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Savior or Antichrist? You Decide!

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posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 04:30 AM
I had a dream! - No this is not a MLK speech this is more to do with a voice or rather the man or child that the voice came from.

First I thought who is he, why does he resonate with me and the things I at times think of myself about the issue we have today.

It was in that moment I realized that the voice of this man or child was a voice of reason, a voice that began to give partial solution and it all began to resonate even more.

He was not of great build, he was not beautiful or toned as our society deems required by standards of unbelievable goals set by industries, he seemed young and yet had wisdom. What was more shocking is that he was in a wheelchair and I think stricken due to genetics as he said he knew what it was like to run and yet now can not etc, he spoke of coming from a rich family that then immigrated and became poor so he has experienced both sides of life.

The individual used many words such as:

- "We"
- "Humanity"
- "The People"
- "Truth"

Also from what I gathered is that he is someone that lived in several countries, experiencing different cultures and is like an open book, furthermore there was something odd about him.

Have you ever looked at an individual or listened to the way they spoke and just knew they were what we call "An Old Soul"?

I could not put my finger on it but he came off as someone who was aware of his past life and used the experiences as wisdom during his speaking etc.

He will use social media to come out of nowhere and although at first many will not notice him but when he does get picked up he will reshape the political and global structure of our race as a whole planet.

The more I experienced him in the dream the more I realised that - What if he is the savior we've all been waiting for?

What if he's the Anti-Christ?

or... maybe just maybe I read in different texts and predictions that there will come a child, a ruler who will speak truth and smash nations like potteries and that this child will be the real extension of God's will on Earth.

He seemed partial oriental and yet more of a Euro Asian mixture, maybe Russian or German... I don't know exactly but there was something about him just a strange resonance that when he spoke resonated within you on a soul like level.

It's a crazy dream! I know but let's say for one minute that this individual will soon show up.

How will the world react? Are we ready as humans to be lead by such an individual?

Is he a Savior or Antichrist?

What do you all think?
edit on 3-11-2019 by WanderingMrM because: Hmm...

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 05:02 AM
Sounds like a dream. Not either of those posed in the topic.

but should they appear, then... demons to some, angels to others.

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

What if he's the Anti-Christ?

or... maybe just maybe I read in different texts and predictions that there will come a child, a ruler who will speak truth and smash nations like potteries and that this child will be the real extension of God's will on Earth.

It's a crazy dream! I know but let's say for one minute that this individual will soon show up.

How will the world react? Are we ready as humans to be lead by such an individual?

Is he a Savior or Antichrist?

What do you all think?

Well Jesus will return when humanity are on the brink of annihilation, not as a child, He will be judging the nations. The book of Revelations was written in a code so the Romans wouldn’t understand it but
It’s clear your dream is not Jesus, He is the only saviour I would be expecting

The antichrist, well anyone who doesn’t accept Christ is antichrist. I guess the one you are referring to, a politician probably, a Jew probably, very smart, wise and extremely charismatic, probably a religious man who even acts like a christian and talks like a christian

I doubt your dream is relevant from a Christian context in any way shape or form

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 05:59 AM
Anyone who talks of 'humanity' and 'we' ain't the Holy Son. The Holy Son suffers for each of us to this very day... on an individual level. Thats why there should be a tear in your eye. He won't rest until each and every individual is restored to their glory in eternal freedom, goodness, and grace with him and the Holy Father. He didnt just suffer, he still suffers until YOU return home to him. Thats the majestic beauty of the Fathers love for each and every one, on a deep personal individual level.
edit on 3-11-2019 by LoneBird because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-11-2019 by LoneBird because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Stop doing drugs. Stop sharing the meanderings and obviously insane mine. Dreams are not reality. It's only reality if more than one person experiences the exact same thing. Satan and the anti-Christ are superstitious pareidolia. All religous judgments only occur in our minds and our imaginations. Thanks God we have science. This is all I got.

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
I had a dream! - No this is not a MLK speech this is more to do with a voice or rather the man or child that the voice came from.

First I thought who is he, why does he resonate with me and the things I at times think of myself about the issue we have today.

It was in that moment I realized that the voice of this man or child was a voice of reason, a voice that began to give partial solution and it all began to resonate even more.

He was not of great build, he was not beautiful or toned as our society deems required by standards of unbelievable goals set by industries, he seemed young and yet had wisdom. What was more shocking is that he was in a wheelchair and I think stricken due to genetics as he said he knew what it was like to run and yet now can not etc, he spoke of coming from a rich family that then immigrated and became poor so he has experienced both sides of life.

The individual used many words such as:

- "We"
- "Humanity"
- "The People"
- "Truth"

Also from what I gathered is that he is someone that lived in several countries, experiencing different cultures and is like an open book, furthermore there was something odd about him.

Have you ever looked at an individual or listened to the way they spoke and just knew they were what we call "An Old Soul"?

I could not put my finger on it but he came off as someone who was aware of his past life and used the experiences as wisdom during his speaking etc.

He will use social media to come out of nowhere and although at first many will not notice him but when he does get picked up he will reshape the political and global structure of our race as a whole planet.

The more I experienced him in the dream the more I realised that - What if he is the savior we've all been waiting for?

What if he's the Anti-Christ?

or... maybe just maybe I read in different texts and predictions that there will come a child, a ruler who will speak truth and smash nations like potteries and that this child will be the real extension of God's will on Earth.

He seemed partial oriental and yet more of a Euro Asian mixture, maybe Russian or German... I don't know exactly but there was something about him just a strange resonance that when he spoke resonated within you on a soul like level.

It's a crazy dream! I know but let's say for one minute that this individual will soon show up.

How will the world react? Are we ready as humans to be lead by such an individual?

Is he a Savior or Antichrist?

What do you all think?

I'm sorry, I dont believe you dreamed this. It's too detailed. My narcissistic brother makes up stuff like this to make himself feel special because hes almost 50 and has never accomplished anything in life.

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: LoneBird
Anyone who talks of 'humanity' and 'we' ain't the Holy Son. The Holy Son suffers for each of us to this very day... on an individual level. Thats why there should be a tear in your eye.

If he is suffering for us then why does everyone continue suffering as if he did not exist.

The best thing about resurrection is nobody really dies. No harm no foul.

originally posted by: LoneBird
He won't rest until each and every individual is restored to their glory in eternal freedom, goodness, and grace with him and the Holy Father.

I love it when people pretend to speak for God. To know the mind of God means you ARE God. This has got to be the height of human hubris to pretend to know what God is thinking. Nobody knows if He is resting or not. Why would you think you have freedom when you are restored. Nobody knows. I imagine when experience eternal heavenly bliss there's not much time for conscious thoughts to occur anymore.

originally posted by: LoneBird
He didnt just suffer, he still suffers until YOU return home to him.

God does not suffer from anything. God is perfect, whole, complete without any needs or desires. You words are so twisted and your idea of God is flawed. God is absolute perfection waiting for no one to return home.

originally posted by: LoneBird
Thats the majestic beauty of the Fathers love for each and every one, on a deep personal individual level.

If the Father's love were truly majestic then he would not be known as the God of judgment but as the God of unconditional love. To love everything unconditional requires a much stronger God than a God of judgment. It's easy to be critical. It's very difficult to be accepting.

I think you whole idea of God is just wrong. God is omnipotent. God needs nothing from us.

edit on 3-11-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: galaga

This book may help him deal with the patterns of his way of thinking:

tit le: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine

It's a really good map for how the mind works. It talks about our inner divine child. The ways we experience our own grandiosity. And it gives a really profound meaning to the word king. What does it mean to be a king. People use the word all the time but do not have a very good idea what it means.

edit on 3-11-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: galaga

This book may help him deal with the patterns of his way of thinking:

tit le: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine

It's a really good map for how the mind works. It talks about our inner divine child. The ways we experience our own grandiosity. And it gives a really profound meaning to the word king. What does it mean to be a king. People use the word all the time but do not have a very good idea what it means.

This would just boost his ego. Once when he was around 14, a doctor told him he was smart. Well, that has turned into him saying hes an actual genius.

Like the dude will tell you straight up hes a genius. Yet, the dude failed at his first attempt at a GED.

Hes a textbook narcissist.

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: galaga

This book may help him deal with the patterns of his way of thinking:

tit le: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine

It's a really good map for how the mind works. It talks about our inner divine child. The ways we experience our own grandiosity. And it gives a really profound meaning to the word king. What does it mean to be a king. People use the word all the time but do not have a very good idea what it means.

“Our inner divine child”
You preach hate then preach divinity, what a joke

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 08:00 AM
i'm shuffling thru my memory.... the first part of your dream where the Leader character was from a wealthy family, well schooled, jet-setter type person who also was in a wheel-chair...

Sounds like one of the Super Hero Team Leaders, (fantastic 4/ avengers/ ?? ) who was also disabled (like Iron Man) and because of his wheelchair needs,,, had cause to escape that kind of limitation on his mobility & become a Super-Power Ability Crusader for Truth-Justice-Goodness & Mercy for everyone But the Evil Bad Actors in the world

I think your 'dream' is being projected into your mind by supernatural that looking & seeking out the Hero/AC becomes an important item in your awakened reality

the impeachment process is a type of trauma for both sides
after the potential impeachment or removal or fatality will come the West Coast/Cascadia Calamity


an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.
"the journey had led to calamity and ruin" ·
disaster · catastrophe · tragedy · cataclysm · devastating blow · crisis · adversity · blight · tribulation · woe · affliction · evil · misfortune · misadventure · accident · BING SEARCH

edit on rd30157278967103012019 by St Udio because: (no reason given)


bottom line....your fanciful 'dream' is caused by the overthrow-of-America dynamics going on with impeachment & such at the present

and the prepositioning of China troops/MS-13/Russian special forces in staging areas that border the west coast California and the Washington/Oregon Cascadia collapse which is due after the Presidential Coup takes place..

you are in a mild state of trauma to your psyche & are seeking something/someone to anchor yourself with....
we are in the Early Birth Pangs era....just wait for the Sorrows & tribulations to unfold...…

edit on rd30157279066103172019 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: St Udio

i'm shuffling thru my memory.... the first part of your dream where the Leader character was from a wealthy family, well schooled, jet-setter type person who also was in a wheel-chair...

Sounds like one of the Super Hero Team Leaders, (fantastic 4/ avengers/ ?? ) who was also disabled (like Iron Man) and because of his wheelchair needs,,, had cause to escape that kind of limitation on his mobility & become a Crusader for Truth-Justice-Goodness & Mercy for everyone But the Evil Bad Actors in the world

I think your 'dream' is being projected into your mind by supernatural that looking & seeking out the Hero/AC becomes an important item in your awakened reality

the impeachment process is a type of trauma for both sides
after the potential impeachment or removal or fatality will come the West Coast/Cascadia Calamity


an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.
"the journey had led to calamity and ruin" ·
disaster · catastrophe · tragedy · cataclysm · devastating blow · crisis · adversity · blight · tribulation · woe · affliction · evil · misfortune · misadventure · accident · BING SEARCH

Why though? Is it because we as humans are heading towards that point?

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: St Udio

i'm shuffling thru my memory.... the first part of your dream where the Leader character was from a wealthy family, well schooled, jet-setter type person who also was in a wheel-chair...

Sounds like one of the Super Hero Team Leaders, (fantastic 4/ avengers/ ?? ) who was also disabled (like Iron Man) and because of his wheelchair needs,,, had cause to escape that kind of limitation on his mobility & become a Crusader for Truth-Justice-Goodness & Mercy for everyone But the Evil Bad Actors in the world

I think your 'dream' is being projected into your mind by supernatural that looking & seeking out the Hero/AC becomes an important item in your awakened reality

the impeachment process is a type of trauma for both sides
after the potential impeachment or removal or fatality will come the West Coast/Cascadia Calamity


an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.
"the journey had led to calamity and ruin" ·
disaster · catastrophe · tragedy · cataclysm · devastating blow · crisis · adversity · blight · tribulation · woe · affliction · evil · misfortune · misadventure · accident · BING SEARCH

Except I don't follow those news and I'm not even in the U.S at the moment, so why would it be connected to that?

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: gallop
Sounds like a dream. Not either of those posed in the topic.

but should they appear, then... demons to some, angels to others.

LOL! I see I'm not the only one who likes to quote the CCIC (Chief Cenobite In Charge)!

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Not every dream is prophetic in nature. In fact 99.99% of our dreams are just our subconscious trying to work out our daytime problems and anxieties. They are generally symbolic in nature and are rarely straight forward in any way we would recognize. This seemingly wise, reincarnated, wheelchair bound person could represent any number of situations or people whom you are dealing with in your waking life.

A few nights ago I dreamed of a giant, aggressive black bear terrorizing the town and I was running from it along with everyone else in the dream. Is there a danger of that in my waking life? No, but in my waking life I have been stifling my anger in order to keep peace with a family member- just like running from the angry bear in the dream I run from my feelings of anger in my waking life. So maybe instead of wondering if this person in your dream is the Christ or the Antichrist instead consider what he might represent to your subconscious mind during your waking hours.

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

originally posted by: gallop
Sounds like a dream. Not either of those posed in the topic.

but should they appear, then... demons to some, angels to others.

LOL! I see I'm not the only one who likes to quote the CCIC (Chief Cenobite In Charge)!

Haha lil'd..
I never knew you were a hellraiser in the cinematic sense

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

originally posted by: gallop
Sounds like a dream. Not either of those posed in the topic.

but should they appear, then... demons to some, angels to others.

LOL! I see I'm not the only one who likes to quote the CCIC (Chief Cenobite In Charge)!

Haha lil'd..
I never knew you were a hellraiser in the cinematic sense

Ask K about it some time! I drive him insane and as sick of Cenobites as he is by now he could probably quote each and every movie from memory by now! All 10 of them! hahaha

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

Do you remember those days when I'd say things that would ease the dogs worries and those of so many others, before the long, dark rain set in, and my boat sank in the darkest of oceans...

those things I remember now.. the mists of shame still follow this vessel, but there are times I wish I could reach out and cast life lines towards those I knew.

so much sorrow held within for things... so much still.. but a cranky ol' bloke with a stubborn heart, remains.. hugs to you and yours.

Now everyone, breathe... release.. Br... not the bong, darren you twit..

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

Ohh no, I had no idea, I used to make my own lament configurations in paintshop..
before the days of photoshop.

he'd have run a mile !! lol glad he knew me before this knowledge.

No tears please, it's such waste of good suffering..

The last few though, were pretty .. pants.. Oo

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: gallop

In keeping with the original thread topic I will say this old friend:

Sometimes each of us finds the light. Our wisdom and love for our fellow man shines forth for all to see and for that time we are as the Christ. In other times we find the darkness. Our pain and shame swallows like the blackest, starless night and for that time we are as the Antichrist.

Both exist within each of us, and every single day we battle within ourselves for which will come out on top that day.
As long as we keep fighting for the light we are winning.
Keep fighting the good fight!

Edit to add: I did like the ending of the last one- Pinhead's ultimate punishment was to be made human again!

edit on 3-11-2019 by GeauxHomeYoureDrunk because: (no reason given)

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