distinguish the difference between genies, spacetime metric engineering, because its either not a project they were involved in, published in a physics textbook, or they haven't read about it in Janes Defense Weekly.

They can correct me if I am wrong but, they themselves, have not 1. been involved or 2. actually witnessed nor participated in either 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th encounters. Have they ever worked at Los Alamos or Palmdale? Have they been to S-4 or are they saying it does not exist? Did they ever catch a flight on JANET Airlines (Joint Army Navy ET) to work on an aerospace project? Nevertheless, I have great resect for their opinions but the powers that be made decisions about these matters that have been going on since the Greatest Generation (WWII) was born. Still we suffer looking for answers. Critical analysis is important, however, they are largely incorrect in their assessments.

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: play4keeps

I grew up very very close to Sereda and was also Abducted several times...he is legit IMHO.

posted on Dec, 21 2019 @ 01:43 AM
The tic tac ufo was just a lawn bag caught up in the trans national thermals. That's right folks nothing to see here...

It's erratic behavior is due to the sudden down drafts and burst wind systems it was traveling on.

Now if you could just focus your eyes here on the camera flash.

posted on Dec, 21 2019 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
The tic tac ufo was just a lawn bag caught up in the trans national thermals. That's right folks nothing to see here...

It's erratic behavior is due to the sudden down drafts and burst wind systems it was traveling on.

Now if you could just focus your eyes here on the camera flash.

The "camera flash" doesn't work on everyone.

posted on Dec, 21 2019 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: ignorant_ape

Yes, but can a bird go from 50 feet altitude to 50,000, in seconds? The answer is no, so what’s the point? It wasn’t birds.

I know we've gone past the bird issue in this thread but for me that is the strange point.

Not that Underwood doesn't know how high birds can fly (although he was generalising anyway rather than being scientifically specific) but that he didn't use the argument above - for the bird question or balloon.

Now I'm not very familiar with all the known facts about this case so I'm not sure if there is anything other than hearsay indicating the object did maneuver in that manner - if there is fine - if not then as Underwood didn't use that in answer to the question I would doubt he witnessed the object move in that way.

posted on Dec, 21 2019 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: tjocksteffe

originally posted by: and14263
Non governmental experimental craft.

This is fact.

No, its a statement.
Please provide the evidence.

On here? Yeah right.

posted on Dec, 21 2019 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: ignorant_ape

It was not birds, dude. Come on think a half dozen extremely experienced Naval aviators mistook a bird for a UFO that openly seems to defy the laws of physics?

No, but he is grasping at straws.

posted on Dec, 21 2019 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: PokeyJoe

FFS - if you are going to reply - at least have the decency to read my posts

i did NOT claim at any point that it was birds

i merely point out that chad has a delusion - that birds are not encountered at altutude

lets be blunt - would you want to fly with a pilot who claims birds are not enconteded above 200 feet - cos thats what chad says

Lot's of people have and still do. And not only that, they are willing to put their lives on the line and fly into combat with him.

posted on Dec, 21 2019 @ 03:32 PM
The motion of the object can be understood more clearly by assuming that gravity is particulate in nature. If a species has the technology to travel to earth faster than light speed then obviously their knowledge of particle physics is significantly beyond human.

What if they can manipulate the flow of gravity particles? We experience g-forces because we are moving against the flow of gravity - every second of every day, these particles are raining down on us, colliding with the particles in our body and dragging us down. If one can manipulate the flow of these particles around the spaceship, g-forces become a thing of the past. One can now accelerate and change direction on a dime without experiencing a net effect on the structure of the ship or on your physical body.

posted on Dec, 21 2019 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

...I'd get ready for some bizarre reverse logic, assuming you get any kind of meaningful reply at all, which is doubtful in my opinion.

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