a reply to:
Thank you for the compliment!!
I will try and see if I get this correct but from what I understand you want this image:
as your "avatar"...
It may be wise to first see if we are on the same page where it concerns terminology because this get's confused a lot.
Our profile space" is devided into two seperate sections. One being the avatar and the other being the mini-profile background.
The confusion usually starts where people think these long images (200x1600 pixels) like the one above are our avatar. They are the mini-profile
The actual avatar space is reserved between your username and your stats and can only be 170 pixels wide by 240 pixels tall, with a maximum file size
of 75kb. In your case this picture is your avatar...
It is larger than the allowed size (720x540 pixels) but gets reduced to 170x240 to fit the avatar space.
somewhere admin/software allowed for a blank (transparant) avatar to be used which goes beyond these restrictions to allow the mini-profile background
to be shown without being cut off and repeated.
If you want to try it out below is are both images to try and see if we can get your mini-profile background to be shown in full.
First is the transparant avatar. In between these line is a transparant avatar:
Just right-click in between the lines and save the image as "blank avatar" to your device. Upload it to your image gallery and click the "set as
avatar (!!! not background, avatar!!!)" button in the right upper corner.
I resized your background image a bit because it was a little too wide but if you right-click and save this one:
Upload it to your image gallery and click the "make this image your mini-profile background" it should show your entire background in full...
I hope I kind of explained the difference between avatar and mini-profile background correctly...
edit on 17-11-2019 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)