I came to the same conclusion as Rush and the others without even listening to them.
How? I read about the over 600+ people assaulted for wearing a MAGA hat. I heard not one single Democratic leader decry this and say stop it.
I read about ANTIFA rioting, destroying property, assaulting people just to stop conservative people from being allowed to speak. Often cities who
are Democratic Party run, told police not to arrest or stop this behavior and to overlook it entirely and let it go.
I read ATS/Quora where conservatives are regularly told they are racists just for being conservative, and sexists, and homophobes and Islamophobes.
I watched as people were (doxed) cyber bullied for having conservative thoughts and ideas and were driven out of their jobs, had their personal lives
ruined, had their businesses shuttered. This has happened over and over and over by the Hollywood Democrats, and regular progressive liberal
Democrats alike. Not just Hollywood but the overwhelmingly Democratic tech industry is famous for firing people who dare to express a conservative
thought, any conservative thought or idea.
I watched as Christian businesses were targeted (and I clearly noted not one single Muslim business was targeted) for destruction because they did not
want to create art (cakes/flower arranging/creating artistic invitations) that went against their religious beliefs. I say targeted because one of
these businesses never denied gay couples anything, just said they might when interviewed; another had gay employees who lost their jobs when the
shop was forced to close due to liberal harassment/doxing/lawsuits. Christians were purposely targeted (not Muslims who have the same basic belief
when it comes to homosexuality, actually stronger) for personal destruction, loss of livelihood, and loss of businesses.
Now tell me all of the above doesn't demonstrate, without listening to one single conservative talk show, the deep and abiding hatred the
progressive/liberal/leftist Democrats have for everyone and anyone who dares to have a political thought they disagree with.
I haven't seen any Congressional or Senatorial Democratic Party leaders openly tell their constituents and party member to stop this hateful, mean and
destructive behavior. To me this says they tacitly approve of it and it is DNC policy to behave in this way.
The really sad thing is this behavior is not being done by the fringe elements of the Democratic Party, but by regular everyday Democrats. Like the
ones who rushed Rand Paul when minding his own business, eating lunch, and screamed at him and threatened his entire party - the were average looking
40-50ish white liberal Democrats behaving in this truly hateful manner.
Sure the right has fringe elements who do awful things. If that were true on the left, then one could dismiss it as fringe nut jobs. But
everyday, average Democrats are doing this not as a group but as individuals who feel compelled to assault and attack people they identify as having
voted for Trump or who are conservative. This is frightening. Yes, I will not utter a conservative thought in public out of fear that a Democrat
might verbally attack or worse if they overhear me speaking.
I came to this conclusion without listening to Rush or the others. All on my own, just reading the news, and I read multiple sources and
international sources, not just conservative sources.
edit on 12/8/19 by The2Billies because: addition