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Insurance !!!!! Hospital in Network but Doctor wasn't?

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posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 01:58 PM
I'm so freaking pissed right now hoping some of you can give me advice on how to possibly win this drama with my insurance company and the hospital.
So about a month ago my wife who is only 40 was having chest pains all day and just not feeling right....she called her insurance carrier and was directed to a local emergency room that was in network for our insurance. Being it was an in network hospital we were only going to be responsible for the Co-payment. We get to the hospital and they rush her in for a barge of tests. Thankfully it all ending up being extremely high blood pressure and was fixed with meds and change of diet.
Going forward a month goes by and we get a bill from the hospital for around $1000. We called our insurance company and they said they covered 100% of all the hospital bill but the doctor on staff wasn't part of the network so he's not excepting the insurance. They said this happens all the time.
We called the hospital and inquired and they said the exact same thing.....
Am I wrong here.... If the damn doctor is working at a specific hospital and that hospital takes your insurance shouldn't he also be required to take it as well? Who in their right mind would ever think of asking while heading to the emergency room .... I know you take my insurance but which doctor is working and does he?she?
I want to fight this.... Ideas please!!!!! Help

posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: BadRandy217

I am the victim of a similar issue.

In our case, wife went to doctor who was in network. Doctor requires a basic piss test before administering back injections.

His Lab was out of network and now they want almost $700 bucks for a basic piss test.

Not happy

edit on 20-10-2019 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

(post by ErEhWoN removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 02:57 PM


posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: BadRandy217

I feel for you guys over there in America
, It is a crazily complicated health ,and tax system you employ there people in the UK and other countries with social care just cannot get our heads around it .

Maybe offer them 10% cash take it or leave it offer is all i got .

A few years ago i went into hospital with a heart attack 12 am -3am went into ward and signed myself out at mid-day next day after getting bored and needing a smoke

A American guy was telling me he did exact same over there as i did here and got hit with a 40K bill because he was in between jobs and was not covered for a few weeks .

posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 03:42 PM


posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 03:47 PM

His Lab was out of network and now they want almost $700 bucks for a basic piss test.
a reply to: infolurker

I hurt my hand recently... pretty dang bad....traumatic amputation of part of it....

first bill over 29k.... I owe 400...

posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 03:52 PM


posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 04:14 PM
It's an amazing experience at hospitals. Apparently they don't hire doctors anymore. The doctors have contracts to work there but bill you separately; as does every department in the hospital. X-ray, cat scan, labs, specialists.

Unfortunately, I have been hospitalized 3 times this year. The bills just keep coming and I don't know when it will end.

Obamacare did not help with this system which will get paid one way or another. Is any politician talking about this?

posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: Floridadreamin

Another issue with the ever popular out of network doctors is that your personal doctors are now nothing more than specialist referral machines. And God help you if one of them or the radiologist or lab or delivery driver or whomever else is out of network.

posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: BadRandy217

I bypass this problem by using an all in-network hospital system. The hospital I use, my regular doctor(his entire group), my cardiologist(his entire group), my endocrinologist(her entire group), my orthopedist(his entire group) and even the immediate care center I use are all in the same hospital network and all of their providers, labs, etc. all accept all the same insurances that the hospital system accepts. The only healthcare professional I use that is not within their group is my therapist, but before I chose her I talked to our insurance provider and got a list of providers within 10 miles of me that they cover 100%.

It's a good idea to research before you have an emergency situation than find out the hard way. I use doctors, hospitals, clinics and medical groups all within the Norton healthcare system and have never had to pay anything other than my deductible and required co-pays- insurance pays for everything else. Besides that I don't have to keep filling out paperwork and giving the same info over and over because it's all in the same system.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 07:28 AM
this is why people are so critical of medicine and especially insurance companies
ps my health insurance just went up 60%

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