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Is The MSM push of LGBTQ values really a Covert foreign OP to Destroy all USA INTEL Capability?

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posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 10:35 AM
Well think about it. We heard and read about the Epstein thing. Get some pictures of the rich and famous. Better yet get a video. Then sell it to the highest bidder or use it to extort, or simply use it as power and control mechanism over others. It happens all of the time both in public and private life and both parties use it. Whatever happened to the golden showers in Russia thing with Trump?

It has been tried and used against Trump many times. But guess what? None of it stuck as it wasn't true. As crazy as he is his bunny ears are up 24 /7 regardless of all of "those" women coming forward about being assaulted sexually and threatened? All were paid off? I think not. So they tried to get Trump with Epstein but guess what. No pictures nor videos surfaced and don't think that the USA INTEL is here to protect Trump as they all have factions within that are in the back pocket of the DNC and the SDNY and shall we say it goes both ways?

This is NOT a Thread BASHING LGBTQ community. Its just about what will be left when the stuff in the closet is now accepted and the norm in our everyday world. So lets look at the push as follows:

So down the road in years when homosexuality among males or females along with transgenderism is all accepted along with prostitution in the MSM arena, along with the acceptance of multiple relationships regardless of whether or not you are married or in a relationship, our country would basically be a sexual free for all to do as you wish regardless of whatever you pledged. Then top off your tank with dropping the hammer on God along with Christians. Discredit, maim and get em otta here. So then whats left? So what could be used by INTEL to blackmail or discredit any politician as the prostitute thing about Trump in Russia would be just another Bed Time for Bonzo episode. It would have never have made the Dossier. A huge, yawn!

Please tell me as I can't see how any of this would benefit USA INTEL. By staying away from the religious end game slant it would seem that either Russia or China owns our USA MSM.

So comrade vat do you tink?

edit on 12-10-2019 by Waterglass because: added

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

This subject has little to do with the points above IMO. It’s just a way of painting right-of-center voters in a negative light.

But, think through your commentary another way.... a free American adult has the right to be gay/straight/etc. 100%. Im in no position to pass judgment on that. Does that mean I want to participate in it? No, I’m not lgbtq. Does the thought of gettin down with a dude sound good? Not in the slightest. But imagine if you had to go through life as a male, liking women, but hookin up with men. You’d be sick. Or you’d be employed by the Catholic Church.

What does bug me is the in-your-face nature of the lgbtq community - or any community that is in-your-face righteous - which applies to the global warming crowd, the religious right, etc.

The weaponization of this topic is simply to get votes and consolidate power to the left. That’s it.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

all the transgenders, lesbians, and dikes didn't get promoted to military positions under the last administrations cause they believed in equality or cause they were the most qualified. the enemies within are laughing how weak our country has been and how unbelievably easy it is to subvert our national security from within.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass

So down the road in years when homosexuality among males or females along with transgenderism is all accepted along with prostitution in the MSM arena, along with the acceptance of multiple relationships regardless of whether or not you are married or in a relationship, our country would basically be a sexual free for all to do as you wish regardless of whatever you pledged. Then top off your tank with dropping the hammer on God along with Christians. Discredit, maim and get em otta here. So then whats left?

Sodom and Gomorrah ?

And look what happened there!!

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

The lgbtq barbeque whatever propaganda will end badly, increasing the level of our collective psychosis.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: LoneBird
a reply to: Waterglass

all the transgenders, lesbians, and dikes didn't get promoted to military positions under the last administrations cause they believed in equality or cause they were the most qualified. the enemies within are laughing how weak our country has been and how unbelievably easy it is to subvert our national security from within.


So you’re saying homosexuality is a national security threat?

No, it’s not a national security threat. This is probably the most ignorant, hateful post I’ve seen on here.

The real national security threat is hateful division.

Ironically, I would say in general the left propagates that division more than the right. But, this posts explains why to me - it’s an easy target.

Left pushes lgbtq “agenda” — right wingers say hateful stuff - left capitalizes on it and exposes the “hate” on the right. Most people aren’t truly hateful beings - so they become disenfranchised with the right. And “conservative” values lose.

Flame suit on since this is ATS but dang man - learn to love your neighbor.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

...Hate that guy.. My neighbor i mean..

..always drinking and shooting his rifle... lets frigging dogs run around everywhere..

edit on 12-10-2019 by solve because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: LoneBird
all the transgenders, lesbians, and dikes didn't get promoted to military positions under the last administrations cause they believed in equality or cause they were the most qualified.

o Can you believe you have to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to participate in the selection process mentioned?
o Can you believe you've got to pass the psychological screening to advance into the selection process?
o Can you believe that once the selection process has been conducted that a 'senior psychologist' conducts a review and approves the selectee?

Let that sink in. Then realize we're talking about people who have already graduated from the progressive brain squeeze university system. Being screened by a liberal, vetted by a panel of liberals, and then approved by a liberal. And, you can't say anything about 'the process' because you've signed an NDA.

Best stuff never mentioned on ATS.

edit on 12-10-2019 by Deplorable because: 0bama made me do it.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I have to disagree on a few points with your assumptions:

There is nothing innately contradictory between Christianity and civil rights. There are dozens of Christian denominations that affirm and even promote the rights of LGBT+ folks. Therefore I'd have to disagree that in your future scenario where everyone has the same civil rights that religion would have to be destroyed.

Also, I don't think that more equitable civil rights has anything to do with the erasure of sexual taboos. I believe everyone has the right to do what they want as long as it doesn't harm me and mine. I do not want to know what goes on in their private moments.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: LoneBird
a reply to: Waterglass

all the transgenders, lesbians, and dikes didn't get promoted to military positions under the last administrations cause they believed in equality or cause they were the most qualified. the enemies within are laughing how weak our country has been and how unbelievably easy it is to subvert our national security from within.

Hello mentality of the early 20th century! Can't say I'm glad to see ya!

(You do realize that technically, Lesbians and dykes are the same thing?)

Civil rights for all Americans has nothing to do with subverting national security from within.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

No I'm saying the enemies within the country like the muzzie brotherhood and global communists who have infiltrated our American political system, use power and influence to promote liberals, transgenders, and homosexuals to high ranking positions in the United States military, not cause they care about equality, but for nefarious reasons.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: LoneBird
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

No I'm saying the enemies within the country like the muzzie brotherhood and global communists who have infiltrated our American political system, use power and influence to promote liberals, transgenders, and homosexuals to high ranking positions in the United States military, not cause they care about equality, but for nefarious reasons.

Okay, I'll bite. Why would liberal or gay/trans Command be for nefarious reasons again?

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Cause they are influenced by the same dark forces that plot and plan to destroy America. This is simple basic stuff that you should already know.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: LoneBird
a reply to: Waterglass

all the transgenders, lesbians, and dikes didn't get promoted to military positions under the last administrations cause they believed in equality or cause they were the most qualified. the enemies within are laughing how weak our country has been and how unbelievably easy it is to subvert our national security from within.

Hello mentality of the early 20th century! Can't say I'm glad to see ya!

(You do realize that technically, Lesbians and dykes are the same thing?)

Civil rights for all Americans has nothing to do with subverting national security from within.

My mentality will keep America from being defeated and then having islamists and communists take over and throw gays off roofs. Which is what will happen soon as the safe refuge of America is taken away from them. I don't want that to happen.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: LoneBird
a reply to: Gryphon66

Cause they are influenced by the same dark forces that plot and plan to destroy America. This is simple basic stuff that you should already know.

LOL ... liberals and gays are influenced by "dark forces"?

Whats an example? Satan, the Illuminati, Nick at Nite?

Assume that I don't know that "simple basic stuff" ...

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: LoneBird

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: LoneBird
a reply to: Waterglass

all the transgenders, lesbians, and dikes didn't get promoted to military positions under the last administrations cause they believed in equality or cause they were the most qualified. the enemies within are laughing how weak our country has been and how unbelievably easy it is to subvert our national security from within.

Hello mentality of the early 20th century! Can't say I'm glad to see ya!

(You do realize that technically, Lesbians and dykes are the same thing?)

Civil rights for all Americans has nothing to do with subverting national security from within.

My mentality will keep America from being defeated and then having islamists and communists take over and throw gays off roofs. Which is what will happen soon as the safe refuge of America is taken away from them. I don't want that to happen.

That's good! Thank you, I'm glad you don't want people thrown off roofs. Are you as concerned with certain fundamentalist Christian groups in the US that advocate for gays to be put to death? (I would have said stoned, but, "phrasing.")

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: LoneBird
a reply to: Gryphon66

Cause they are influenced by the same dark forces that plot and plan to destroy America. This is simple basic stuff that you should already know.





pretty much sums the only reaction any sane individual could have to the entirety of this thread.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: LoneBird

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: LoneBird
a reply to: Waterglass

all the transgenders, lesbians, and dikes didn't get promoted to military positions under the last administrations cause they believed in equality or cause they were the most qualified. the enemies within are laughing how weak our country has been and how unbelievably easy it is to subvert our national security from within.

Hello mentality of the early 20th century! Can't say I'm glad to see ya!

(You do realize that technically, Lesbians and dykes are the same thing?)

Civil rights for all Americans has nothing to do with subverting national security from within.

My mentality will keep America from being defeated and then having islamists and communists take over and throw gays off roofs. Which is what will happen soon as the safe refuge of America is taken away from them. I don't want that to happen.

Yea, sure thing bud. Glad to know you got the lgbt communities back when the holy war starts.....*snickers*

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: LoneBird
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

No I'm saying the enemies within the country like the muzzie brotherhood and global communists who have infiltrated our American political system, use power and influence to promote liberals, transgenders, and homosexuals to high ranking positions in the United States military, not cause they care about equality, but for nefarious reasons.

So...Muslim Brotherhood agents in our government are promoting liberalism, transgenderism, and homosexuality to bring down the US by having them rise to high levels of the military?

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Those are a tiny minority and not real Christians. They worship the same tyrant God as most communists and islamists. Of course I stand against them. Homosexuals don't bother me.. as long as they are not pushing an agenda. Jesus is ready to save everyone if they just go deep within, repent, and ask for help. It's a beautiful miracle there for every soul really. The fact is though the large majority of real Christians in America are the ones are protecting homosexuals from extermination by the communists and islamists. But the irony here is the communists and islamists are using the gay agenda to attack the strongest sector in America society, which is heterosexual Christian Americans. You see the agenda here. No you don't do you.. you can't think that far ahead. It's ok.

These are just the facts. I don't know why this makes yall so defensive. There is no hate in here from me. We all need a strong national security and strong military to face what is coming against America. A guy like me especially. A loner who likes to be alone with the birds and trees, thinkin about Jesus. The collectivists will send me to the hanging tree first. Which would be an honor if I really thing about it. But I don't want that to happen to no one else. Thats why we cant let America be defeated from within.

If there is an agenda, which there usually always is... it needs to be pointed out.

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