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Only 201 years ago today Illinois becomes the 21st state

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posted on Dec, 3 2019 @ 01:47 PM
Seen me a sasquatch in Illy.
No joke.
Scouts honor.

posted on Dec, 3 2019 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

I like these "today in history" threads you do...keep 'em coming.

posted on Dec, 4 2019 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam LOL,yeah right the pioneers built giant elaborate buildings which cost millions,yet they lived in shacks,with a horse and a rope,BS,the British then invaded a country felled by disaster,changed true history,look at mapped US before 1800's,then look now,2 different looking places,and Calif was an island

posted on Dec, 5 2019 @ 05:03 AM

originally posted by: Oldtimer2
a reply to: stonerwilliam LOL,yeah right the pioneers built giant elaborate buildings which cost millions,yet they lived in shacks,with a horse and a rope,BS,the British then invaded a country felled by disaster,changed true history,look at mapped US before 1800's,then look now,2 different looking places,and Calif was an island

I have noticed that myself while searching Mudfllood videos online especially in San Francisco and saw it with my own 2 eyes here in the uk while at work , surprising what is under our feet

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