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Free hardback book for people in Europe.....Quick review.....

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posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Oh my dear, clearly I was referring to a particular book from series one, Joseph isn't even mentioned until Matthew from the writing pool contributes,, and that is in the second series when stoning wives was beginning to be frowned upon by the god character.

Silly example, are you sure you have read this oddly contradictory horror fantasy book as much as I have?

edit on 11-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Are you sure the ‘god character’ you speak was even behind the stoning of anyone ? The commandments that the true living God gave moses on the mountain had love your neighbor as yourself as the second commandment.

Many of the other laws were simply made up by humans and we all know how that can go.. in any religion, or even with atheism.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: DaisyRainbow
a reply to: Raggedyman

Oh my dear, clearly I was referring to a particular book from series one, Joseph isn't even mentioned until Matthew from the writing pool contributes,, and that is in the second series when stoning wives was beginning to be frowned upon by the god character.

Silly example, are you sure you have read this oddly contradictory horror fantasy book as much as I have?

Non Daze
I am sorry, but this is why I am so disappointed by the utter simplicity of your comments and review, it’s ignorance beyond my comprehension

There was no new covenant until the last supper.
The Mary Joseph part was under the old covenant, you haven’t even comprehended the basics and think your comments are relevant or even deep

Jews didn’t just go stoning people, they had a justice system, they had compassion, love, understanding. The law was the extreme option. It’s just mindlessness ton assume the Jews operated at the extreme of the law all the time

It’s just ignorance to think the way you are, no clue

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Are you sure the ‘god character’ you speak was even behind the stoning of anyone ? The commandments that the true living God gave moses on the mountain had love your neighbor as yourself as the second commandment.

Many of the other laws were simply made up by humans and we all know how that can go.. in any religion, or even with atheism.

Seriously, God tortures people forever no worries, no problem but has issues with having people who break the laws He has commanded stoned to death
That’s not really logical in any way shape or form

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Are you sure the ‘god character’ you speak was even behind the stoning of anyone ? The commandments that the true living God gave moses on the mountain had love your neighbor as yourself as the second commandment.

Many of the other laws were simply made up by humans and we all know how that can go.. in any religion, or even with atheism.

Seriously, God tortures people forever no worries, no problem but has issues with having people who break the laws He has commanded stoned to death
That’s not really logical in any way shape or form

It’s you who says God tortures people for eternity... I say people choose an eternity of torture by separating themselves from love.

Also if stoning was ok with God for breaking His commandments ..why were men never stoned ? They obviously coveted their neighbors wives and sometimes had sexual relationships with them. You never hear of a man being stoned to death which leads me to believe it is a man made law and not one by God.

Raggedyman, obviously the OP’s mind will not be changed at this time and she has every right to not believe in the book. I just wish she wouldn’t mock my God in a jokes and puns forum. I find it in bad taste. You on the other hand , Raggedyman are supposed to be a man of faith and your snide and rude comments do nothing to endear people to the living God.

Is this really your mission statement for your life... which you posted in this thread ?
edit on 12-10-2019 by Sheye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: Sheye

We find absolute agreement there 👍❤️
Have a nice day, I'm off out for the day/evening so I'll leave you and Raggedy to go toe to toe in your theological battle of interpretations lol 😂

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Sheye

Snide and rude, perspectives I guess

God allows people to be tortured for eternity and that’s ok by you
People being stoned is not

Yes men were stoned, that’s what the Pharisees wanted for Christ
Stoning was for men as well, where you get it was just for women is anyone’s guess, now if I say your theology is lacking you will accuse me of snippy and snide comments
So what should I say

Now I don’t believe in eternal hell for humanity, I don’t believe in what you believe.
People choose not to be in a relationship with God, yes I was incorrect but that’s pedantics.

You believe God allows people to suffer torture forever but stoning is evil, I don’t get that, I don’t get that logic and how you form that.

Now where I come from, correcting people’s ignorance and bad behaviour is loving. Allowing damaging behaviour is not loving.

So you think God allowing people to be tortured forever is better than being stoned?
That’s nonsense

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

So you can’t explain your confusion between old and new testaments and covenants but think your review of the bible is valid and sensible

Nonsense and ignorance, you embarrass yourself

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

You believe God allows people to suffer torture forever but stoning is evil, I don’t get that, I don’t get that logic and how you form that.

God allows us to have free will . If souls choose to separate themselves from Jesus’s truth and wisdom they are separated from love and a consequence of that is eternal damnation.

I believe everyone sees truth in the moments after death.. and can even convert at that time.

One thing for certain Raggedyman.. you won’t convince me of anything. If you really challenge me out of loving concern, I suggest you save that ‘loving’ concern and simply pray for me. That is what I’ll do concerning you as I won’t be replying to your posts anymore.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

So you can’t explain your confusion between old and new testaments and covenants but think your review of the bible is valid and sensible

Nonsense and ignorance, you embarrass yourself

I have no confusion between the 1st and second series of the fantasy horror book.
Series 1, the god character is a monster who condones stoning women to death if They Are found not to be virgins upon marriage.
Series 2, the main god character is now represented in the human form of his own son with an equal dose of a magic spirit. This reformed god character isn't into stoning women and innocent kids like the character portrayed in series 1.

Those are my two obvious examples with reference to my personal book review in the joke forum OP.
I absolutely do understand the differences between the two different sets of writing teams, remember I was brainwashed a Christian and forced to read it by the Anglican church of England until is was about 14 and figured it was just unverifiable fantasy fiction with absolutely no moral justification for any of the horrors included in the plots, as I previously stated.

I think my review is funny and a good interpretation of a book which I consider interesting horror fiction.
I posted it in jokes because I thought it was funny. I did not post in the religious forum because I had little interest in a theological discussion.
I have entertained your attempts at such a discussion but your unfriendly style of discussion is not what I'm interested in on a Saturday night when I am happy after fun dinner with friends.

So please do criticise the joke by all means, pick it apart in specific detail if you wish, but as a personal silly book review it stands.

If you want to talk about it in the religion forum then please do and invite me by all means, but even then if you are just going to continue with unfriendly replies I shall lose interest and leave you to it.
This is the jokes section, not a place for proselytising x.

I am in a very happy and peaceful mood tonight though so big love however you are feeling ❤️

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Well I must say your ‘fantasy horror’ book has helped me try to become a better person by forgiving those who have done me wrong, trying to love my neighbors and being more generous with those less fortunate,praying for those who need support in other ways.

Nothing about that book has made me be evil , so why make mockery of it ?

I tell you with great assuredness that the world would be a lot scarier of a place without the beliefs in a Christian God.
Fear of God can be a healthy thing when it comes to violent human behaviour.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: Raggedyman

You believe God allows people to suffer torture forever but stoning is evil, I don’t get that, I don’t get that logic and how you form that.

God allows us to have free will . If souls choose to separate themselves from Jesus’s truth and wisdom they are separated from love and a consequence of that is eternal damnation.

I believe everyone sees truth in the moments after death.. and can even convert at that time.

One thing for certain Raggedyman.. you won’t convince me of anything. If you really challenge me out of loving concern, I suggest you save that ‘loving’ concern and simply pray for me. That is what I’ll do concerning you as I won’t be replying to your posts anymore.

Thank you for praying for me, that’s great but
Go study


posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Sheye

if you can't take a joke then ignore the joke forums really.
I checked the terms and conditions and there are no rules prohibiting the mocking or making fun of any faith or religion.
The Christians in this thread have adequately made their disagreements and theological concerns for all to read, so any more would find a more receptive audience in the religious forum.
I didn't post there because I felt that absolutely would be disrespectful to people who believe this fantasy horror fiction book, its their place to pat themselves on their backs about faith, not a place for me to find humour.

You and your Christian mates have made your point, you don't like my joke book review, cool, I get that, but this is not the place for theological discussion, its for humour, and other people actually found it funny as well.
Start a thread in religion criticizing such a joke review of a book you deem holy, but banging on with theological arguments is and never has been the place for the jokes forum.

With love,
Daisy ❤️
edit on 13-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: Typo

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Actually, it’s absolutely fine to make reference to the jokes in the joke forum as in poor taste.
Your joke sucks and is based on misrepresentation... how is that for an opinion ?

There are a lot of Christians on this site and though we may vary and debate theological truths.. one thing we stand firmly unified in is our belief that Jesus is the Son of God ,who died for our sins, so we may have eternal life in heaven.

You can make jokes all you want about it, but don’t expect me NOT to defend my beliefs in this forum. So I’d suggest in the future you refrain from telling me how and when and even where to respond to your blasphemy.

edit on 13-10-2019 by Sheye because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-10-2019 by Sheye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Sheye

you got a star from me because that was exactly the kind of reply which is expected and welcomed ❤️
Banging on with boring technical details about why we differ in views of the book are pointless. I can pull as many horrors out, if not more, than you can of acts of love.
Thank you for a more appropriate reply for the jokes forum as compared to proselytising which is to be kept for the religious forum.

And blasphemy?! Lmao, you are from a different world to me 😂😂😂
Of course we will always see differently, but no need to keep banging on about it, if your faith is strong then my comedy quick book review in a jokes forum should be water off a ducks back.

It's not like I come after you guys in your religion forums when you are slagging down people who don't believe in gods, so play the same game maybe? least my posts are from humour not malice ❤️
edit on 13-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

at least my posts are from humour not malice ❤️

It may appear as humour to you but there seems to be an undercurrent of maliciousness to it, which is used to inflate an already inflated human ego.

Bet you were expecting all sorts of flags and stars for your funny ‘book review’..which didn’t quite go over like it did with your ‘tribe’. Hopefully that gives you an indication of exactly how humorous it actually is, and shows the maliciousness in posting it perhaps ?

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Sheye

Gosh you've really made this personal haven't you. Quote my malicious words as you claim and I shall defend them as not based from malice towards any living human. It was humour about unverifiable fantasy writings in a popular book. I made a joke review, again, yes I understand you didn't find it funny, now you make inaccurate assertions about me as a character?

You even accuse me of doing this for stars and flags, again just attacking your perception of me as a character, inaccurately. I posted it because it made me and friends laugh, and if one other person laughed as well reading it then it was worth posting. Perhaps you may care about stars and flags from strangers for your dopamine hit but I don't lol, I post here just because I like sharing my thoughts...this time it was humorous, in a jokes forum.

You don't need to tell me 56 million times why you disagree, I don't care, its the joke forum, not religion.
And now you are being as unfriendly as your man Raggedy, a fellow believer who you even argue among yourselves with lmao, you couldn't make it up.

I don't attack in the religion forums when you attack people who don't believe in gods, so attacking me personally in the jokes forum isn't really playing a kind game is it.

With love,
Daisy ❤️
edit on 13-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: Multiple typos lol

edit on 13-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: Missed another stupid autocorrect typo, wish I had a bigger screen on my device 🤣

edit on 13-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: Tired eyes, another stupid autocorrect I missed oops

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Sorry for my honesty on your character judgement.. and why you posted here. I hope I am wrong.
In the meantime I still have freedom to express my views on your lame joke in the joke forum. Nuff said... bye.

Oh and just to add .. strong faith isn’t about letting things slide like off a ducks back. Strong faith is about standing up for what you believe in especially when others make a mockery of your God.

edit on 13-10-2019 by Sheye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Sheye

And I absolutely defend free speech & free expression, every time 👍
Just theological discussions are not for the joke forum, that's religion where I leave you guys alone to it.
Say your piece by all means but any further than that is proselytising, something I have not done in this thread, simple engaged with it until it became needlessly unfriendly.

Pick the technical structure of the joke or timed delivery etc, all day, but proselytising is the appearance when the argument becomes theologically focused in depth, not the joke itself.
...and when both you and your man Raggedy became unfriendly while i was not, it made me feel you polluted the Joke forum with zealous negative emotion...I posted here for a reason, so criticise the joke itself because banging on with your theological arguments is for the religious forum, which is obviously one I do not visit to make jokes, because that would be disrespectful in my own opinion as well.And kinda kills the spirit of forum allocation to posts on ATS.

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

We did criticize the joke for itself. You just don’t accept the criticism.

I also disagree with your statement that you have NOT become unfriendly. Take a good look at your posts and be honest with yourself. Reprimanding another member and telling them what and where they should post seems rather condescending and unkind. ( Even if you do end your posts with a rather disingenuous “love Daisy” with a heart added )

Oh.. by the way.. lame joke ! 😁
Sincerely with love, Sheye ❤️lol

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