Now, this is very interesting because I do like mass sightings especially if there is more then one witness to view an unknown spectacle.
As the video show, there seems to be some kind of aerial phenomenon that most of the witnesses can't figure out seeing.
Now a massive group of illuminating objects hanging in the night sky as they seem to regroup over time, but in the center of these illuminating
objects, a bright small but still large diamond-shaped object clearly leads this group of illuminated spheres.
At a later stadium, all these spheres seem to go back to the leading object namely that what seems to look like a diamond kind of object?
Now I'm not going to speculate what those can be that's everyone on its own here.
I do agree as some of the spectators say that it can't be flares or drones because of the altitude and for what I know drones can work synchronically
together but the battery power from what I know lasts about ten minutes.
Also, the interesting part is the comments of the spectators of what it could be. It's always more interesting if there are more people involved and
filming it from different positions.
Take a wild guess for what this could be, for I do think it was a beautiful display whatever it was that showed up in the night sky above California
that evening.
edit on 0b06America/ChicagoSun, 20 Oct 2019 15:10:06 -0500vAmerica/ChicagoSun, 20 Oct 2019 15:10:06 -05001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason
very interesting videos. maybe drones? some of the spectators thought so - if it was, that was a snazzy bit of co-ordinated flying. cool to look
at, whatever the explanation.. also some YT comments said it was a parachute display team (though the lights seemed to stay up far longer than i'd
expect parachutists to)
This is clearly a weather balloon surrounded by flares.
Move along. Nothing to see here.
In all seriousness, though, This is awesome. A Prime example of how little they can keep a "lid" on these sorts of mass sightings. I would love to
hear what the "official" report has/or will be - Assuming there was or will be one at all!
Somehow I do think it might be drones, but they sure have some weird fireball like streaks behind them supposedly technology is improving by the day
and doing a show above California could be typically a nice way of fooling people on the ground.
Without even reading the comments, I figured it must be a skydiver event.
Ok I just called Skydive Perris, it was them!
Sarah Jayne I confirmed it. It’s skydivers i found the event
not ufos and it was flares or something attached to the parachuters
On Friday October 18, starting around 5pm, come watch the Red Bull XRW crew and Luke Aikins ('No Parachute, No Problem') doing a wingsuit fly-by
with a low parachute opening full of pyrotechnics.
Then at 7pm, witness the attempt to break a new “night” CRW (Canopy Relative Work) world record of 44 skydivers all linking their open parachutes
together and flying in a stunning formation. Each jumper will be utilizing pyrotechnics and wearing suits and helmets that are fully lit up and
visible by the spectators on the ground for a truly amazing sight.
Video is an exert from the 36-way current world record, video from Scott H Lazarus page, full version here LINK
t on 10/20/2019 by shawmanfromny because: (no reason given)
Second link not working. Go to EVENTS on their page..
edit on 20-10-2019 by Bigburgh because: (no reason
a reply to: Varelse
Absolutely Amazing acrobatics together with wing suited divers and with all the fireworks and stuff without incidents like crashing into each other in
the night sky.
Obviously, it was a government snow job where they hurriedly got the fake posts and the parachute cgi up to fool us from what was the definitive
UFO/UAP sighting of the century...
or, never trust the strange stuff seen in the Inland Empire. There's so much meth, there, that hallucinations are manifested via tulpas on an hourly
a reply to: shawmanfromny
I didn't trust the sighting after I posted, so I started to dig well it bared the truth as that's what I aim for to answer my questions . Once I found
it I do no longer keep it to myself and share to reveal so minds can lay at rest.
Not that I'm always easily convinced..
edit on 0b02America/ChicagoSun, 20 Oct 2019 18:36:02 -0500vAmerica/ChicagoSun, 20 Oct 2019 18:36:02 -05001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason
I’m gonna say this just in case a video comes out .
Friday, October 18th 2019 . I was in Cincinnati around 4:00 PM.
While driving down US 50 I looked up and saw three extremely bright lights through a hole in the clouds .
My first thought was that it was a sun dog. But my helper got excited so we decided to pull over . It took probably 10 minutes for the cloud to
pass but when we got another look . The three lights in a different formation seem to be moving away. They turned into almost pinpricks of light
then vanished .
I’ve seen phosphorus burn.
But this was the middle of the afternoon and they looked way to bright for phosphorus flares .
I know pics or didn’t happen .
I just wanted to get it on record .
edit on 20-10-2019 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)
Full disclosure
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is about 50 miles away .
edit on 20-10-2019 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)
I looked ay the national UFO reporting center they haven’t updated their site since the fourth .
Couldn’t figure out how to get to sightings at MUFON. The only thing I learned was that it’s now headquartered in Cincinnati .
I can’t really explain how bright it was. But some of the people driving westbound in Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky should’ve seen it, it was
kind a hard to miss .
It was only a couple days ago so I’m gonna wait. If somebody can find the sightings at MUFON i’d appreciate it .
At this point with no other confirmation. I’m not calling it a UFO sighting. I’ll wait for supporting data if there is any .
Around one minute into this video you hear a bloke say "We're all going to die." One of them says something about jumping into his truck near the
beginning of the video too.
People wonder why, if aliens do exist and our governments know about them, why won't they tell us? That's why.
Congratulations to the parachute team for making a new record.