posted on Oct, 3 2019 @ 12:51 AM
The Globalist version of the failed US Strategic Hamlet Program during Vietnam
While studying the Army War College book titled Art of War Papers
Protecting, Isolating, and Controlling Behavior Population and Resource Control Measures in Counterinsurgency Campaigns and reading the conclusions
section at the end which further describes the tactics employed and its failure to meet its strategic objectives it got me thinking about the pattern
of treatment of the rural population in the United State
Reference link:
Updating this program (failure) as it was when being employed as a counterinsurgency effort in Vietnam this same strategy in the modern era of course
is different in its execution but it will have the same outcome I expect and for similar reasons.
Today we don't have ration cards or military issued script which was changed often in the Strategic Hamlet program. We are being isolated from the
insurgency (American Nationalist) we now have rural areas where you are more likely to see purchases being made with EBT cards which is the modern
equivalent in my view then seeing a cash purchase in many rural areas of the country.
We also have government deep state controlled media being active participants in censorship and outright lies against the Nationalist movement and its
leader who is now POTUS. We have further isolation efforts with leftist globalist controlled big-tech creating echo chambers where conservative
leaning Nationalist can only speak to and talk to one another but they attempt to sensor and control political thought with algorithms and an army of
35,000 partisan sensors in the case of Facebook for instance.
This to say that these strategies might look new to many but they have military historical president which is discussed in detail in Major Mark E.
Battjes's book on the subject. If you take the time to read this book you can at least understand my POV on this subject. I hope in this modern
update of the Strategic Hamlet program being run by the globalist's buddies in the deep state fails as miserably at the Vietnam version did in its
day. It is the strategy they have chosen to go after the rural areas of America and upon further study you might find the same parallels as I did in
my research.