I got a threatening phone call today from the "Social Security Administration" saying my social security number has been compromised and it would be
locked out if I did not do something about it. They said my name and social security number were used to rent several properties in Texas. And that
my social security number was used to transfer $236,000 out of the country to known drug dealers. They gave me my home and address and one in Texas.
I said only live at my home address. I kept trying to probe the guy to find out if it was a scam. Eventually he got angry with me and started
threatening to pass my "case" to the the "Treasury Department". I said if you think I did something wrong then bring it. Let's dance. Get someone
to show up on my front door and give me an indictment. Charge with a crime otherwise you are just scam. We argued a bit more and then I said my best
friend is an FBI agent and right after this call I'm going to give him all your information about this call. The guy then immediately hung up on
I did some research on this type of scam and found this:
In Quebec we have a scammer calling on cell phones, and convincing people they are from the "Department of Justice". For reference, in Quebec, the
real Department of Justice doesn't call you on your cell phone. Don't fall for that scam either.
this one and many others have been going around for a while. I got the IRS scam about 3-4 times a day for a while. Nobody official is going to call
you and threaten you, it will be done by a law enforcement person delivering papers, or by certified mail.
Also, never let Microsoft into your PC when they call. it's a scam, and if you do let them in, you will wish you hadn't.
I like to break into my awful Spanish voice when I get one of those calls. I have free time, and it amuses me.
a reply to: dfnj2015
Kitboga is one of the best 'scambaiters' on youtube. His videos are a public service and very educational...as well as funny as hell and
He has a lot of Social Security scam videos, refund scammers, IRS scammers etc etc.
I highly recommend watching and sharing his videos with people you feel may be susceptible to being scammed like this.
I don't know why the video starts half way through, just manually click to the beginning
edit on 12 9 2019 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)
This is pretty common. I get one of those a week. Also, IRS calls, credit card calls, calls from Apple support, Microsoft license expiry calls, etc.
My favorite are the ones where they say my computer is spamming the Internet and they have to "fix" the problem. They all have fake caller IDs. In
fact, it's surprising how many times my own phone number shows up on the caller id. Sure, I could "not answer the phone," but given my wife's
business, I must answer and be initially polite because it might be for her. They are a nuisance, for sure, but if you don't get these calls, you're
living a sheltered life.
My disabled neighbor got sucked into one of these ploys! They even kept her on the phone while she went to the bank to talk to them about getting a
loan to pay them the money she "owed" them.
originally posted by: stosh64
a reply to: dfnj2015
Kitboga is one of the best 'scambaiters' on youtube. His videos are a public service and very educational...as well as funny as hell and
He has a lot of Social Security scam videos, refund scammers, IRS scammers etc etc.
I highly recommend watching and sharing his videos with people you feel may be susceptible to being scammed like this.
I don't know why the video starts half way through, just manually click to the beginning
Kitbonga is a riot. I was gonna post a vid of his but you beat me to the punch.
Anyone can be fooled by a con-artist. You don't have to be stupid or uneducated. Sometimes the most gullible are the highly educated and intelligent.
Anyone can fall for a scam if they don't have their guard up.
Unfortunately we live in a world where more and more thieves and unscrupulous leech off of the trusting and good people of the world.
I've listened to some of those calls with Kitbonga and these people are pure evil. He will play as an older woman, usually say she is 87 years old.
They yell at her, scream at her, cuss at her, tell her to commit suicide, the things they do to emotionally harass her is disgusting.
This Bible verse really aptly applies to all that filthy scum:
"And they did not repent of their murders nor of their spiritistic practices nor of their sexual immorality nor of their thefts."-Revelation
" Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and those who are sexually immoral and the murderers and the idolaters and
everyone who loves and practices lying.’"-Revelation 22:15.
And this one:
" But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those
practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second
death.”-Revelation 21:8.
The Bible puts that filthy and disgusting type of lying scamming thievery on par with the practice of demonism, spiritism, and murder. They all think
its fun a games. I heard one of these scummy scammers after realizing who kigbanga was tell him how rich he had gotten off of scamming "stupid
How he fails to realize that all the lying and thieving he has done is going to catch up with him. In the end he is the stupid one. And no one stupid
is going to have a standing before the judgement seat when that day arrives. No one gets away with evil in the end.
This is why you should NEVER answer any phone call from any number you don't recognize.
If you want to stop this do what I have done. I don't answer any call at all that can't identify the caller and I know the caller.
Then I have this message on all my voicemail.
"If you are a friend, family member, business I love, or I asked you to call. Please leave a message. If you are a political caller, a solicitor
or a scammer, put me on your do not call list."
Works every single time. I only get voicemail from people I want to hear from and then call them back.
DO NOT I repeat NEVER EVER answer any phone call from any unknown number. If it is important they will leave a voicemail and you can call them
If a robot is talking to you about social security or its. Then it's fake. These people dont use robots. They hardly use phones. If you're in trouble
with them. You'll know it. And it wont be a robot doing it.