posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to:
They might get bored living one, long, giant, life. So they (temporarily) erase their own memory. Then terraform, or help along the development of, a
few planets and start reincarnating themselves. Why not, if they can?
They would also become very jaded, perhaps dour.
The cure for that would be to die and start afresh, as you say.
I would think if humanity attains it's so-called singularity of consciousness, the oneness many people crave, the regrets will become apparent very
quickly. Everyone's consciousness would be the same presuming they still had a sense of individual self.
The cure for that would be to die and start afresh, as you say.
I often wonder if the "greys" made that mistake, oneness and ascension.
That would explain their technology and knowledge, their superiority complex and subsequent demeanor. It would also explain their interest in organic
After ascension and singularity, I would think the road back again into individuality and a sense of self would be long and not easily reversed.
I wonder what they would miss most?
I would think it would be the most important things. growing up in a loving family, first love, first broken heart, falling in love again, the arrival
of children and a family of their own.