posted on Oct, 27 2019 @ 02:05 AM
There hand is being forced because other governments might discover what NASA has?....well, at least you didn't go with the usual "their hand is
forced because the (pick a colour) aliens are making them do it" line...
But if we are going to go into all crazy imagination land and come up with random theories with absolutely no proof, no evidence, nothing at all to
back them up except imagination, why stop there??
How about this one...
The so called soft disclosure that people on ATS are wetting them selves over is happening because Trump is President.
Trump became President, because the "patriots" within the deep state apparatus helped him win by preventing the "evil" deep state actors from rigging
the election to give Hilary the W.
Why did they do that? Because the "friendly aliens" (that we keep hearing about from the believers), warned the US, before Trump ran for nomination
and President and won, that they would share tech with the other powers that are the USA's rivals on Earth, be it directly or through their "human
collaborators" lol.
The USA deep state didn't listen, gave Obama another 4 years, and more wars and misery came.
So Russia has drastically modernized it's armed forces (something like 60+ % of it's navy is modern now), China has stealth fighters and its navy is
rapidly growing (carriers and amphibious assault capabilities have grown much).
The "patriots" within the deep state apparatus decided to act, and pulled out all the stops against the "evil" deep state, and Trump made it all the
way to the White House.
Since Trumps been in office, the USA hasn't started any new wars. When was the last time the USA went nearly a full presidential term without starting
a new war?
Why? Because if Hilary had won, the USA/West probably would have gotten far more involved in Syria and the body count would have skyrocketed, probably
would have bombed Iran by now..I doubt she would have shown the restraint Trump did so far, especially having called off a strike at the last
minute..she probably would have demanded US forces hit turbo and attack faster while getting her jollies in the bunker watching it unfold live.
I'm not saying any of this is true, in fact it's complete bull# except for the part about Trump winning the primary nomination for the Republicans and
then winning the Presidential race against Hilary, and also that he hasn't started any new wars since being in office. How do I know it's bull#?
Because I just made it up with no proof, no evidence, no sources, I just let my imagination run as I typed.
This shows how easy it is to come up with crack pot theories.
And my 2 minute theory made up on the go as I typed, has a lot more real world ties then your theory. Yours is based purely on speculation from your
imagination, whereas my made up theory has speculation based on real events.
And to finish, so what if the media talks about some UFO sightings?
Joe Rogan is your smoking gun?
But what I find even more freaking hilarious, is the attempts by people who don't see nearly enough sunlight to sound intelligent or try and add
weight to their post, by using certain terms or phrases. LOL.
I bet the guy whose talking about "subspace communications" (a term he heard on a science FICTION show) cant even explain what it is/how it works
without Googling for some bs sites to copy/paste from.
Doppler effects.
And then there's the people who try to sound like a voice of reason. The aliens wouldn't come here because if they could come here they'd be so far
advanced they wouldn't need our resources, or us as slaves. Because you know, these people know that if aliens exist, what their technology is like,
what resources they require, and so on. You know, they know so much they know &&&& all that they feel free to make definitive statements and pass it
off as "fact".
Here's another crack pot theory I just thought of while typing above.
This so called soft disclosure that only people on ATS seem to know about, is happening because it's the "deep states" last ditch effort to beat
There was a former US president who said at the UN that it would take an alien invasion basically to unite all nations of the earth (under one
So perhaps seeing as they can't beat him with their traditional methods, they are going to go full universe-retard, and after preparing the public
through "soft disclosure" they will try and pull off a fake alien attack on earth, thus forcing all governments, the USA included, into signing away
sovereignty to the UN, and thus Trump wont be the President anymore as the USA will be under the jurisdiction of the global government, and that way
the deep state finally beat Trump.
Or maybe it wont be a fake alien invasion, maybe the aliens are real, and there really is good and bad aliens, and maybe the deep state and Hilary are
working with the bad aliens and they really will attack earth but stop only when Trump signs away the USA's sovereignty to the UN.
Hmmmm, I dunno which of my two crack pot theories I like more now, and I don't know which version of my second crack pot theory I like.