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Highest paid teachers strike again!

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posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 10:49 AM

Nothing to see here, just another Liberal city, that is once again reaching it's greedy hands into everyone's pockets.

The Chicago Teachers Union vote to strike for the third time in seven years is a demand that Chicago taxpayers hand over more than $1.1 billion over three years.- their demands for 15% over three years and reductions in employee contributions to their health care plans. Salary demands and health insurance costs are typically part of contract negotiations. But CTU is also asking for more teachers and support staff, such as nurses and counselors,...CTU also wants the school district to help new teachers buy homes

This is nuts!! Yes the third time in seven years.
These teachers are some of the highest paid teachers in the country, yet they are striking again.
There was a time when striking was needed for fair and honest wages. Now it is being used to hold the community, and parents hostage.
It is greed, plain and simple.
My state does not allow teacher strike.

I think this is more than just teachers striking. If you look at their requests, it also mentions help to buy new homes. What the heck does that have to do with teaching. Absolutely nothing. This is the new Liberal mantra, give us an inch we'll ask for a mile. That's why I don't believe any politician that says, oh we'll just tax the billionaires. We all know it will soon be the millionaires, then the people making 500K and it will keep going down the line until there is no money left. That is exactly what is happening to Illinois is anyone doesn't believe it.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I understand everyone wanting to get what they believe is a fair share of the pot but Chicago and the whole state of Illinois is running on empty.
Their pensions are going to fail soon too.
The democrats have some serious financial issues to deal with.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: JAGStorm

I understand everyone wanting to get what they believe is a fair share of the pot but Chicago and the whole state of Illinois is running on empty.
Their pensions are going to fail soon too.
The democrats have some serious financial issues to deal with.

They aren't dealing with the problems at all, they just keep taxing the residents. The residents are leaving in droves. The tipping point is very near.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Tipping point has passed there is no saving that pit, most likely they will go into default and the Fed will have to bail them out and we the tax payers that were smart enough not to vote those morons into office will end up footing the bill.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 11:29 AM
We have Evers as a governor now, a liberal ex-teacher, it's only a matter of time till its here too.
edit on 1-10-2019 by Notoneofyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 11:48 AM
A teacher being able to buy a home in the community they teach in sounds like a good aim for building a strong community. It is ok for Biden to give Ukraine $1B for arms sales? How important is a good education for national security?

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 11:52 AM
Teachers at the K-12 level in every city in this entire country are grossly underpaid. If it takes raising my property taxes to increase their pay where I live, I'm all for it.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: usernameconspiracy
Teachers at the K-12 level in every city in this entire country are grossly underpaid. If it takes raising my property taxes to increase their pay where I live, I'm all for it.

Many many years ago I was right out there with them. Feeling the same sentiments as you.
Now I see it clear. I'm not sure about everywhere else, but in Chicago they are not grossly underpaid, or even just underpaid. They are in fact the highest paid teachers in the entire country.

I would be all for the highest paid teachers if those were the most educated students in the country. We know they aren't.

I'll give you an inside view into a school in Illinois. My sons class used books that were 50+ years old. Some countries weren't even called the same thing anymore. Their classrooms were not air conditioned.

The teachers were driving BMW's and Mercedes yet threatened us that there would be no art and music if we didn't pass the referendums.

We moved to another area that had 1/5 the taxes of Illinois. What shocked me most of all was that the schools had new books, had computers, had amazing facilities. How was that possible?

Fiscal responsibility! Period!

After five years on the job, CPS teachers with bachelor’s degrees earn $61,831, the highest salary among teachers in this category in all of the 50 largest school districts in the country. Philadelphia comes in second place at $60,202, and Anne Arundel County Public Schools in Maryland finishes third at $54,202. New York City pays teachers in this category $53,329, and in Milwaukee, these teachers make $46,085.

edit on 1-10-2019 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:04 PM
I remember when teachers did not get paid that well, they taught because they wanted to help kids to learn to exist symbiotically in society and to make it so these kids could make a living when they graduated.

Now, the teachers get megabucks, more than the people who live and work in our communities around here. But only after they have been working ten years or more. Usually twenty years gives them a wage comparable to the top jobs in our community....they do not want to quit then even though their pension would be forty grand a year which is more than most people working here. Meanwhile, the new teachers work part time for five years, then they get hired at around thirty two thousand a year, not enough to make a living, they cannot afford to even buy anything for the class to help to teach the kids. Now the older teachers who have over twenty years are making over sixty grand a year. And they do not want to retire, the pension increases every year so they hang on.

It is all messed up. A teacher is a teacher, there should not be that big of a difference. I think starting teachers should get a quicker increase, then they could get up to forty, and the older teachers should get no more than forty eight grand a year. Pensions the teachers get are much more than regular people's pensions, I know they have social security built in but that is still too high. Their unions have made it so there is a major imbalance. I can see their pensions being thirty two grand a year, but forty after twenty years is too high, our taxpayers cannot afford that expense.

A lot of the teachers these days are in it for the money, not to help kids. Yes, there are still a third of them that want to help kids, but the majority are not like that. I have known quite a few teachers and some principals of schools. Some like to expand the minds of kids, but to most it is just a job and they want more and more money.

I am not happy with what I am seeing in the field of education.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Isn’t it common knowledge that teachers are under paid?!?!

Isnt it kinda more important for the highest paid teachers to strike if the teachers pay scale has not risen?!?!

For example...

If Scott Bayo strikes, no one cares... Scott Bayo is a nobody who can’t find work..

If brad Pitt, will Smith, exc strike, the industry cares and maybe is forced to make concessions..

Also I think it is awfully telling that they did not include the average teachers salary...

I bet it is at max 50k..

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Now the older teachers who have over twenty years are making over sixty grand a year. And they do not want to retire, the pension increases every year so they hang on.

I had a direct incident with a teacher that should have retired 5 years prior. This teacher was basically one of the biggest bullies I've ever met. She messed with the wrong person, my child. It ended with me making her cry.

For parents out there, make sure you go to your kids school. Listen to what they are telling you. Some of these teachers are pure junk! And for the good ones, give them all the support you can, because they too are dealing with those other awful teachers!

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:16 PM
Why would teachers needing more money to survive surprise any of you with the rate of inflation as it related to cost of living?

Do me a favor don't bring me government CPI as a counter argument because I will laugh at you.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Here is the actual starting salaries for Illinois public school teachers..

“The teachers' salaries will be raised incrementally under H.B. 2078, from $32,076 for the 2020-21 school year to $34,576 in 2021-22, $37,076 in 2022-23 and $40,000 in 2023-24.

The current minimum teacher salary ranges from only $9,000 to $11,000, depending on the individual teacher's level of education.”

Those greedy monsters... expecting to make 40 grand a year for a job that requires college...

The horror..


posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: JustJohnny

Isnt it kinda more important for the highest paid teachers to strike if the teachers pay scale has not risen?!?!
For example...
If Scott Bayo strikes, no one cares... Scott Bayo is a nobody who can’t find work..
If brad Pitt, will Smith, exc strike, the industry cares and maybe is forced to make concessions..

What the hill of beans are you talking about?

Some states can strike and some can't. It doesn't matter if Brad Pitt strikes because Scott Bayo lives in a state where it is illegal to strike.

Also I think it is awfully telling that they did not include the average teachers salary...

The link I provided showed both the first year teacher salaries and the 5 year mark.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: JustJohnny

Here is the actual starting salaries for Illinois public school teachers..

Dude, get with the program, we are talking about Chicago

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: JustJohnny

I started at $39k for my IT job that required a degree. And I don't get summers off, every holiday ever invented, snow days, teach work days, etc etc.

Wake up to the real world.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
Why would teachers needing more money to survive surprise any of you with the rate of inflation as it related to cost of living?

Do me a favor don't bring me government CPI as a counter argument because I will laugh at you.

If teachers need more money to survive, wouldn't the same be true for the people paying the taxes?

It's not like the tax payers are in some kind of bubble where they don't face the same costs. The only difference is that most of the tax payers don't have the same luxury pensions.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:27 PM
Being prepared to strike is how you get decent conditions.
It was the same with my old Union.
The bosses knew better than to try and stiff us over our pensions and pay rises.

It's surprising how many people don't see this simple truth.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
Being prepared to strike is how you get decent conditions.
It was the same with my old Union.
The bosses knew better than to try and stiff us over our pensions and pay rises.

It's surprising how many people don't see this simple truth.

Yes that was true at that time, this is not the same.

These teachers are some of the best paid in the nation. Their strike does not have merit, it is just greed.
If we were talking about the lowest paid teachers in the nation, sure.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: JustJohnny

It's common knowledge cops are underpaid too.

Come to think of it, I can't think of anyone in any profession that doesn't believe they are underpaid.

Even burger flippers want $15 an hour.

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