a reply to:
With respect to your points, firstly it has nothing to do with who she actually works for. It is about who is the person whispering in her ear putting
her out in front of the world to spout what she has been told is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, that is the question. She
doesn't need to be paid a single penny for her to be pushing someone elses agenda on the public. They are using her and her autism, aspergers, OCD,
selective Mutism etc as a shield against anyone who dares disagree with what "she" or more to the point her puppet masters believe is happening. This
is a thing that people who know their own opinions will be picked apart do in hopes of stopping those holes in their claims being noticed and
Amongst your (again with respect) rather Alex Jones like list of conspiracy theories, one or two I may agree with others not so much, your main gripe
is that people are going after Greta not because of her words but who she is and her mental disabilities and that's fine, you can do that but you have
to criticise those people and point them out, you cannot label all who disagree with her and her masters as picking on some poor kid. She is sixteen
years of age, she is standing up in front of the world, which already is a pretty scary place, and basically telling people that they are living
wrong, that through their actions they are killing the planet and are about to bring the end of the world in a little over a decade but we ALL know
that isn't going to happen. Even if their predictions are close to being right even the researchers and minds behind the reports that her claims lean
on have said the world will not end in 12 years.
We can argue over whether it is right to go after Greta, personally I believe it is. If you believe no one is behind her that this all comes from her
own mind and drive to "save the world" (psst the world will be fine it's mankind that we would need to save) then going after her claims and words is
up for attack because as you believe it is her opinion and so we have the right to debate that opinion. I believe she is being treated like a prop by
her parents, she is being told what to say, how to say it and what to do. I have seen her give interviews without a script, I have seen her
interacting with people one on one, I have members of my family who have some of the same illnesses that she suffers from and I can see the moments
where she is following instructions like with her speech at the UN where she said "You ruined my dreams and childhood" with a quivering chin and
between that and her next sentence she is straight faced, she shows no emotion. Children with what she has do this because they do not know what
emotion they should be showing unless coached or told to do so and this is clearly what is happening with her.
Last point and this is important, If you have the inclination look into how this all got started, why she was suddenly thrown into the limelight, look
into her parents and their stories and beliefs. There is more to this young woman than people would realise. I do not believe anyone should be able to
point to her disabilities and poke fun but her opinion, the things she is saying THOSE ARE UP FOR CRITICISM and if we didn't do that, if we let her
just spout whatever her masters tell her we are doing more damage. Kids are going to sleep at night thinking the world is about to end in just over a
decade, I have a nephew who has Aspergers, he phoned me just a few nights ago and asked me if the world was really ending, he has been up night after
night crying and scared that he only has a decade left to live, she is and her people, are doing real damage to the youngsters. We have to show that
what she claims is going to happen ISN'T.
The Church of Climate Change is becoming a real thing and Greta Thunbergs people are attempting to turn her into its first Messiah and if not
challenged it'll lead to a strange era of climate change extremists and we all know where religious extremists get us.