posted on Sep, 24 2019 @ 12:05 PM
Wow, the Club of Rome and Ingmar Rentzhogs "We don´t have time" money bin (first time, with a young boy as a cart horse, called "Plant for the
Planet", it didn´t work, so they had to use a young girl with asperger now) brought her even to ATS.
In Germany it´s less than one percent of all pupils which follow her. Mostly young german girls and kids from richer parents, which never had any
real problems in their life, which don´t have to bring money home, don´t have to bring food on the table and to pay rent and bills. Like a bunch of
disciples which follow a new prophet, but the media makes it look like they are 100% and not nearly 1%. These kids and their PR made icon want us all
to "panic" because we are all doomed, the day after tomorrow the world will die because of only the former generations fault. Don´t know what we
should save then, if it is too late anyway, according to "I want you to panic" Greta and her disciples.
Do holy Greta and her disciples not leave any negative footprints, do they all live in caves, without power, don´t they all use new tech, don´t
they consume more than any other generation before, don´t they fly more than any other generation before, don´t they travel more than any other
generation before, don´t they wear Primark and H%M shirts, don´t they drink Starbucks to go "coffee", don´t they eat from Mc Donalds and Burger
King, do they all grow their own bio and vegan food, do they grow their own kiwis and bananas for their hip smoothies in front of their cave in
Not? So who are they to tell grown people, which did more for environmental protection over decades than these younger generations ever will, what to
think and what to do? People which left less carbon dioxide in decades than these young wealthy kids without any problems than how do i look on
instagram, in their few years on earth.
Another story are their willing helpers in germany, "Langstreckenluisa" Luisa Neubauer(NGO ONE) and her female cousin Carla Reemtsma from the Reemtsma
(Tobacco) billionaires family. Luisa Neubauer denied to be in the green party when that Fridays for Future campaign started (we are not controlled).
And she is known for travelling a lot via plane, just for fun and holidays. That is why she is called Langstreckenluisa. long distance Luisa. They are
all hipocrites, nothing more and nothing less.
I am afraid Greta really believes what she thinks and says(simply because of her Asperger), that she really thinks she maybe could change something.
And because the people behind her (Club of Rome, Ingmar Rentzhog, sveral NGOs, her rich parents which want to get a bit richer. Her mother writes
books, now about holy Greta, that she can see CO2 with her eyes and stuff), which use her, let her think and tell her all the time that she is right
and that only she has enough wisdom to understand.
These kids are too young to recognize that they are used. They try to critize politicians but these politians use them for their carbon tax agenda, so
people are hapyy and feel goof to pay more taxea again. They use them for nice pics and interviews, saying how proud they are of these political so
interested kids, smile and pet the heads of these kids. And go on with their robber baron capitalism agendas and globalisation crap. They are too
young to know the whole game, how it is played, who the real players are.
And that´s why the better would go to school on fridays, to learn something. At least a bit. Even if it isn´t worth anymore because we all are
doomed and on thursday is earths last day anyway. And Gretas parents maybe should go to jail or at least lose the custody of their childs, because
using her young daughter with asperger for such an campaign is not showing good parenting. Everything Greta has to do there has negative impacts on
her health, check the video from her arriving at NYC, her first interview, what happened to her face while being confronted with all the noise and
lights, all the cams and attention. Check the last nights nervous breakdown while her creepy "Twelve Monkey" 15 minutes, which looked a bit too staged
but seemed to be real, at the UN.