posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 07:47 PM
Evening everybody. It's been quite a long time since I've posted on ATS. So I'll cut to the chase:
I'm in my final semester of school in a political behavior class. As one of our last assignments, we have to create a poll about a political topic
then write an analysis of it. Of course the professor doesn't expect it to be a gigantic thing - the assignment only requires 25 total responses.
It's just an exercise. Anyway, as per usual, my school is quite left wing, and my professor is as well. Although, refreshingly, she is not an
absolute bleeding heart. To her, being more left wing is something of a reaction to her more religious upbringing. She isn't hostile to right wing
ideas (I have been very open about it this entire semester and never been shamed or felt like my grade was at risk because of it). So, I've decided
to create a poll about firearms.
Often times, we hear very broad claims from gallup, pew, etc, that "65% of Americans support stricter background checks" or "Americans agree gun
violence is an issue", etc. But oftentimes, the nuance behind these results is completely absent. For example: I personally am not opposed to
background checks even on private gun sales. (Maybe not as a legal requirement, but in a manner that doing so absolves the seller of all civil and
legal guilt if the person they are selling to commits a crime with said gun - but that's besides the point of this topic). I made a short poll that
is meant to somewhat gauge how firearm owners feel about new regulations, and how they feel about legit compromise (and I'm not talking about the
DNC's version of "compromise" where letting us keep 5 round bolt action rifles is the definition of being "pro 2a")
The poll is pointed and slanted politically. That is by design. It calls out left wing politicians several times and that is because left wing
politicians are the opposing force of gun ownership. Also, the free account on surveymonkey only allows for 10 total questions. So there's that.
I will link the poll, but the first question asks if you own an assault rifle. No, this isn't data mining. I picked that question because people who
are likely to own assault rifles are much more personally invested in firearm ownership than your average guy who just owns a pistol for home defense
and doesn't shoot very often. Someone like that is going to be much more willing to compromise (at least, I personally feel) than someone who owns an
assault rifle. It is a part of my analysis.
Mods, apologies in advance if this is against forum rules. That is not the intent. If it is against them, go ahead and delete. Thank you everyone in
advance for your participation if you choose to assist me in this assignment.