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White House attorneys directed sealing of phone transcript

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posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Correct. A White House spokesperson just confirmed that all conversations between the president and foreign leaders are moved to a top secret server.

This is just another example of a nothingburger from low IQ Democrat haters.

The Department of Justice is right now examining evidence to find out who accessed that server and leaked the transcripts 2 The Whistleblower. Only a few people had access to it.

It's very possible the leaker could have been former Director of National Intelligence Dan coats. He disagreed with President Trump in many aspects of foreign policy. Coats could have leaked it about the time he gave his 2 week notice of resignation.
edit on 9/27/2019 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: burntheships

Correct. A White House spokesperson just confirmed that all conversations between the president and foreign leaders are moved to a top secret server.

This is just another example of a nothingburger from low IQ Democrat haters.

Typical of the Democrat party and American Pravda we
have to put up with these days. FAKE NEWS!

The Department of Justice is right now examining evidence to find out who accessed that server and leaked the transcripts 2 The Whistleblower. Only a few people had access to it.

Great, can't wait to hear more about this!

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: burntheships

See the last paragraph I just appended to the Post.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I read that theory. I think it might have been Sue Gordon,
who was asked to tender her resignation by Dan Coats.

She looks like Christine Blasey Fords Sister.

In an case, I'd be thrilled to see an arrest.

edit on 27-9-2019 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:11 PM
The AP article fails to show where and when the transcripts were ever "sealed".

Bad propaganda journalism at it's best 😎

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Its like wiping a server with a cloth.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:16 PM
"I heard you were sexting with your secretary this afternoon, Bob"

That's not true, Sally. We only text if something comes up at work.

"Well, someone told me that you were!"


"It doesn't matter who! None of us saw the text messages, but that's what I heard, you bastard!"

Uhm, do you want to read the text messages? They're right here.

"Oh, you had them on your password protected phone?! That's proof you were trying to hide something!"

Everything on the phone is password protected. I just let you read the messages as soon as you asked. What exactly do you want from me?

"Let's just see what your secretary says, shall we?!
*ring* Yes, this is Sally, Bob's wife, and I'm just wondering why you texted him the other day... uh huh... A client needed to reschedule? I see. Thank you. *click*
See, Bob?

See what?

"Your secretary denied it. Said it was just normal business communications. That's just what I'd expect her to say under pressure!"

Wait, what?

"There needs to be an investigation! Some one told me they heard from someone else that you two were sexting yesterday! It's a credible and serious accusation!"

You just heard from me and my secretary. You just read the text messages. What else exactly do you think you need to investigate..?

"I'm filing for divorce, Bob. I finally caught you this time!"

edit on 27-9-2019 by RadioRobert because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:17 PM
this is getting better each day...

President Trump Chums the water.....

insider never trumper bites on the "rumor"

files "whistleblower report" because anon e mouse laws

President Trump never meets accuser, accuser can say ANYTHING!

(like "they hid this on there, I heard)

Democrats impeach on say of a none e mouse whistleblower

Dems lose House, super majority Republican Senate

President Trump finds leaker(s)

execution on North lawn for sedition,

reelection 2020.

(ok maybe not the north lawn thing, i guess)

ETA: My Apologies RadioRobert, that you ran into my exwife, she almost knifed a girl I worked with one day..
edit on 27-9-2019 by thedigirati because: does it need explaining again?

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: burntheships

That makes sense. Sue Gordon felt that she deserved to be the next Director of National Intelligence.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: burntheships

Correct. A White House spokesperson just confirmed that all conversations between the president and foreign leaders are moved to a top secret server.

This is just another example of a nothingburger from low IQ Democrat haters.

The Department of Justice is right now examining evidence to find out who accessed that server and leaked the transcripts 2 The Whistleblower. Only a few people had access to it.

It's very possible the leaker could have been former Director of National Intelligence Dan coats. He disagreed with President Trump in many aspects of foreign policy. Coats could have leaked it about the time he gave his 2 week notice of resignation.

I might not have been leaked call, it could of been stolen using stingrays.

Let’s look at the time line.
1: trump fires Bolton and doesn’t start war with Iran
2: Isreal gets caught with cellphone towers equipped with stingrays in secure locations in Washington DC and near the White House.
3: amazingly a phone call becomes an issue with trump based off second hand information.

He could of used a secure phone that was hard lined or he might have used a cellphone. It will be interesting to find out what phone he used if they even detail this
edit on 27-9-2019 by Veryolduser because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:28 PM
Sorry double post
edit on 27-9-2019 by Veryolduser because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: burntheships

Correct. A White House spokesperson just confirmed that all conversations between the president and foreign leaders are moved to a top secret server.

This is just another example of a nothingburger from low IQ Democrat haters.

The Department of Justice is right now examining evidence to find out who accessed that server and leaked the transcripts 2 The Whistleblower. Only a few people had access to it.

It's very possible the leaker could have been former Director of National Intelligence Dan coats. He disagreed with President Trump in many aspects of foreign policy. Coats could have leaked it about the time he gave his 2 week notice of resignation.

If ALL conversations with all foreign leaders are moved to a top secret server, when did this become standard operating procedure?

The implication of that statement is that this has been SOP for sometime, such that transferring the record of the Ukraine call was nothing unusual.

However, the basis of the whistleblower complaint is that this particular transfer was, for some reason, so alarming to several White House officials that they felt it necessary to report it to the whistleblower. If transfers of this type have been SOP for some time, why weren’t these concerned officials “in the loop”, why wasn’t the whistleblower able to reassure the officials when they approached, and explain that this move was SOP?
edit on 27-9-2019 by Bhadhidar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Not hidden, just secured because other records have been leaking for 2 and a half years.

It's all legal and thank God somebody is finally securing classified material on a secure system 😎

Hillarious isn't it.

Leak leak leak leak.... then the President takes steps to stop leaks... "ooooo you're hiding something!"
Classic leftism.
edit on 27/9/2019 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:34 PM
The attorneys do that kind of thing automatically if there is a problem with something like this where someone makes an accusation. The person who made the whistleblower complaint mentioned it but he should have realized that once he started poking around and mentioning things it was going to happen. I think all of the presidents calls, no matter who the president is, should not be made available without a court order to anyone other than people who should be monitoring them. Once they are deemed non-confidential then they could be released, but something could have been said in a conversation that could jeopardize something that has to be kept secret till it is cleared to be released.

I see no problem with what was done, in fact I would expect his attorneys to seal the documents till they are reviewed.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: burntheships

That makes sense. Sue Gordon felt that she deserved to be the next Director of National Intelligence.

Yes, she did. Apparently she did something that Dan Coats
found out about and he asked her to resign.

I wonder if she was in contact with leakers,
even if she didn't leak herself.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:39 PM
We all know that nobody should trust politicians or high ranking government officials. The president cannot find any good help these days, especially if he wants more honest people, dishonest people have credentials in DC.

You guys think it is bad here with trusting people you work with, how would you like to work at the deception capital of the world...

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

Again, the White House claims that ALL calls with foreign leaders are put on the top secret server.

If this is in response to previous leaks occurring over the past two years, why has it taken the White House this long to tighten up their security?

If, on the other hand, this transfer policy has been in place for some time, for whatever reason, why did this particular called, being handled like all such calls, so the implication goes, cause such alarm among officials who should have been aware of the policy?

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Last I heard, President of the United States is a political office, making its holder a “Politician”.

And you won’t find any government official ranking higher than the President.

Guess no one should trust Teflon Don, then!

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: Bhadhidar
a reply to: rickymouse

Last I heard, President of the United States is a political office, making its holder a “Politician”.

And you won’t find any government official ranking higher than the President.

Guess no one should trust Teflon Don, then!

Something weird happened the last election.....the best deceiver did not win the presidency. Hillary was much better of a liar than Trump, she knew how to hide it well though....but she could not cover up all the blunders and ignorance she had done as Secretary of State. So she lost.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: Bhadhidar
a reply to: UKTruth

Again, the White House claims that ALL calls with foreign leaders are put on the top secret server.

If this is in response to previous leaks occurring over the past two years, why has it taken the White House this long to tighten up their security?

If, on the other hand, this transfer policy has been in place for some time, for whatever reason, why did this particular called, being handled like all such calls, so the implication goes, cause such alarm among officials who should have been aware of the policy?

because it doesn't follow the narative that Trumps admin is "hiding" things.

also are you in the loop at your job? do you know how your boss does his job? and his boss above him?

not everyone knows everything, especially in Government.

Plus, if I have a leaker already, I might keep some things close to my vest, administration wise.
edit on 27-9-2019 by thedigirati because: the USA actually does have secrets.

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