posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 03:23 AM
Hello, residents of The Shed.
I feel like i have to do a little bit of reporting now. And there has been times, when i have been many days offline in a row, and that has made some
people worry. And it is not my purpose here to worry anyone.
Okay i will just level with you all, because there is not enough levels of eloquence within this universe to make this sound even remotely
I have been at my friend's place since Friday, it is Sunday now. Near noon. So as i binge drank almost all of December away, i also put aside all
responsibilities. I should have to get injected with antipsychotics once a month. And it is now a month late. It has been late before, due to me being
a miserable, train-wreck excuse for a human being. But not this much late. I am not delusional, i am not psychotic, but absolutely can't be alone
right now. Not a good idea.
Tomorrow, my friend goes to work early and is back at around 12 PM. I will borrow his phone and try to make contact, i need a nurse for 10 minutes. I
have the injection right here next to this laptop right now. If all else fails, i think i will try to stalk a facebook nurse community and offer 20
euros if there is someone to help me tomorrow. Have to go visit the booze shop if that happens, a tiny amount of strong alcohol for the purposes of
preventing infection.
I have drank, very moderate amounts. Beer. But mostly water. As is most likely obvious by now, it would be ultra stupid to further mess up my brain
chemistry with binge drinking. Not now.