posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 04:09 AM
Here we go again...
More than 11,000 experts sign an emergency declaration warning that energy, food and reproduction must change immediately.
By Eric Roston
November 5, 2019, 8:00 AM MST
Forty years ago, scientists from 50 nations converged on Geneva to discuss what was then called the “CO2-climate problem.” At the time, with
reliance on fossil fuels having helped trigger the 1979 oil crisis, they predicted global warming would eventually become a major environmental
After many of these scientists claimed that we were headed for an Ice Age...
Now, read this carefully. I predicted this and people were complaining that "no one in the left wants to depopulate the Earth", or something like
The scientists make specific calls for policymakers to quickly implement systemic change to energy, food, and economic policies. But they go one step
further, into the politically fraught territory of population control. It “must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually
reduced—within a framework that ensures social integrity,” they write.
I wonder if the whole list of these scientists will be made public to see what they are experts of exactly. Anyways, you read it right. Not only do
left-wing scientists want population control, they are also calling for depopulation/aka to reduce the number of people on Earth. These
same left-wing scientists are calling for governments, with them left-wing scientists, to control how many children people have, just like in China.
They also want for wealthy people to have even less children than non-wealthy people. In other words, these "left-wing scientists" want the people
whom are reproducing less around the world in western nations to have even less children, meanwhile allowing people in third world countries to have
more children than the wealthy people. They also want the whole population of the world to eventually become "vegan", and have called for other
"left-wing policies". These scientists have stated that we need a policy even more dramatic than the "Green New Deal," as well as using climate
change to further other left-wing agendas.
Soon enough these "policymakers"(they shouldn't really be called scientists since they want left-wing policies/agendas implemented which have
nothing to do with climate change) will call for China to the the leader of the world, or for other countries to impose the 1 child the policies of
China in western nations. As I remember people in western nations are reproducing at a rate of about 1.2-1.5 children, and since these scientists
want people in wealthy western nations to reproduce less, it would mean a reproduction in western countries of 1 or less...