Once again before facts are known, and even before these men are found guilty the left-wing media and deep state claim both POTUS Trump and Rudy
Giuliani must have known about the corruption...
I have noticed that since the first day the story broke that left-wing sites like CNN already had photos of Rudi Giuliani and POTUS Trump together
with Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman in their latest attempt at claiming that both Giuliani and POTUS Trump must be guilty too...
First, it is probable that these are old photos, yet at least CNN already had them ready, as well as video, when the story broke, and without any
other evidence they try to link Rudy Giuliani and POTUS Trump with the two alleged corrupt American/Russian born men.
Two Giuliani Ukraine associates indicted on campaign
finance charges The duo allegedly sought to buy political influence on behalf of Ukrainian and Russian individuals.
It's ironic that when two men whom funneled, or attempted to funnel
$21,600,000 to the Obama campaign in 2012, yet the left-wing media at no
time tried to claim that Obama/Biden must have been involved.
Yet these two American/Russian born men made a contribution to the Trump campaign of
$325,000 and immediately the left-wing media claims that
Giuliani and Trump both must have known and be involved in the alleged campaign finance violation before the facts are known...
I saw the photos and videos from CNN in Spanish 2 days ago. My uncle is visiting from Cuba and in my area only Univision and CNN report news in
Spanish so we were watching the news in Spanish even though we know how biased CNN and even Univision are.
It is obvious that democrats, and their left-wing media are trying to stop the real corruption that Biden and the former Obama administration were
involved with with the former Ukranian authorities by once again trying to shift the blame on the Trump administration.
It is normal for a POTUS to taking photos with donors whom give large donations to their campaigns. However, that doesn't prove that either POTUS
Trump or Giuliani knew about the corruption.
It's ironic that not that long ago I also posted evidence that two men, one an American rapper and the other a foreign national, had been found guilty
of campaign finance violations in which they gave money to the Obama campaign.
Two People Indicted for Making Donations During 2012 U.S. Presidential Election.
So without ANY evidence whatsoever, except some photos and video, the left-wing media once more claim that Rudy Giuliani and POTUS Trump MUST be
guilty. But when the case involves the Obama administration they wait until the case has been solved, and until the last moment, to show these news
and then don't mention any possible involvement of the Obama/Biden administration with the corruption...
I never even saw or heard the media posting any "possible collusion" between these men and the Obama administration, and in fact I only became aware
of this news after the men were found guilty. The left-wing media did not put 24/7 news showing this case like they like to do with the Trump
administration before FACTS are known...
To me, and anyone with any honesty left, this is another obvious attempt by the left-wing media and the deep state to make the public believe that
POTUS Trump and anyone connected with him must be immediately seen as guilty before any evidence is presented, and before this goes even to court.
If anyone unbiased in the Trump administration had known this they would have made the POTUS aware of the possible corruption these two men were
involved in. But it seems that once more the Trump administration was kept in the dark for the deep state and the left-wing media to keep on trying
to dissuade the public from voting for Trump again for POTUS in 2020.
edit on 11-10-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.