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"Hobbits" in Indonesia-- Can Leprechaun fossils be far behind?

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posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 06:38 PM
Local village folklore in the vicinity of the cave where this new specie of man was found talked of leaving food outside for the "little people". This was thought to be only stories told to children, now their existence has been proven. How long before the "little people" a hemisphere away are proven to exist?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 10:50 AM
A very long time. The areas in question tend to be very heavily populated and well documented. Therfore it would be difficult for them to have remained undiscovered for so long.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:11 AM
Any links, or pictures of your hobbits?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by CiderGood_HeadacheBad
Any links, or pictures of your hobbits?

"Google" Hobbits in Indonesia and you'll find a wealth of sights to visit. My point in question is this: If fully grown humans the size of a modern day three-year-old can exist in Indonesia, maybe there is some truth to the Leprechaun legend.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 08:57 AM
Ahh!!! They're after me Lucky Charms!!!

Any links, or pictures of your hobbits?

Was a full news story on all outlets a while back, go to CNN and search on Hobbits and you'll likely find it, after weeding out the Lord of the Rings material...

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:38 PM
Yeah, I was reading an article on that in Scientific American. They supposedly went extinct about 10,000 years ago. A short enough time that there could still be legends circulating about them.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 07:51 PM
I believe reading something like about this. They are homo floriensis and they were supposedly whiped out by a volcanic eruption on the island chains. I'll try to find some information to back this up.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 11:16 PM
??? Leprechauns in Indonesia?

Leprechauns are not to be found elsewhere than in the English and Irish legends and literature... they don't exist anywhere else in other European cultures. So how the legend could have been transported from one place on the Earth to one on the opposite side of the Earth, without any other civilisations knowing about it, and way before the Western world met with the Eastern world? Remember that before the last few centuries, the world was not so "small" as it is today.

There's been many accounts, through legends from many civilisations, of dwarves or little mens, but Leprechauns are a very localized myth...

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion
??? Leprechauns in Indonesia?

Leprechauns are not to be found elsewhere than in the English and Irish legends and literature... they don't exist anywhere else in other European cultures. So how the legend could have been transported from one place on the Earth to one on the opposite side of the Earth, without any other civilisations knowing about it, and way before the Western world met with the Eastern world? Remember that before the last few centuries, the world was not so "small" as it is today.

There's been many accounts, through legends from many civilisations, of dwarves or little mens, but Leprechauns are a very localized myth...

I merely drew a parallel between Indonesian folklore and Irish folklore. The "hobbits" of Indonesia were thought only to exist in myth until actual fossilized remains were found in a cave. The Leprechaun connection was to provoke philosophical thought.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 01:56 PM
sorry that I disturb your discussion.

But what is "Leprechauns" another word for "hobbits"? or "dwarfs"?

I am a total newbie on that subject.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by dacruz
But what is "Leprechauns" another word for "hobbits"? or "dwarfs"?

Leprechauns are the "little people" of Irish folklore. An animated version is the icon for the cereal LUCKY CHARMS. Google Leprechauns and you'll get a trove of info.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 05:23 PM
Leprechauns are said to have been members of the Tuatha Dé Danaan race that supposedly inhabited Ireland prior to 1268BC. They Leprechauns are actually the "half-bloods" half god and half human.
Although the legends of the Leprechauns is commonly associated with Ireland, it is believed that the legends actually have their begininings in ancient Greece.
Here are some links to use if you want to research the subject. It is very facinating.


Tuatha Dé Danann

Tuatha Dé Danaan

The Tuatha De Danaan: The Children of the Goddess Danu

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by kenshiro2012
Leprechauns are said to have been members of the Tuatha Dé Danaan race that supposedly inhabited Ireland prior to 1268BC. They Leprechauns are actually the "half-bloods" half god and half human.
Although the legends of the Leprechauns is commonly associated with Ireland, it is believed that the legends actually have their begininings in ancient Greece.
Here are some links to use if you want to research the subject. It is very facinating.


Tuatha Dé Danann

Tuatha Dé Danaan

The Tuatha De Danaan: The Children of the Goddess Danu

The last link is a very interesting read... I can see where Tolkien had plenty of fodder to stir his imagination. Are there any instances of the little people popping up in any other Great Britain folklore?

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 07:00 PM

The last link is a very interesting read... I can see where Tolkien had plenty of fodder to stir his imagination. Are there any instances of the little people popping up in any other Great Britain folklore?

Sure, I will do a bit of research on the subject and post some more links. There are many legends of this nature just need to know the various names that different cultures gave the "wee folk".

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 10:26 AM
I love it when I get to brag....

This project is actually being headed up by one of my old professor's from here at FSU....Dr. Dean Falk....She was friggin awesome - And HARD as hell - But she has a great sense of humor to make up for it

Unfortunately I haven't really being keeping up with this development, but allow me to offer a few photos of her research from their website....

Check out these links too, for more information:

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by EnronOutrunHomerun
I love it when I get to brag....

This project is actually being headed up by one of my old professor's from here at FSU....Dr. Dean Falk....She was friggin awesome - And HARD as hell - But she has a great sense of humor to make up for it

(g) I'm officially jealous as heck!!! It's wonderful to study under one of those awesomely great profs. My advisor has studied under many of the well-known anthropologists.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by CiderGood_HeadacheBad
Any links, or pictures of your hobbits?

The Hobbit was real, if not quite like what JRR Tolkien had in mind.
Unique images from the site of Homo Florensis

***[COLOR=Blue]Destroy All Humans. [/COLOR]

posted on Apr, 20 2005 @ 05:34 PM
Maybe the Hobbits of Florence migrated to Ireland where they now live in underground dwellings smoking cheeba with JRR Tolkein whom they share stories with about the times when elves, dwarves, and orcs romed the earth, using JRR's book profits to mantain their property rights. Secretly the Leprechauns are the IRA.

But wouldn't it put into a much bigger perspective JRR Tolkein's works per say elves of Easter Island are suddenly found. I would seriously have to campaign an invistigation into whom the man really was.

posted on Apr, 20 2005 @ 05:57 PM

Even more intriguing is the fact that Flores' inhabitants have incredibly detailed legends about the existence of little people on the island they call Ebu Gogo.

The islanders describe Ebu Gogo as being about one metre tall, hairy and prone to "murmuring" to each other in some form of language. They were also able to repeat what islanders said to them in a parrot-like fashion.
Homo floresiensis might have evolved its small size in response to the scarcity of resources on the island.
"When creatures get marooned on islands they evolve in new and unpredictable courses. Some species grow very big and some species grow very small," Dr Gee explained.

The sophistication of stone tools found with the Hobbit has surprised some scientists given the human's small brain size of 380cc (around the same size as a chimpanzee).

"The whole idea that you need a particular brain size to do anything intelligent is completely blown away by this find," Dr Gee commented.

Thought I'd post this link and some quotes. I guess this destroys all brain-size arguments, eh?

Frankly, it's interesting how many times the bible or such 'inspired' books mention "a man" with the presumption that a man stands at a certain height. If the full-size floresiensis was a metre tall, then this throws a lot of these books into a new light.

Unless floresiensis was what adam and eve were, and we big-humans are the descendants of the nephilim, as mentioned in books like enoch, bible, etc. Maybe we are giants?

I'd type more but I broke my finger and only have one hand! :^)

posted on Apr, 20 2005 @ 06:35 PM
Interesting quotes, smallpeeps. This "hobbit" thing in Indonesia may open some more scientific eyes. Why can't humans be honed to fit their environs? It's already been proven other mammals have. Narrow Darwinian minds beware...

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