posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 12:59 AM
Well, as far as the really difficult parts of this program, he says it is to make me stronger for something really big that is about to happen to me.
Of course, he won’t tell me what. He also says I’m a going to see some huge changes in the world very soon and I have to be ready to face them. He
stated that I was chosen for this program, because I have been in service to them and wasn’t aware of the ways I was used, both professionally and
personally, for information.
As far as the possibility that this is some kind of synthetic telepathy, he just laughs and says they are really grasping at straws with this one. Our
government could really use some help, but what they really need here, is something you have to be born with. He states that hybrids are already in
society and they don’t have the telepathic ability either. It has been intentionally withheld for the safety of mankind. He wants me to tell you
that Alien Grays have been on this planet underground, undersea, and above us for as long as we were eating bananas, and they consider us their
children. We are in for big stuff in 2020, because a disclosure date is possible, but he could just be trying to scare us into change. Anyway, my
experience is the most difficult thing I have ever lived through, and I thank you for your input. a reply to: