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Retail theft at all time high

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posted on Dec, 10 2019 @ 06:03 PM
The use of self checkout is also at a all time high

Doubt that has anything at all to do with the op nope

posted on Dec, 10 2019 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
A reply to: UpIsNowDown

A sign on the shop door , Shoplifters will be shot would make you think twice about doing it we are far to soft on these criminals .

I was raised to believe in,Ask and you will receive, as most folk are kind-hearted by nature

But take a coat from a store with isurance and you will kill me? yeah real kind hearted

Crime should be punished of that there is no doubt but savagery as a punishment is not the answer, where do you draw the line on death for stealing, kids stealing sweets is ok surely, but once they over 16 pop pop to the head you should have known better?

posted on Dec, 10 2019 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
Last I checked this topic out employee theft was a bigger problem than shoplifters.

No joke there. My mother used to work for a chain drugstore for years, and the vast majority of theft was perpetrated by the employees, not people walking in. Her store had a higher-than-average turn-over rate at face value than other locations, but when you looked at the why -- employees getting canned for theft or quitting before they could get caught -- it made sense. At least the manager bothered to keep on top of it, he was a decent guy that didn't put up with it from his employees. Others do, though, because it's a judgement call on whether or not it's worth it to crack down on.

posted on Dec, 10 2019 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: UpIsNowDown

I really was brought up old school by people that cared and did not spare the rod ! “Thou shalt not steal.” is the seventh commandment ,

But take a coat from a store with isurance and you will kill me? yeah real kind hearted ..

Well you have to be cruel to be kind is the old saying and why steal a coat when you could walk into a thrift /second hand charity shop and ask for one and the volunteer worker will most likely give you one out of the goodness of their heart if your circumstances were that bad .

As another member mentioned years ago if the police took you home you already got a slap for getting in trouble but were more afraid of what was coming when you got home for bringing the cops to the door and the shame it caused with the neighbours .

I am from a country that shipped you half a world away to certain death for stealing a loaf not that long ago or sold you into slavery to the Americas for the same thing

Yes all kids steal sweets the world over , But they stopped giving the thrashings when you were caught , the short , sharp shock that is needed to cure the problem .

And yes if i worked in Retail in the USA i would have a snubbed nose .38 down my waist plus shotguns,stun guns and a baseball bat under the counter because that place is mean dude, then again so am i , I have seen enough videos of poor saps on minimum pay get robbed beaten and abused , They would try it once with me and their heads would be at the entrance to let the next mad funkie know that justice will be served up .

Where i am from up until not long ago people did not know what it was to lock a door , i have even gone away for weekends and left my keys in the outside in the lock of the house and car on occasion and nothing was touched because people did not want the hassle from the police and community but these are very different times we live in now , Drugs have ravaged all the world and brought standards down to gutter level , I just had a week away staying with a ill parent and discovered that i had left my front door unlocked and was lucky to find my place just as i had left it .

But i would happily knock the hell into any shoplifter who was resisting my arrest if i ever caught them because , rule 7
“Thou shalt not steal.” and number 10 “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.”

posted on Dec, 10 2019 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: markovian
The use of self checkout is also at a all time high

Doubt that has anything at all to do with the op nope

I won't go through self checkout. Firstly, its costing folks their jobs, and secondly, I don't work for these stores.

I'm not going to stand there doing someone else's job, that neither of us are going to get paid for; the worker if laid off or dismissed, and myself not being employed by the store.

Believe me, the offset is not worth paying a couple dimes less for soap.

posted on Dec, 10 2019 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

I don't know what happened, but sometime in the last 5 or so years retail theft changed. It appears that
there is little to no punishment for retail theft anymore. Shoplifting is everywhere and it is openly done and very brazen.
The thieves know there is no punishment so they are going crazy (at least here) Store workers aren't allowed to stop anything.
Look at this video, this guy has so many coats he can barely carry them. He even drops them and picks them up, and is off on his merry way.
Nobody does anything....

We all know who this hurts, we are all paying for this (except the guy in the video).

It is almost humorous how this is a daily occurrence now. Seriously, a daily occurrence. I don't even know why they show videos anymore. It's not as if there is any true punishment for these types of crimes.

Is this just our area or is this happening everywhere?

It's not in the last 5 years. Maybe you've only noticed it in the last 5 but this has been company policy for a long time. My first job was at Blockbuster video 14 years ago and we were told then that if someone shoplifts you had to let them leave. A $30 Bluray wasn't worth the potential hundreds to thousands the company would have to shell out if an employee was hurt in an altercation.

posted on Dec, 10 2019 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Now that guy with all the coats, running out the door.

Thats comedy.

Anyways, dont think even taking all the coats in the store would put a dent in production in bengladesh or china, and likely its all insured one way or another, and likley there stock went up a quarter of a point from all that merch that got moved around and written off.

Soooo. Ya, cant let that sort of behavior go on. Its just ridiculous. I say we go back to chopping a hand off of thieves like they did back in the day.

And just to be courteous, make it the left hand. Nobody needs there left hand anyways. Unless of course? Your a lefty!

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 01:50 AM
I used to be a loss prevention officer. People have no idea how much gets stolen. It is absolutely on the rise here in Canada.

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: JAGStorm

Except we aren't paying for this. Maybe in a small store, but for large stores, they're paying $5.00 for an item that retails for $100.00+.

Stores get worked up about retail theft at Christmas every single year in hopes it will scare thieves into not doing it, it's propaganda in a way.

Could I please have a source on that. Retail margins are pretty low these days. Nobody makes even close to that level of profit. Maybe 5% on a budget product to 10% on a premium one and that's being generous. On electronics it's 1-3%. Big stores make their profit selling large quantities, stores like Walmart barely make a profit on individual sales, they need to ship boxes and boxes to make a profit, they stay in business because they make a dollar profit on each sale but them make a hundred million sales.

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

So you don't work in retail and have not been subject to relentless stealing from your store but you still want to carry a snub nose, man you got some anger issues. You quote the bible and commandments often, which one is it that states kill people for stealing?

Do they issue guns to people with such a passion to kill over trivial things. Sounds scarier than theft to me.

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The same is true of personal property theft, and I'm talking felony level theft, not minor stuff. We've been hit twice. The people and police that we've talked to have all said it's increased markedly in the last 3 - 4 years, and that it's due to druggies. I personally wonder if the expanded use of Narcan has contributed to the problem. "Let's keep more of these f****rs alive so they can victimize the innocent as long as possible."

We thought our place was hardened enough. It is never enough. Busy working on increasing it ever since Saturday, and frankly, it will never stop now. As far as my husband is concerned, this place is now like one of his military installations that has to be ever improved upon. I thought it was overkill at first; now I don't.

As for retail theft, the local CVS no longer has baskets for carrying items, just carts. Too many people ran out of the store with the baskets. Walmart checks every bag leaving the store. Kroger has had old women knocked down (and injured to the point of hospitalization) as thieves run into and past them after nearly getting caught with stuff. Yeah. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

BTW, if you're an apologist for criminals, please don't respond. I am not interested in those types of thoughts or comments and will not respond to them. I have had it. Civility matters, and I'm losing my grip on it.
edit on 11-12-2019 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 05:44 AM
Ultimately this will lead to the acceptance of omnipresent facial recognition and social credit score systems by the general population ...and that may very well be intentional.

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 06:01 AM
I hope you're wrong but worry you may be right.

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 06:33 AM

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown
a reply to: stonerwilliam

So you don't work in retail and have not been subject to relentless stealing from your store but you still want to carry a snub nose, man you got some anger issues. You quote the bible and commandments often, which one is it that states kill people for stealing?

Do they issue guns to people with such a passion to kill over trivial things. Sounds scarier than theft to me.

If I have someone trying to steal my stuff they better be able to outrun a bullet.

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Captain O'Hagan : There was a time when we'd take a guy like you in the back and beat you with a hose. Now you've got your God-damned unions.

Farva : Cap'n... you know I'm not a pro-union guy.

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

A lot of stores have a no confrontation policy which im guessing is to avoid the employee getting hurt and possibly suing the company.

It's also possible that retail stores aren't hiring security. Or enough security.

Or maybe it's in a high crime area and thieves know that it takes a long time for police to awnser theft calls.

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Works in china!

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by: UpIsNowDown
a reply to: stonerwilliam

So you don't work in retail and have not been subject to relentless stealing from your store but you still want to carry a snub nose, man you got some anger issues. You quote the bible and commandments often, which one is it that states kill people for stealing?

Do they issue guns to people with such a passion to kill over trivial things. Sounds scarier than theft to me.

I have a friend who works in security for a supermarket and another who runs a store and have heard and seen enough with my own eyes and ears to know, me and a job in retail would not mix here in the UK , I am far too violent to have a licence to do security or door work, You can imagine what I would be like in the USA with easily available guns,

To stop the current wave of thieving you need to get back to old school, Not quite nailing people to crosses beside someone called Yoshua but society is letting this happen for a reason.

I actually know people who act like the person in the video, I only need to pop into my town centre for a coffee at MacDonalds to watch these people operate in a town and regularly see how stuff from shoplifters ends up on sites like Ebay and Craigslist , i bought cell/mobile covers years ago online and was setting of shop security with them in my backpack as i took them to a friend

I much prefer building site rules ,You steal and get caught and the brown stuff hits the fan , everyone knows that and NOBODY messes with it or else , from the age of 21 i was running firms of 40 plus men and never had to deal with thieving , if guys wanted something they asked and it was given , In my time as a foreman site agent etc i have caught guys up to a few things but never robbing with intent , caught one sniffing a ladies panties
another one reading someone s mail and another getting hammered from the booze cabinet and they got named and shamed like you expect , Some of my clients were very rich and famous people over the years so i must have been ok at what i do , Not retail

But times have changed fast and hard drugs and their use have totally ruined society , as you can tell from my user name i take a smoke but have never stolen to feed my habit or ever stolen anything to dishonour the people that raised me , I regularly see videos on television of working people who look clean and presentable from hidden spy cameras in homes here in the UK robbing people who have turned their backs and i am sickened by what i see

Not on my shift , yes i am a mean xxxxxxx who gets the job done but i would also take the shirt of my back to help you out if you needed it and give you half what i had if you asked for it , But 2 things i hate always have Lies and thieves and mad funkies tick both boxes there , i am what you would call a straight shooter in life and i am no angel , i have laughed at judges in court and said the worst you can do to me is give me two meals a day and a bed and that was not for shoplifting

If i worked in retail it would be a very short career as i would spend most of my time attending court for what i would dish out to those i caught stealing

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: charlyv
a reply to: Atsbhct

Except we aren't paying for this. Maybe in a small store, but for large stores, they're paying $5.00 for an item that retails for $100.00+.

Not even close. Large stores operate on very tight profit margins due to competition, and rely heavily on volume. The theft of an item usually results in the store having to sell 10 or more of that item to make up the loss.

No they don't. I work in one. A part that costs $1.70 for a phone cost $89.99 to the customer. The margins are not tight, if the margins are tight y'all need a new supplier.

An item on my shelf that cost us $14 is sold for $69.99 these are not tight margins by any means. There are loss leader items, sure; but there are metric tons of items with MASSIVE profits, and they are common items. For instance, watch batteries is another big one. We pay 30 cents for each of them, and we sell them for $12.83. Our price went up because competitor prices are even more than that in my area.

Pshhhhh. Retail is big business. The reason why there is "tight margins" is because profitable stores subsidize the poor profit of stores they have no right to have open. So the store I work in has 7 stores under the franchise owner, and they all work off the profit of 2 that work really well.

In other words, we shouldn't have 7 stores, we should only have 2. Nationwide my chain has 740+ stores, and I'd say over half of them are taking L's year over year, and the other half pay the bills to keep those stores open.

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 01:39 PM
IOW: Achieving the American Dream by way of shortcuts

ripping off retailers is not a way-to-get-even-with-the-Rich or even the Mega-Corporations with scads of cash-wealth-money

the households of the perps. must be low-esteem cauldrons of disrespect, self-importance, Ego's ready to explode----
their sanctuary dwellings must be more like viper pits and not places of congenial living... but I could be wrong

the House Democrats & their Inquiry & Intel Committees have set a low bar standard on behavior & ripping off the public-at-large with 2 years of Do-Nothing Legislating to chase an exaggerated Impeachment, with a Psycho-drama Clown Opera with a cast of politicians in grease paint

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