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Family structure a major factor in racial school conduct disparities

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posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Boadicea

It shouldn't matter because kuds not ready to learn shouldn't be in the classroom...

... to notice the disparity if one were to exist...

So disparities are okay as long as no one sees? Sounds like something straight our of Schiff's playbook...

...which is the easy assumption to maker because it's the one we get fed.

We get "fed" lots of crap. We all choose what/which crap we believe.

; Dontravius isn't failing because his momma never taught him how to sit down and sit still and show rtespect and he has no daddy to do it, so he runs all over and screams and hits other kuds, nope ... he's failing because his teacher and school suspend him cause he's black.

That's what they're convinced of so it HAS to be true, right?

What a pathetic copout. You know as well as I do that I never said that. And you also know that if that's what I thought and that's what I wanted to say, I damn well would have. At no time have I blamed teachers for the bad behavior of kids. I have and will loudly and proudly question their methods and motivations for dealing with the bad behavior. Because they are failing miserably.

And I would tell any parent dealing with the negative consequences of the teachers'/admin's piss poor performance that you need to challenge the ADULTS IN CHARGE... not talk trash about a bunch of kids who do not know any better. If they actually want better for their kids that is. Otherwise, just carry on. Keep doing the same things and keep getting the same results.

edit on 24-11-2019 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

A specialized type of schooling that works on those social skills kids geberally do learn in intact families. It would need heavy father figure and mentoring and the risks for abuse are heavy given the records for CPS ... oi! Tough one.

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

So just how much do you expect a teacher to do?

1. She teaches general ed
2. She teaches mainstreamed kids with LDs, some very severe that maybe shouldn't be mainstreamed
3. She is often asked to accelerate curriculum for some
4. Now you want her to teach the kuds who never learned basic social behaviors how to be civilized on top of it? And then remediate?!

At what point do we begin to acknowledge that not all these kuds can be adequately served by one person in the same environment no matter how "fair" it might appear?

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 10:56 AM
Generally speaking school systems reflect the community they serve. A school system that primarily serves middle and upper class intact families will always be a good school system because it is the students who make the school system.

In my villages case, we have one of the best k thru 12 school system in the state. However, we still have below average performance of black students so we know it isn't the schools or resources. Our school has a 100 million surplus.

The school has to provide after school resources to help the students who go back to broken homes. It is clearly a culture problem.

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

At what point do we begin to acknowledge that not all these kuds can be adequately served by one person in the same environment no matter how "fair" it might appear?

Uh.... golly gee...Maybe at the point where I suggested the option that they be removed from the classroom and educated separately!!!

At what freaking point do we acknowledge the possibility -- if not the reality -- that plenty of these kids are so physically, mentally and emotionally impaired by lead poisoning (and other environmental toxins) that they LITERALLY cannot do better without intervention??? And likewise for their parents???

Do you want to solve the problems or do you just want to bitch about a bunch of kids? Do you want to keep doing what we're doing and keep getting the same results? Seriously. You have far more to lose than I do. My kids are out of school and doing great. If I am ever blessed with grandkids, I've already promised to homeschool them. It's not my problem. Talking trash to me and about me won't fix the problem any more than talking trash about these kids.

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Perhaps you should reread what I wrote again. Sorry it"s brief but I am saying they don't NEED TO BE THERE EITHER!

They need to learn how to behave before they go there. Then we don't need to consider your racist punishment question. The study shows as much.

Blacks of whole family are punished LESS THAN whites from broken families.

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Boadicea

...we don't need to consider your racist punishment question. The study shows as much...

Yeah... that's it... my racist punishment question.

Okay, Kets. We'll leave it here.

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

FFS I am stuck hunt and peck w/ my freaking left hand. How detailed do you expect me to effing be?!

You went there, not me.

Even all that aside, the punish ment might still be racist ...

In other words, are Black kids disciplined more harshly than White kids for the same bad behavior? Does the Black child receive in-school suspension more often than the White child for the same bad behavior?

Your words ... Iget it. The world is all racist with you ...

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: thegeneraldisarray
Stop incentivizing having kids. If you are on welfare and have one kid already, you need proof of a depo shot before you can receive the money. I live in the central city and so many times when I get chatted up by a black man and tell them I don't have kids, they are flabbergasted. Black women have kids they can't afford and their baby daddies don't have income on paper, so they get a free ride from baby momma's checks and crash at her Section 8 pad. So there is no incentive to be a father on paper whatsoever. That's a good first step. As of now, society feeds these little paychecks three meals a day even in summer, give them winter coats, and now an organization in our state is actually building beds for these kids!
If you can't afford them, don't have them! Stop rewarding mindless baby-making.

Actually, that's less of an issue priority than it's a priority to make it known to a single babydaddy ho of any race that kind of lifestyle is not acceptable. What needs done from all political categories is to encourage using the mush between the ears to pick better mates, and strongly encourage & prefer the committed relationships (and openly shaming the relationship-hoppers wouldn't hurt here)

A little tough love handling of such crap choices is needed, it's been out of hand too long to fix any other way.

After that, the priority needs to focus on getting back to the stay-at-home-parent lifestyle, otherwise you just have latchkey kids of overworked married parents running amok instead.
edit on 11/24/2019 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

4. Now you want her to teach the kuds who never learned basic social behaviors how to be civilized on top of it? And then remediate?!

As a non-us citizen, I do not know how things are there. But i have read a lot of articles online about it, and it looks like they seems to focusing more on sex-education on Kindergarten. I do not say that they shouldn´t but instead of placing too much focus on it, maybe they should give more priority on basic social behaviors in Kindergarten.

That can surely help those kids in the long run. And i agree with you concerning the heavy load the teachers have currently on their shoulders. Just my 2 cents on that matter.


posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

I agree on stay at home, but that means weakening the grip of feminism to some degree. Too much emphasis on the idea that a woman is more fulfilled by a career than by being a mother.

Granted, I didn't fully give up work, but I spent and am still spending more time as mom than as a desk jockey. With today's electronic life, tjis should much more workable for many women to catch a few work hours online and spend the bulk being mom too.

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Nyiah

I agree on stay at home, but that means weakening the grip of feminism to some degree. Too much emphasis on the idea that a woman is more fulfilled by a career than by being a mother.

They'd never settle for that, they'd have to admit they really can't have it all just easy-peasy. Even dads of the traditional SAHM homes give up a little in terms of personal wants/desires to fund the home & family so that the rest may flourish. One parent has to take one for the team, ultimately, for the best possible family outcome. That indeed means more of the family rearing falls on the SAH parent than the working one, BUT it's more stable and thorough attention to the kids that way from one, than to have that reduced all around just so both parents can keep up with the proverbial joneses and have moar money to spoil the kids with to make up for the parents working & not being around enough. It's a self-feeding loop of disconnectedness. It really is.

Granted, I didn't fully give up work, but I spent and am still spending more time as mom than as a desk jockey. With today's electronic life, tjis should much more workable for many women to catch a few work hours online and spend the bulk being mom too.

I can see the logic of working PT during school hours, that's the window of hours for it if you have to put in hours for one reason or another, IMO. And in the careers that allow for telecommuting, that should be offered substantially more than it is. If the work hours could be logged during school hours, and after bedtime, that would be an ideal work-from-home option that at least theoretically should be much more prolific than it is. It makes you wonder why companies are dragging their heels on the option.

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Boadicea

FFS I am stuck hunt and peck w/ my freaking left hand. How detailed do you expect me to effing be?!

I expect nothing. But no worries... you are making your point quite clear.


In other words, are Black kids disciplined more harshly than White kids for the same bad behavior? Does the Black child receive in-school suspension more often than the White child for the same bad behavior?


Your words ... I get it. The world is all racist with you ...

At no time did I make any such blanket statement (as my words prove). If I wanted to make such a statement, I would have made such a statement. I did not make such a statement because I did not want to make that statement.

I do not have all the facts so I do not know. So I asked questions. No conclusions. Just questions.

My words speak for me. Your words speak for you.

posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: trollz

I think the lesson here folks is don't have children (men and women) unless you will commit - ethically and legaly to raise the children together.

If you cannot make that commitment, you have no plan for raising your children - they come first, second and last. That's how you get (in most not all) healthy well-adjusted children. That and turn off the fing media.

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