posted on Dec, 5 2019 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to:
Vasa Croe
it took me the best part of 10 minutes to get my brain to 'recapture' the feelings of seeing 'deeper' than the 2 dimensional images
the resonance of 'seeing' through the layers of metaphor/symbols stitched together to create a multi-dimensional fabric in my mind was foreign at
first but like remembering youthful days gone by.... the minds eye finally engaged
but the price paid was that the menu seemed
Sophomoric …(but not in a critical sense)
the initial appetizer served to the viewer was kinda like my Astral Projections since my ~Age of Reason~ around 10-11 yrs... together with the
gender-neutral bodies which were initially shown, so as to not cause undue anxiety to viewers...politeness or the prompting of future rainbow culture