posted on Dec, 2 2019 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to:
I certainly do hope they have not squandered millions on buying those thing's, we could create our own for nothing and with modern technology even
put the original concept of an ARMED flying soldier into practice BUT what chance would they have against modern technology, auto track radar (and
laser) guided gun's and other offense/defence systems, not very much.
Though for quickly and cheaply sending a couple of lads over to skiff I suppose they could work but why not just give them jet ski's even cheaper.
As you know the jet pack was not a big success in the states and ended up being used at shows as a crowd pleaser BUT the original concept was for
flying soldiers armed with everything from machine gun's to rocket launchers able to take out tank's from the air, problem was not implementing a
weapon system that could have been done it was the range, they burn up there fuel so fast that they literally only have a couple of minutes of flight
time at best.
That is why the helicopter was chosen instead by the US military, a stable long duration multi role platform able to provide cover to troop's on the
ground, deliver them to hot spot's rapidly AND get them back out again as well as get into places were a plane never could.
And MisterSpock put's it in a nutshell even if we could solve all the problems with them the jet pack is outdated technology, noisy as well and
unmanned automated systems are the future not only of aerial warfare but also naval and ground combat.