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Originally posted by Legend
I think someone should go to the lawyers office
and talk to the lawyer that published the book.
Why would his mother go to a law office? Wouldn't she go to the government?
Originally posted by Nygdan
Originally posted by Legend
I think someone should go to the lawyers office
There is not office. The only address on file is a po box
and talk to the lawyer that published the book.
No lawyer would be publishing a book. I suspect that the book was published via a vanity press. Heck, nowadays, borders will publish a book you write, merely for the fee. YOu can upload at some stores, and pay for say a hundred copies, and sell them on places like ebay or amazon. Something like that is what I think happened with the book.
Why would his mother go to a law office? Wouldn't she go to the government?
Because its not his mother. Its someone pretending to be his mother, just like someone pretended to be a time travelor in the first place.
Exerpt from Published Book
In January of 2003, a young couple and their five-year-old son entered my law office in Nebraska. They claimed to be the parents of John Titor, a time traveler from the future. Although I've reserved final judgement of their claims, their story and the evidence they presented was quite convincing. They told me a tale about a man who used a time machine to travel from the year 2036 to 1975 and then to 1998 where they first met.
For a period of nearly three years, this man, claiming to be their young son as an adult, stayed with them in their home. For reasons that are still not clear, in 2001, he borrowed his father's computer and began posting on the Internett about who he was and why he was here. This book is a compilation of those Internet posts he left online. He started in November of 2000, right before the presidential election. After nearly five months of speaking with people online, he left our time and returned to his home in 2036.
When his parents approached me and presented the pictures, documents, notes and copies of his original posts, they wanted closure. For reasons that I cannot explain, they were anxious to leave Florida and rid themselves of the ties to this man who claimed to be ther son from the year 2036.
Today, you can still go online and read John Titor's original posts. There are thousands of web sites where John Titor is discussed and the original people he spoke with are still online. I want to give a special thanks to those sites that helped gather and prepare the posts.
Originally posted by Legend
There was a law office, and there was no P.O. address in the book.
It is interesting to note that the law office is in Nebraska, where the new capitol is in John's world line.
Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
There's a perfect way to find out if it's a hoax
Originally posted by Geneticus
I'd like to see an article mentioning how CERN was planning on creating black holes prior to John Titor's predictions...
Originally posted by antipigopolist
Originally posted by Geneticus
I'd like to see an article mentioning how CERN was planning on creating black holes prior to John Titor's predictions...
I love indignation killers.
Here's your article. Click on the one dated March 7th, 2000 entitled "Discovering new dimensions at LHC" from the CERN Courier no less. I can't believe how many are still duped by this fraud.
Originally posted by e 2 e k 1 a 7
Blackholes that are insanly powerful are not the size of an electron they are usually the size of a grain of dust. And I do not see why a black hole would grow in size as it devoured more and more. That just doesn't make sense to me,
The world's most powerful atom smasher turns on this year. New Scientist foresees some breakthroughs - and more than a few tricky problems
After 20 years of anticipation, the LHC is set to switch on this November, and soon thereafter CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, will become the proud operator of the world's most powerful particle accelerator. It will smash protons together with seven times the energy and at 100 times the rate of the top collider to date, the Tevatron at Fermilab near Chicago. That will allow it to probe the interactions of particles down to the unprecedented scale of 10-17 centimetres, roughly the size of the universe a trillionth ...
As with the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), people both inside and outside of the physics community have voiced concern that the LHC might trigger one of several theoretical disasters capable of destroying the Earth or even the entire Universe. These include:
* Creation of a stable black hole[8]
* Creation of strange matter that is more stable than ordinary matter
* Creation of magnetic monopoles that could catalyze proton decay
* Triggering a transition into a different quantum mechanical vacuum (see False vacuum)
Microsingularities (mini black holes) will be created soon at a particle collider, and physicists will eventually learn how to build time machines using two of them at a time. It is already expected by some physicists that particle energies will be high enough to create microsingularities at CERN's Large Hadron Collider when it begins operation in 2007, but Mr. Titor did not say exactly where and when they would be discovered. The Titor-specific part of this prediction is that microsingularities can and will be used to build time-travel machines.
John Titors Predictions made earlier
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator which will probe deeper into matter than ever before. Due to switch on in 2007, it will ultimately collide beams of protons at an energy of 14 TeV . Beams of lead nuclei will be also accelerated, smashing together with a collision energy of 1150 TeV.
Originally posted by Denied
Will they accidentally discover "Time Travel"?