posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to:
Well perhaps not a chemical catalyst or enzymatic process -
(you are correct they are more or less the same process but you know a catalyst helps a reaction to occur or speed's it up but is left over after the
reaction is finished so though it is involved in the reaction it does not form a part of the product of that reaction and is usually a single element
or combination of such or if we stretch it to include the definition of environment then an environmental condition were an enzyme is a molecular
structure and usually more complex and tailored to the job it is engineered - naturally or artificially to accomplish such as in washing powder or
enzymes in your gut that help to break down food or on the outer shell of virus that help them to pass through cell wall's and to integrate themselves
into the cell nucleus etc,. A simpler definition of the difference would be to say that Catalytic reactions work on the atomic/elemental scale while
Enzymatic reaction occurs on the molecular and macro molecular scale rather than the elemental level of chemical reaction, catalysts are usually left
over though they form an intermediate stage in the reaction but enzymes are often used up in the process)
- in this case but an environment induced perhaps through some form of dimensional destabilization or other technological interaction with the matter
that would act in such a way as to cause the atom's to undergo such a metamorphic change.
I believe it is possible but not perhaps to change the fundamental elemental make up of a being that was so petrified, the petrified human being
would have to be made up of the exact same elements they had been in life, fossilization work's quite differently as the fossil is slowly replaced by
other mineral's over time so usually fossil's are not the original creature they merely retain it's shape.
A simple sample of these statues which I actually feel confident would show them to likely be stone - or maybe I could be wrong? - would enable a
test of the elemental make up, this could be done in the simplest way possible mass spectrometry, a sample is heated and vaporized and a polarized
light is shone through the vaporized material, this allows the spectrum of that light to be analysed and by what light is absorbed we can identify the
element's present within the sample, if all the element's of a human body were present in the result - even if other element's were also shown to be
present then the idea that they were once living being's could then not be ruled out but however if those elements were not present - well even other
dimensional technology is unlikely to be able to metamorphose one element into another as in the real world that can only happen in two way's, atomic
fission as in a nuclear device and atomic fusion as in the heart of a star.
Still I dearly would love to see the most promising samples analysed in this manner and to see the result's even if they would not truly convince
either side regardless of what those results were.
edit on 7-10-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)