posted on Dec, 13 2019 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to:
Been there felt that, I have an alternative not just potential mis-remembered event's which do occur and are sometimes down to false news and rumors
but also think about the possibility for parallel reality's to merge as well as diverge, what some call the Mandela affect, a name that come's from
just such an event that MAY have originated in false news OR may have been down to a reality schism, merging or cross reality migration of
consciousness as parallel reality's very close to one another either re-merged or else were for that time so close as to be in every way the same
reality and even shared energy and information between there two slightly divergent time stream's.
They usually describe it as false memory and collective false memory when many people share the same memory that is no longer REALITY even though
they remember it having been so, it is a misnomer as it may not be FALSE but merged reality echoes left over from the combining of two distinct time
stream's that may have diverged at some quantum event then somehow perhaps under the influence of a quantum gravity wave have re-merged back into a
single combined reality were some people still have residual information.
Another way is to think about it like Schrodinger cat in the box.
The cat can only be alive and dead at the same time if it is extant in multiple reality's and for the observer observing it is dependent upon which
of those reality's they are in, the cat is alive or dead depending on there observation but in another reality it is in the opposite state, if dead in
there reality it is still alive in that one.
So what I am saying is that your memory may not be false, it could be that you have quantum information exchanged from another reality OR it could
just be a false memory.
Apparently Einstein constantly lost his Key's or did he?.
This merging and diverging of reality's may be happening all of the time, or maybe it's just a cock'n'bull idea that has no merit, either way we only
know what we know and sometimes we learn what we thought we knew?.
If real then you are not unstuck in reality but your consciousness is actually larger in some way, it is existing in several reality's simultaneously
and is exchanging data between them, another mechanism that may merge reality's if consciousness has a quantum affect, our shared reality is the one
in which most of us exist, think about it as a common reality and it is the one we really live in - most of the time.
edit on 13-12-2019 by
LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)