posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 10:31 PM
The notion of “little green men” and “small grays” may make logical sense and their small stature could lead them to being more technological
I say this for two reasons:
1. Less resource consumption
2. The law of large numbers.
I also make a few assumptions:
1. Life needs food (resources) to sustain and doesn’t live off electricity or is “Borg” like in nature.
2. Their species had to evolve and thus they have a promotional need for food to that of humans - their bodies can store energy tied to evolution and
former scarcity of their food supply.
3. Having more people working to solve a problem or problems leads to more advancements, more quickly due to time being spent on the task and a
diversity of thought/ideas/innovation.
4. Populations will naturally grow until they reach a point such that their resources can no longer support population growth.
5. Smaller beings require less fuel than larger beings.
Here’s my thought: if another planet had intelligent life on it and a “human-equivalent” but notably smaller - say 3-4 feet tall max - and
lived on a planet the size of earth... the population could be materially larger for the same amount of total resource consumption if you assume that
smaller beings require fewer resources to sustain.
So now there’s more of “them”. I’ll make an assumption that a population of human-like beings would have some smarter and some less
intelligent beings amongst them. If those ratios held similar to that of humans - if “they” had a population double the size of the human
population then they could have double the number of smart “beings” to help advance their technology.
Now, maybe they live on a planet that’s double the size of earth - now they have 4x the number of smart beings. Heck, maybe they had 50% smaller
oceans and more land mass than earth. In any case As a result, they can advance more quickly. Law of large numbers, so to speak.
To me, this makes the possibility of another species being more advanced and being able to reach us more probable in my view. A 5x number of
“smart” beings and a 10,000 year head start could mean they are way, way, way further along and living something akin to a Star Trek reality.
This doesn’t speak to why they would visit us but it does increase the probability that we have been or are being visited - particularly when it’s
consistent with some reports of abductees or experiences speaking to the small stature of ETs they have encountered.