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We are not from this planet, possibly from Mars&Nibiru???

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posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 09:08 PM
DNA, anatomy, biology indicate all living things on this planet come from an early source because we're all related at various levels. That doesn't rule out the source of 'life' as coming from somewhere external to this planet but that would had to have happened something like a billion or more years ago when this place was just a barren sphere with the right atmospheric and climate conditions for 'life' to get a foothold on it.

posted on Jun, 5 2018 @ 05:59 AM
please move this to Skunkworks or somewhere else..

posted on Jun, 5 2018 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: MankoW

proof number five if we were born on Mars we would can walk instantly, every newborn can in low gravity like on Mars. I rest my case What more proof you people want?

So motor skills on Mars just develop instantly do they?

Don't know much how the human body develops and operates do you?

posted on Jun, 5 2018 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: MankoW

Since you are still replying I have a few questions,

IIII - Sun radiation is far too strong for us to survive

You posted this over 13 years ago

How have you survived all the radiation poisoning that should have killed you?

posted on Jun, 5 2018 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: MankoW

So you think if we belonged on this planet we should be superman? And because we are from another planet we cant leap tall buildings and have unbreakable bones? Is there any other animal on the planet like this or are they all from another planet too?

Though I think being superman would be very cool I dont think nature works that way.

posted on Jun, 10 2018 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: MankoW

Earth acquired more mass when the hypothetical planet called Theia crashed into it. Theia was about the size of Mars, which is about 4000 miles in diameter. Half of this planet absorbed into Earth and the other half became our current moon. This was supposed to happen before life started on our world.

Theia planet
edit on 10-6-2018 by lostinspace because: fixed link

edit on 10-6-2018 by lostinspace because: added gif animation

posted on Jun, 10 2018 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: Pilgrum

DNA, anatomy, biology indicate all living things on this planet come from an early source because we're all related at various levels. That doesn't rule out the source of 'life' as coming from somewhere external to this planet but that would had to have happened something like a billion or more years ago when this place was just a barren sphere with the right atmospheric and climate conditions for 'life' to get a foothold on it.

That's the strongest evidence humanity came from Earth. Our DNA simply has too much in common with the naturally evolved species of this world for us not to be descended from them.

The probability of such a match between an alien and an Earth species happening by pure chance is too low to be plausible.

This means the only way humanity could be from another planet would be if we only kind of half way come from another world. Like, for example, if an alien culture took animals from our planet, and practiced animal husbandry on them to create a sentient species.

originally posted by: Byrd

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII

Total rubbish. The origins of homo sapiens sapiens is still totally theoretical, with physical evidence seeming to instantaneously spring up between 40 and 25 thousand years ago.

No, the evidence isn't that Homo sapiens sapiens just suddenly showed up sometime after 40,000 years ago. Modern hsap shows up about 200,000 years ago with older forms (h heidelbergensis is considered an earlier hsap, though there is some discussion about this with the limited material avaialable) up to 500,000 years old

Even if we allow 3 million years, that is still a pretty rapid time table for a species to emerge.

The protoforms of humanity seem to have been sufficiently unable to travel that they developed their own sets of interesting traits, rather than continually re-mixing.

Then sapiens burst onto the scene, and started traveling into their areas and breeding with them, which is where we get so much of the diversity we see today. Left to itself, sapiens would all look pretty much the same.

If the scientists who use genetics to determine the 200 000 year age are right, there is room for Lemuria, Mu, Atlantis, and a couple more advanced civilizations before this one, easily.

Except that if you go with THAT line of reasoning, you also have to come up with some explaination of how they managed to destroy their civilizations and leave NO trace beyond the very primitive living quarters and weapons and so forth that we find.

If aliens created humanity on a foreign planet, perhaps to use as workers, then dumped them on Earth when they were done with them, they would probably not have known anything about the technology they had interacted with.

For example, if these aliens had been running a colony on Mars, and brought some apes up from Earth to breed into a worker species, then eventually left (perhaps when their mining operations finally ran dry), then they probably wouldn't take the humans with them.

But they're not monsters, so they put the humans somewhere they can live rather than just execute them.

And that's the big problem with it.

Even if you yanked away all our computers and set all of us out in the desert, there'd be some of us who would retain enough basic knowledge (I could figure out how to smelt metal, for example, and any number of rockhounds could find ore or metal bits from the destroyed places where we used to live.) We could probably make plastics and a number of us could make simple machines and electronics.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Making an electronic device is a cross-disciplinary task. The core of it is that you need a chemist to figure out how to get the silicon compounds right (and smelt the iron or copper for the wires.) You need a geologist to find deposits of those things.

The chemist also would probably be who you turn to to get a chemical battery. If you want to generate your own electricity, you need your geologist to help you find some natural magnets.

Then you need an electrical engineer to actually wire it all up, of course. And these guys will probably only get you a very basic device. The amount of machinery and coordination required to make a modern CPU is simply staggering. I doubt any human being alive knows everything that goes into it.

Think about it... if YOU and a bunch of friends and families were suddenly the only survivors of a megadisaster, couldn't YOU do better than to run around and bash each other with rocks?

You mean in our spare time, after getting enough food to eat?

You think I'm going to find time to teach my children stuff that has no direct impact on their survival, and will only be useful 10 or 20 generations in the future when society finally rebuilds to the point where it can practice farming?

We don't see sudden tech leaps like that. Nor do we see places where huge cities of vast antiquity stood (buildings change the ground beneath them) and there's no garbage piles or lost items lying around.

The garbage piles are a valid point. Although I'm not sure we know where to look.

When, for example, the city of Troy was discovered, it was clear the ruins were old. Not so with garbage piles. When you see a garbage pile there's no way for an untrained person (who is usually going to be the first on the scene) to tell it wasn't left there yesterday, or 50 years ago, or maybe 2 centuries. They're likely to just pave over it.

posted on Feb, 25 2021 @ 09:23 PM
exactlya reply to: BlackGuardXIII

posted on Feb, 25 2021 @ 09:24 PM
by a miraclea reply to: InhaleExhale

posted on Feb, 25 2021 @ 09:25 PM
You didn't even make a scratch on my theory. All your arguments are false. I am happy now to see my theory is true
edit on 2-25-2021 by MankoW because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2021 @ 10:19 PM
It's not a horrible theory. Although we surely descended from Earth monkeys.

Aliens could have taken some monkeys to Mars, and allowed or helped them to evolve.

Getting into space from Mars is way easier than getting into space from Earth, due to the lower gravity. So they wouldn't need to be as advanced as we are today in order to become space farers.

Also we don't get all of our DNA from just one line of monkeys. Perhaps some humans who had been taken to Mars came back to Earth, and mated with primitive humans, and we got a part of their DNA from it?


Maybe Aliens frequently come by and scoop up a few humans to work for them on their deep space outposts?

Some make it back. Some don't. But nobody out there wants psychos like us in possession of both A: Interstellar travel tech, and B: nukes.

We might be the only species out there that ever showed itself to be crazy enough to use a nuke on our own kind.

edit on 25-2-2021 by bloodymarvelous because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
It's not a horrible theory. Although we surely descended from Earth monkeys.

Aliens could have taken some monkeys to Mars, and allowed or helped them to evolve.

"Evolution" in this case would be "immediately drop dead." The atmosphere is carbon dioxide, not oxygen-nitrogen and thinner than our atmosphere on top of the mountains. One breath and you have dead monkeys.

Also, we're not descended from monkeys. Apes, yes. Monkeys are as different from apes as bobcats are from lions.

Also we don't get all of our DNA from just one line of monkeys. Perhaps some humans who had been taken to Mars came back to Earth, and mated with primitive humans, and we got a part of their DNA from it?

Some of the pages on the internet that you've been reading apparently are making up stuff about DNA and human lineage. Your first statement isn't true. As for the second one, just going to another planet doesn't change your DNA any more than going to Cancun suddenly changes your DNA from being Texan.

Maybe Aliens frequently come by and scoop up a few humans to work for them on their deep space outposts?

Why on earth would they want a bunch of untrained yobbos with no understanding of technology and who are very fragile and need to be fed and poop all over the place to work on a station when they could just build a cartload of robots and androids that don't need to be fed and can work 24 hour shifts for years upon years and best of all don't poop all over the place and don't rebel?

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Byrd

"Evolution" in this case would be "immediately drop dead." The atmosphere is carbon dioxide, not oxygen-nitrogen and thinner than our atmosphere on top of the mountains. One breath and you have dead monkeys.

Being a person of history I am sure you are aware of the mythos of Mars. It is possible that mars was different in the past. Be aware that much information on these subjects come from NASA which is inseparable from the military. So the truth is the jury is out.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 05:48 PM
So now "THEY" are lying about the Martian atmosphere as well as about alien visitation, UFOs, evolution, and ... what else? Napoleon?


posted on Feb, 27 2021 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
It's not a horrible theory. Although we surely descended from Earth monkeys.

Aliens could have taken some monkeys to Mars, and allowed or helped them to evolve.

"Evolution" in this case would be "immediately drop dead." The atmosphere is carbon dioxide, not oxygen-nitrogen and thinner than our atmosphere on top of the mountains. One breath and you have dead monkeys.

Also, we're not descended from monkeys. Apes, yes. Monkeys are as different from apes as bobcats are from lions.

If aliens did it, then they would probably have terraformed Mars first.

But because Mars has no magnetic field, and low gravity, any terraforming would only last for a few hundred thousand or maybe millions of years. Not forever.

Also we don't get all of our DNA from just one line of monkeys. Perhaps some humans who had been taken to Mars came back to Earth, and mated with primitive humans, and we got a part of their DNA from it?

Some of the pages on the internet that you've been reading apparently are making up stuff about DNA and human lineage. Your first statement isn't true. As for the second one, just going to another planet doesn't change your DNA any more than going to Cancun suddenly changes your DNA from being Texan.

What I've read is that primates are capable for cross breeding between primate species. That's why modern humans can have Neanderthal and Denosivan DNA.

There is also the Caracas skull people, who appear also on the British Isles. And show strong sings of originating in the Anatolia or Persia region. They're all dead now, but they could be from people that got some weird alien influence placed upon them.

And we might carry some DNA from them too.

Maybe Aliens frequently come by and scoop up a few humans to work for them on their deep space outposts?

Why on earth would they want a bunch of untrained yobbos with no understanding of technology and who are very fragile and need to be fed and poop all over the place to work on a station when they could just build a cartload of robots and androids that don't need to be fed and can work 24 hour shifts for years upon years and best of all don't poop all over the place and don't rebel?

Because the planet's environment might be unsuitable to those aliens' physiology, but quite suitable to human physiology, and contain resources that are, nonetheless, worth harvesting.

Anyone who is actually involved in a tech field will tell you: machines don't take care of themselves. You need some kind of actual people around to keep them running right. Otherwise the machine will eventually hit some kind of error, be unable to figure out how to solve it, and then just shut down. (Or worse.)

posted on Feb, 28 2021 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
What I've read is that primates are capable for cross breeding between primate species. That's why modern humans can have Neanderthal and Denosivan DNA.

I think you're using the wrong nomenclature there, as primates cannot breed with other primates as a general rule.

What you're talking about is interbreeding within the same genus, not the same family.

Successful reproduction between members of the same genus isn't unusual.


posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 04:08 PM
Don’t beat him up so much there is some evidence on this.

If you are a Christian then explain why the Bible says our lifespan went from 100s to 1000s of year until what it is now.

When our astronauts leave the gravity of these planet their CR immediately adjust to longer period (the same length of day on Mars) which is not fully understood.

The alien DNA we all share. Etc.

We may have an alien origin, be monkeys that were infused with alien DNA etc.

posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: Jackfish28
Don’t beat him up so much there is some evidence on this.

If you are a Christian then explain why the Bible says our lifespan went from 100s to 1000s of year until what it is now.

When our astronauts leave the gravity of these planet their CR immediately adjust to longer period (the same length of day on Mars) which is not fully understood.

The alien DNA we all share. Etc.

We may have an alien origin, be monkeys that were infused with alien DNA etc.

The Bible tells of a handful of holy men that lived a very long time - due to the interference of a deity.
Humans do not adjust to a Martian day at any time. Once we live on Mars that could happen though.
There is no alien DNA in the human genome.
Humans did not evolve from monkeys.


posted on Mar, 10 2021 @ 10:25 PM
Having actual alien DNA is unlikely. It's probably so different it can't mix at all. You'd have better luck splicing octopus DNA into a human (at least there's a common ancestor somewhere.)

But I could see genetic engineering being conducted, like Monsanto does, except on mammals.

I think part of the game of cloak and dagger aliens play against each other, is they try not to let on how much technology they actually have.

Like when you're playing poker, and you don't want to put all your cards on the table. Better to keep the other side guessing, so they never quite know what they are up against.

For that reason, going a little bit "low tech" on an outpost, to the point where you need actual biological life forms tending it, would make a lot of tactical sense.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 10:00 AM
I just binge read the entire threat and what a journey it was.

I still don't understand why a creature needs to be compatible with the planet it is on. The entire theory sits on this random foundation

Which animal is definitely from earth? Do you have a number-one contender? We can easily rule them all out if we try hard enough. Most animals can fall to death.

What about temperatures? A compatible earthling should be able to walk on lava and not freeze below zero. We can't just nitpick gravity and call it a day. You should add swimming in lava to mountain hopping, intense sun staring and all the other earthling feats.

Seems more like you are trying to justify health problems of modern living like obesity, back pain, insomnia, etc. But those are caused by bad habits, sedentary lifestyle and dopamine addiction, not planetary incompatibility
Earth's not the problem, it's sitting all day in a badly lit room in front of the bright screen, eating junk food without any exercise. Modern living is abnormal, staring into square space for days is something nature didn't consider. You would feel much more compatible with earth if you were born to some indigenous tribe somewhere. Let's refrain from projecting an unhealthy first worlder on entire humanity

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