Luckily I still get updates on my subscriptions to often tongue-in-cheek type sarcastic trolls of postmodern excess like Hunter Avallone, Gavin Mc
inness (or his hyper-woke brother Miles, tee-hee), Paul Joseph Watson, The Amazing Lucas, Rebel Media, Sargon or Black Pigeon Speaks. I just find a
lot of it really, really funny. However some of them have been temporarily banned on YouTube (but they're back), and at least two are totally banned
from Facebook. None of them are real racists, homophobes or in any sense "fascists" and "neo-Nazis".
I still met some real ideological Nazis in my lifetime (they're all dead now), and let me tell you these terms are completely inappropriately abused
today by far-left know-nothings.
What affects me most is the disappearing military music.
And I like my military marches, and think it's a great way to learn about history, ordinary soldiers, and many were in fact performed by opposing
armies under different titles (several still are). The World Wars are long over, how can the interest be anything more than historical?
So, take my German music thread, I just think there's not much point adding anything on anymore.
Every single historical march is removed by YouTube and ends up a blank space.
Sure it might be back a week later with different visuals, but it's not fair on ATS to keep repeating the same stuff, only to have YouTube blank it
out again.
It looks like a mess - this historical musical massacre.
And sometimes, out of sheer desperation, I do post a military march in an inappropriate category, hoping it won't be noticed. The sheer enjoyment
after a few beers of the music is worth the risk. You tell me, what else can I do just because I enjoy the bombastic sound of that music?
But it shouldn't be this way - it's music that's a common heritage, and teaches about history.
Once they remove songs about the birds in the forest (and many of those folk songs were there long before or after the Nazis), it's like an entire
genre is under threat, simply because it's not rock or pop.
To me it's just a basic part of masculinity to know these things, even if they were abused at certain times.
I wouldn't mind marching next to an American, a Jewish, a Roma, a Muslim, an African or whatever brother.
It's the brotherhood that counts.
So the very equalizing potential of the military and the dawn of post-War citizenship and brotherhood is actually destroyed with this censorship.
And not much point starting a new thread, for example, just with military marches and songs (that are not modern rock or pop). The same thing will
happen. I mean nowadays you're called a "fascist" just for waving the US flag, for example. It's completely subjective and out of hand.
edit on
17-10-2019 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)