posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 07:46 PM
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Totally agree!
I've noticed the "monkey see-monkey do" many times over.
Also teaching them to do things in line with any natural talents they display always does work best. The trick is observing them long enough to figure
out what those are. It takes patience.
The only time I had success without that going for me was one cat, who was born literally google eyed, fearful/suspicious of everything for no
apparent reason, also refused to be petted or handled. Despite seeing two others who adored it for 7 years.
Keebler had issues.
Till one day for no particular reason I booped her on the nose. It was nothing more than a crime of opportunity on my part. Heheheh! Damned if later
that evening she climbed up on the back of the recliner an FFS!!! She Booped my head!!!
Boopings lead to actual petting an now she, like every cat everywhere in the history of the world, is insisting on attention an shedding all over
anything black or navy blue in the house.
I will never ever fathom how her little mind worked on that deal.
Who knew cats had "On" buttons?