posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 04:02 PM
I am really surprised we survived the 70s. I really thought the leaders of the World would have nuked the place. When Ronald Reagan became president
in the 80s it got worse and I really thought we were done. I've always felt there just something fatally wrong with human nature. And that there
really is no way we would survive it. And I've argued on ATS the fact we haven't nuked ourselves is pretty convincing evidence extraterrestrials
exist and have probably prevented us from nuking ourselves several times.
My thinking on human nature is this idea. Have you seen in a movie the plot where the crazed lover says, "Well, if I can't have her nobody can." And
then the crazed lover goes on a shooting rampage. This idea of "If I can't have something then nobody can" just seems to prevalent in the minds of
people. I really thought over the years some political leader with means would be compromised and be forced to be remove power would strike out one
final blow in revenge. In the mind of the person being disposed, "Well, if I can be charge then nobody can be charge" would be the mentality.
So this is why I think it's best the Democrats stop what they are doing with impeachment. As many of you know I am a far left liberal Democrat
(Sanders for President!) So I would love to score political points. However, here is my thinking. Donald seems to me to be a person who has a lot
of temper tantrums. Donald doesn't seem like a person who likes to share his toys. Donald doesn't seem like a person who doesn't take it lightly
when things do not go his way.
So I think, just as a precaution, we should not pursue impeachment. Because what if he is about to be found guilty and about to be forced to be
removed from office. I'm not sure I trust Donald to take the news he's about to be removed from power lightly. He just might "snap" and feel like a
crazed lover who has been cheated on and then also found out he was being cheated on under the most extreme moment of humiliation.
So let's consider the weight of the choice. What would you rather have. A president who breaks a few election laws OR the complete end of
civilization? I call this the MAD argument against impeaching Donald Trump. I think just the threat of what Donald might do just coming close to
being impeached is enough to think it's just not worth it to put billions of people at risk of being nuked.
So I think we should wait for the 2020 election. There's plenty enough evidence out there for people to come to an adequate decision of the nature of
Donald's character. It's just not worth it to put Donald's character maturity and sanity to the test!
edit on 21-10-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)