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NO TV/Printed Media before 6th grade

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posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 01:49 PM
NO TV/Printed Media before 6th grade

I grew up in a very fundamental, religious, single parent household until I was 12. My household did not have a television, magazines, radio, or newspaper. My reading material was highly restricted. I was brought up in locations that sheltered me from the rest of humanity. I was home-schooled until 6th grade.

I was told to believe God was all. I was taught manners and etiquette. I learned to question, and have an open mind. I was taught that racial intolerance was wrong. I learned the 10 commandments very early, and was expected to live by the rules of those commandments.

Flash forward 3 years. I’m no longer sheltered. I’m living with an atheist. I have access to TV, magazines, radio, newspapers, and oh yes, other people.

Now I can watch TV, but most of it bores me. I visit the local library, and find that I’m a voracious reader. During the summer that I turned 15, I read 80% of a small local libraries sci-fi, fantasy and horror selection. That fall, I read all the fairy tales available in the school library, just for giggles. That year I was also lucky to have an alternative class that centered on Greek and roman mythology.

Flash forward 12 years. It’s 1995. I could now be considered a mature adult. But I don’t have the same opinions, beliefs, or lifestyle that 99% of the people around me have. I’m living in a metropolitan area, and have few friends outside my peer group (geeks). I’m travel restricted. I don’t drive. I believe in many alternative concepts and ideas, but haven’t yet met anyone who believed like I did.

Now, in 2005. I’ve been online for over a decade. The WWW has come a long way, and I’ve been able to read about many things, and know other people share my ideas. In recent years, I watch certain programs on TV, and otherwise it’s turned off. I’ve had a Tivo for a year, and I record what I want to watch, and fast forward through the commercials. On average I watch about 8 hours of TV a week. Or I don’t watch TV for a week, and let my Tivo catch the things I don’t want to miss. I read all my news online, and rarely watch local news or CNN.

I’m not like most other Americans, and I’m not sure why.

I’m certainly not saying I am a better person then everyone else, for not growing up with things most people take for granted. I am sure however, that my open mind and curious nature are alive in me because I was not put in front of TV at an early age.

I’m posting this because I wanted to hear other people’s views on how the media can affect us. Or not affect us, if we don’t have it in front of us every day.


posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 02:17 PM
Interesting. I was raised the exact opposite, TV was our babysitter but it seems like we turned out pretty much the same. I watch little TV.


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