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Bigfoot Calling

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posted on Oct, 24 2019 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

A friend of mine (who hunts) is 100% positive he heard and 'smelled' BF.

I have never had any reason to doubt this persons' judgement - ever.

And - I always get some nice meat-of-the-season from him.

He's hunted everything on 2-4 feet you can hunt here in the Pacific North West.

The ONLY thing - to date - that's ever caused him to leave the woods?

That 'voice' and 'smell'...

I believe him.

posted on Oct, 24 2019 @ 03:25 PM

Bigfoot Calling

Dont answer
It is a scam call

posted on Oct, 24 2019 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
Unusual sound automatically means Bigfoot???

My friend spent the night in a cabin in the mountains and heard a few horrendous growling yells. He did not sleep good. He thought for sure it was Bigfoot.

Next morning he woke up and looked across the road toward another cabin where the sounds had come from and there was a mule standing there behind the fence.

posted on Oct, 24 2019 @ 03:41 PM
Some suggest Bigfoot is "interdimensional" and I read an interesting bit recently (don't remember where) where it was theorized Bigfoot could also be a "Tulpa" created by collective thought after the reports caught the public imagination.

posted on Oct, 24 2019 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
The problem I have with recordings of unknown sounds is why would one immediately jump to the conclusion it's a Bigfoot, since they have no idea what the sound is from to begin with. Unusual sound automatically means Bigfoot???

Yes, it's automatically bigfoot.

Because unicorns are selling lots of t-shirts and Halloween costumes lately.

You dont want people to learn that unicorns are actually evil killing machines, and make those blood curdling noises when hunting down a troop of girl scouts, do you?

posted on Oct, 24 2019 @ 05:23 PM
I think I found original video.
The original "seems" less staged, not a fan of the aggregate YouTube channels.

Edited to add, JMO that sounds like a big pissed off Cougar more than anything else. Unless someone can pull off more in low hertz frequencies that's my story an I'm sticking to it!

edit on 24-10-2019 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2019 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: spiritualarchitect

Some of the old pre-Internet movies films I've seen feature sounds made by elk and they attributed it to Bigfoot.

I'm not beyond accepting there may be creatures yet undiscovered, but this kind of stuff is not helpful in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 24 2019 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: Homefree
Sounds like Bigfoot stepped on a Lego.

😂😂 Busted me up

posted on Oct, 24 2019 @ 11:04 PM
Now, I've heard enough to think there's something to ol' BF. Whether a relic humanoid tribe, a tulpa, dimensional wanderer or bionic alien cyborg programmed to fight Steve Austin ( google it) , it seems to exist in some manner, contrary to all we know about science an' stuff...

in fact, my old Anthro T.A. swore it was an "open secret" in field researcher circles that the things existed out in the boonies of North America and to keep it on the down low for their and people's general protection...


that kinda sounds like a poor wolf in much distress. Someone, other than me, should check to see if one was caught in a trap nearby ... possible poor wolfie.

posted on Oct, 25 2019 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

I've heard a lot'a wolves and just sayin' - that sure doesn't sound like a 'wolfie' to me.

But I agree that someone should check it out.

I dunno if I would though! Pretty freaky!

posted on Oct, 25 2019 @ 05:12 PM
Can't think of what type creature species is making those vocalizations.... But to me, it sounds in pain (which is just conjecture on my part). I've heard some pretty wild sounds and screams in my lifetime and for some reason, cant help but think that this creature is upset.

I don't know if I'd want to go looking for it while it's in that condition.


I agree with an above statement that just because we don't know what the sound/screams are, doesn't automatically place it in the BigFoot category. That would be quite a stretch even for the uniniated.

edit on 10/25/2019 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2019 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous
I was thinking the same, whatever the creature/animal it is, it sounds like it is in real pain, be it physical or emotional. Scary sound, but also made me sad.

posted on Oct, 26 2019 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: CthulhuMythos

Yep - made me sad too - I'm thinking more emotional pain.

Kind'a reminded me of this:

posted on Oct, 26 2019 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: jtrenthacker

originally posted by: one4all
Bigfoot is not only real but is living very very close to people.

They eat humans in some cases.

They free-roam so we cannot give them a "preserve" to keep them and us safe.

The Governments send in kill-teams to destroy any Bigfoot Clans that clash with People and they do it within 24 hours of verified reports....all this does is vacate prime territory temporarily.

If you want Bigfoot to be real then you have to stop living the bad dream that you have been brainwashed into living....then you have to FORCE THE ISSUE TO THE have to attack politicians hard enough and long enough and seriously enough that they cough up the truths.

I have heard weird sounds at night in the forest....similar to these.

Personally I put more serious consideration behind the many vocalisations we have within the public domain...clearly they have a language...clearly it is shared by many of them.

This is simply another world changing part of our shared reality that the anti-humanitarian Terrorists who have been destroying our world wish to deny us all....if you want it you will have to fight them for it.

Do you have proof of any of this?

Yes...a ton of Proof.

posted on Oct, 26 2019 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: jtrenthacker

originally posted by: one4all
Bigfoot is not only real but is living very very close to people.

They eat humans in some cases.

They free-roam so we cannot give them a "preserve" to keep them and us safe.

The Governments send in kill-teams to destroy any Bigfoot Clans that clash with People and they do it within 24 hours of verified reports....all this does is vacate prime territory temporarily.

If you want Bigfoot to be real then you have to stop living the bad dream that you have been brainwashed into living....then you have to FORCE THE ISSUE TO THE have to attack politicians hard enough and long enough and seriously enough that they cough up the truths.

I have heard weird sounds at night in the forest....similar to these.

Personally I put more serious consideration behind the many vocalisations we have within the public domain...clearly they have a language...clearly it is shared by many of them.

This is simply another world changing part of our shared reality that the anti-humanitarian Terrorists who have been destroying our world wish to deny us all....if you want it you will have to fight them for it.

Do you have proof of any of this?

Yes...a ton of Proof.

Ok.... Care to share any?

posted on Oct, 26 2019 @ 09:49 AM
He sounds so lonely, whoever or whatever it is.

posted on Oct, 26 2019 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
The problem I have with recordings of unknown sounds is why would one immediately jump to the conclusion it's a Bigfoot, since they have no idea what the sound is from to begin with. Unusual sound automatically means Bigfoot???

I believe the real crux of this issue is how does an uninitiated person define parse and discuss what would be considered to be an UNUSUAL SOUND IN THE FOREST......what I am getting at is this....until you understand the Forest you cannot possibly on any reasonable level claim to know what the baseline normal sounds in the Forest actually are.

Unusual in the Forest means out of PATTERN or out of the NORM....

Besides...Bigfoot accurately mimics many different animals from Squirrels to Coyotes to Birds.

Sounds are freaky.....but Bigfoot leaves a massive trail of messes behind them.....they are like a Biker they roll through an area you cannot possibly miss their impacts.

First you find their signs then you can claim the sounds are them.....they DO NOT CREEP THRU THE FOREST USING TREE BRANCHES TO BRUSH AWAY THEIR TRACKS LIKE FREAKING APACHE WARRIORS.

Bigfoot does not try to diminish his impacts in the tries to hide from us yes....but it doesn't think far enough ahead to hide its impacts besides it cannot do that even if it wanted to...for example I have recently gone through The Great Berry War of 2019...…..because these Clans literally rip things all to hell.....they are not gentle and they take what they need which is without fail ALWAYS THE ABSOLUTE BEST OF THE WILD PRODUCE....and they know when you are competing with them and they will intentionally wipe out your selected area to spite you like teenagers competing to finish off a gallon of ice cream.....they can be funny if you can understand their intentions....I mean they could just drop a 600lb rock on my head and enjoy the best Berry crops....but they do not do this....they simply compete to get more than you faster than you …

They aren't all Masters of the Forest either....LMAO...I have been mimicking birds since I was a kid like many people have and I have heard some 1/2 arsed Bigfoot whistles disguised as bird are the sounds they use to alert ...the Daywatcher uses this sound when anyone gets near sleeping areas.....and they can be lazy if conditions are correct...they sleep close to where they eat.....not far from the best Berry/Mushroom my area I find it very easy to track them by their feces....or rather by the gardens their feces inadvertently plant.....they tend to poop as a body response to ….lol...this is hilarious but a steep long walk uphill they tend to need to relieve themselves once they are at the always grow according to certain rules in certain areas where things are all sympathetic to optimal growth with of course some exceptions if conditions are skewed....Bigfoot eats wherever they go....lowland plants and berries ect and highland plants and berries ect…… wherever they deposit their feces they deposit large numbers of seeds that pass thru like the Orient Express...

I am now writing a book and considering becoming a Bigfoot Wrangler/Tracker......only working for the "good" help people avoid interactions and to help them kick Bigfoot the hell off their property without anyone getting hurt.....I have experimented in my area with methods of telling them to piss-off....all it has done on the surface is make them angry....but I haven't tried very hard to force any specific Group to move cannot bully them or they will kick your arse...…...or you may want to support Habituation in which case I can tell them that it is safe to stay and what the boundries are so they stay in your safe zone.....if they understand they will stay safely in the room you give them if its where they want to be in the first place....until they decide to move on which they might depending on the area and type.

The real problem is that they have NEEDS AND WANTS...…..which must be satisfied......and just as they are huge so are their NEEDS.

I feel that many Landowners would choose to avert public involvement when they have negative Bigfoot interactions simply because the Government or Black Groups will immediately send out Military or Contractor Hit Teams to kill the Clan or Clans involved ASAP meaning within 24 hours of positive contact it matters not if they want the Squatches gone or if they wish them to stay long term they need an intermediary to get their message across while not getting traditional conventional authorities or media involved.

I believe that its possible to in the long term find ways to work to keep Bigfoot alive and prospering....we can arrange safe corridors and safe areas.....we can make strict laws = murder for killing them....not Wildlife Laws but exact same as Human laws for killing them meaning in some places you get the chair if you murder a Bigfoot...and by the same token we now need to learn to identify individuals and Clans so we can also selectively pick out and punish Bigfoot who break rules.....meaning we need a RULEBOOK TO SHARE WITH THEM that both sides clearly understand.

So should one day see certain Bigfoot in "Jail" for Human type sentences for committing we cannot just "kill them all" when they misbehave like problem Bears are summarily executed.Yes.we can find individuals who offend.....and by agreement the Bigfoot would also help remediating non-compliant members.

As obscenely unreal as these ideas may seem right now...when full knowledge is mainstream there will be issues to work out.

posted on Oct, 26 2019 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: jtrenthacker

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: jtrenthacker

originally posted by: one4all
Bigfoot is not only real but is living very very close to people.

They eat humans in some cases.

They free-roam so we cannot give them a "preserve" to keep them and us safe.

The Governments send in kill-teams to destroy any Bigfoot Clans that clash with People and they do it within 24 hours of verified reports....all this does is vacate prime territory temporarily.

If you want Bigfoot to be real then you have to stop living the bad dream that you have been brainwashed into living....then you have to FORCE THE ISSUE TO THE have to attack politicians hard enough and long enough and seriously enough that they cough up the truths.

I have heard weird sounds at night in the forest....similar to these.

Personally I put more serious consideration behind the many vocalisations we have within the public domain...clearly they have a language...clearly it is shared by many of them.

This is simply another world changing part of our shared reality that the anti-humanitarian Terrorists who have been destroying our world wish to deny us all....if you want it you will have to fight them for it.

Do you have proof of any of this?

Yes...a ton of Proof.

Ok.... Care to share any?

What would you like....aside from DNA....or a body..or pictures...or videos.....?..... I have pictures and video of footprints,fingerprints on Polypores,feces,structures,woodcraft signs like "Gates" and "Mailboxes" and "good eats" ,many different Structures rivalling anything online,artifacts traded with them,Audio of interactions with video of received gift from a trade,video of a received gift from another trade area but unsolicited that day,many tree breaks and tree twists,many paths and trails through the greenery,bedding areas,lookout areas,observation posts,a Bigfoot Grave frequented by gifters...and in the videos I walk you through the process as I do when I teach people in person by showing you how to identify tree leans and branch placements and other aspects of Bigfoot Woodcraft communications which will lead you to their feeding areas and bedding areas and resting areas and even bathroom will learn how to follow the signs right to their structures....and it will freak you put completely.....especially once you realise I live in a Major North American City and these interactions are inside City limits within Residential areas and Public Parks....especially Playgrounds and Equestrian Barns or Areas.

I will not post any of my stuff here until I learn how to copyright and self-publish a Book....I have it all and could have more physical evidence but chose to back off of my research for safety reasons as there are wayyyy to many random people interacting with the Clans in my area for me to be comfortable and not risk them having had a bad interaction with someone else and taking it out on me.

edit on 26-10-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-10-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2019 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: one4all

Got it. That's all I need to know. Thanks.

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: one4all

I am now writing a book and considering becoming a Bigfoot Wrangler/Tracker......only working for the "good" help people avoid interactions and to help them kick Bigfoot the hell off their property without anyone getting hurt.....I have experimented in my area with methods of telling them to piss-off....all it has done on the surface is make them angry....but I haven't tried very hard to force any specific Group to move cannot bully them or they will kick your arse...…...or you may want to support Habituation in which case I can tell them that it is safe to stay and what the boundries are so they stay in your safe zone.....if they understand they will stay safely in the room you give them if its where they want to be in the first place....until they decide to move on which they might depending on the area and type.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" ~Carl Sagan~

I will not post any of my stuff here until I learn how to copyright and self-publish a Book....I have it all and could have more physical evidence but chose to back off of my research for safety reasons as there are wayyyy to many random people interacting with the Clans in my area for me to be comfortable and not risk them having had a bad interaction with someone else and taking it out on me.

Not surprising in the least. Clearly all the real Bigfoot evidence is hidden and people just need to take peoples word for it. Oh, or pay a " Bigfoot Wrangler/Tracker."

Sorry not buying it. Got a Bigfoot in your freezer perhaps?

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