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Millions of kids protest for saving the planet - prophetic fulfillment

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posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

The Pope seriously?

The Church of the Apostasy?

Who are you lying in bed with. Certainly not the what Jesus would call...the pure...

For Bergoglio, the charges are quite personal. Two Jesuit priests who were kidnapped and tortured by the regime in 1976, claim that then-Father Bergoglio—who at the time was the leader of the Jesuit order in Argentina—was complicit in their abduction. According to a book written about the era, Bergoglio "withdrew his order's protection" for them, because they refused to his request to stop visiting the Buenos Aries slums. That loss of the Church's shield allow

In the early 1970s a group called the Club of Rome published Limits to Growth, which based on a complex computer model predicted the exhaustion of natural resources and mass starvation resulting from population growing faster than food production.
All of these catastrophic events were to take place before the century. Of course, none did. The entire Club of Rome agenda was based on what Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek termed the fatal conceit and the failure to understand how markets work and the benefits of technology.

Today’s Club of Rome is the Vatican and Pope Francis’ encyclical on humans, climate, and nature

Club OF Rome and Depopulation Agenda

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 02:43 PM
I don't see a prophecy being fulfilled. I see a bunch of indoctrinated kids protesting in favor of more taxes, regulations, and globalism.

If these kids wanna make a change they could start by turning off the water when they brush their teeth and by taking shorter showers. Then after their frontal lobe have fully developed they can try and change the world...

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 03:27 PM
So no more iPads?

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

This is the problem....multiple generations of brainwashed little morons who are more worried about finding ways to make the Rainbow stay even after the Sun shines.....than they are about facing reality.....only a freaking idiot would even begin to accept that Humans and our behaviours are causing Global Warming....we are like a pimple on a Gnats hass….we could TRY TO ACCELERATE GLOBAL WARMING and likely could not do it....the Earth will compensate for anything we could ever produce.....we have ZERO CONTROL...control is an illusion designed to stop the PANIC REACTION people everywhere should be having RIGHT NOW....our Planet is entering the beginning of a destructive cycle of its normal existance….it has bupkiss to do with us in any way....and we need to openly discuss how and why this is happening as quickly and as thoroughly as it is.....because it is escalating in sped exponentially.

The Carbon Tax is gods idiot test.

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 06:13 PM
We have ourselves to blame and I mean this and the past generation.

Kids really observe how we slander each other and the total disrespect for everything, with a communications network to bring it all to their little cell phones, which we purchased for them.

What the hell would any rational person expect?

There will be a reset, and the aftermath will be all of us being blamed for forgetting about them, and it will be justified.

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: Teikiatsu

Who gathered those numbers?

MSM Media outlets who lie just about everything.

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: JAY1980

By the time these kids reach their adulthood they would either get into video games or other activity either way these kids as poly things for the media and elitists.

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

All well timed like a script eh?

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: charlyv

Some of us discuss the reset with the youngest generations to give them a heads up....yes few...but still they are not all forgotten....there will be survivors who are aged and they will act as short term guides.....or torch bearers...the anger those who will be gifted the immediate truths shall carry for their lifetimes will be justified...those who learn how and by the hands of whom all of Humanity was hamstrung at the worst possible time will all inherit a fire to destroy those who hold accountability for how things have transpired....this WILL CARRY OVER....and any vestiges of these monsters shall be wiped away from our reality....only then will we have a Re-Set.

"For they shall be known of a Thousand Names yet carry the Penance of One."

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 07:42 PM
It is obvious that we agree in principle, and both take time with kids.
They should go forward with good moral values and learn (as well as be instructed) , to never take their eye off the ball.
Process information in the order presented and make judgement's based upon value and not repetition.

posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 12:47 AM
The Climate Movement is a cult. It has all the earmarks

• Authoritarian leadership that demands its followers make sacrifices that leadership is of course exempt from
• Unquestioned obedience to the narrative with little to no room for criticism or analysis
• Constant prediction of doom and apocalypse which are continually adjusted as predicted dates come and go without incident
• Complete and total fear of the outside world. It's an "insiders vs outsiders" mentality
• Financial oversight and accountability within the movement is virtually non existent.

posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 01:40 AM
It is stunning how politically motivated the opponents of the preservation of the planet are!
Leftists created the climate change hoax! There are data from NASA, NOAA, satellite pictures of polar ice receding each summer more...

I could answer more to the posters who promote that absurdity not based on science but on ideology, including where their own political agenda leads to a new ultraconservative dictatorship known from the time of Stalin and Hitler, if not to all out nuclear war, but I do not want to go to their level of reasoning.

My purpose was not to start a political thread. But to examine where the world heads to after one of the big prophecies in Joel repeated by Acts have been fulfilled as we speak. if the 144,000 are among those young people, the world enters into a completely new phase, where the major decisions will be taken by them, the God's anointed ones. And I hope there are people religious who read here and will take note that interpretation has already been posted online and therefore part of the public information domain. Why not for example pope Francis to break with tradition and appoint some young cardinals from those young men, (those who are catholic among them of course) who will promote further their ideas from a position of authority within the Catholic Church and the world? Impossible? There were precedents in the times of martyrdom of a young deacon elected pope. Nothing is impossible, only needs a good will!

If not now, when? If not those young people, who?

We must save the planet, not talking endless of how many percents wind energy is needed, or even less mining coal at the same time. Seems Germany takes the lead in the world (see below).

Someone here asked of the exact extend of the demonstrations, questioning their is an interactive map Q_u6TqWh2LY

Well, the world knows other action is possible.

Germany to join alliance to phase out coal
In the wake of the global student climate strike, Environment Minister Svenja Schulze said Germany would move further in its efforts to phase out coal. Berlin is hoping to shut down all its coal-powered plants by 2038.

"When a big industrial country like Germany turns away from nuclear and coal and transitions step-by-step towards meeting its energy needs entirely with renewable energies, that sends a strong signal to other parts of the world," Schulze said.

On the day of the demonstrations, Chancellor Angela Merkel and her governing coalition unveiled a new proposal to tackle climate change.

Worth more than €54 billion ($59 billion), Merkel's plan aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, in comparison to 1990 levels.
edit on 22-9-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart
Oh wow 2038 another moving goal post

posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: madmac5150

No. Standing up and fighting for, a planet poisoned for profit and corrupted by lies. And still, all the little Nero's continue to fiddle, propped up by views like yours.

posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: ChefFox
a reply to: JAY1980

By the time these kids reach their adulthood they would either get into video games or other activity either way these kids as poly things for the media and elitists.

They will be too busy working their fingers to the bone to service all the debt created since WW11.

posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 09:29 AM
It's a ruse. It's the excuse they will use to take away the last of your freedoms and rights away. After the aftermath, YOU will be to blame. Conspiracy theorists, free thinkers, patriots, people who put the creator before creation(who are the real conservationists), the simple folk without any agenda, they will be the blame.

Then we will all get our world order under chrislam where those in control tell you you must sumbit to their ideals of peace and unity while in their hearts they harbor evil and only desire total control over you.

I dont think I would do too well in world like that.

posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 12:08 PM
Climate change: Impacts 'accelerating' as leaders gather for UN talks

The data, compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), says the five-year period from 2014 to 2019 is the warmest on record.

Sea-level rise has accelerated significantly over the same period, as CO2 emissions have hit new highs.

The WMO says carbon-cutting efforts have to be intensified immediately.

The WMO report is meant to inform the special UN summit on climate change taking place in New York on Monday.

A range of political leaders will attend the one-day event, which is designed to be about action and not words, according to UN secretary general António Guterres.

"I told leaders not to come with fancy speeches, but with concrete commitments," he said ahead of the meeting.

"People want solutions, commitments and action. I expect there will be an announcement and unveiling of a number of meaningful plans on dramatically reducing emissions during the next decade, and on reaching carbon neutrality by 2050."

The question of coal has led to the barring of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Australia's Scott Morrison.

The US, Brazil and Saudi Arabia will also not be taking part.

posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Most of those kids don't even know basic math. Under the Obama administration these kids were brainwashed into believing that "atmospheric CO2 is evil and mankind is evil for causing climate change..." There are literally tens of thousands of scientists whom disagree about AGW to various degrees. CO2 is a building block for life on Earth. It is the reason why over 99% of life on the planet is CARBON BASED. We are not silicone based beings, we are CARBON based beings because without CO2 life would have never have appeared on this planet.

The levels of atmospheric CO2 are nowhere near to be toxic. When you are in your home using your AC or heater the atmospheric CO2 content in your house increases from 800ppm to over 1,000ppm. Neither you, nor your pets, nor your plants die nor are damaged by CO2.

Even NASA has demonstrated that the increase in atmospheric CO2 has made Earth GREENER. People whom have greenhouses increase atmospheric CO2 from 800ppm or more. It has been demonstrated that most plant life flourishes and provide more harvests when the atmospheric CO2 content is between 1,200 ppm -1,500 ppm. Earth's atmospheric CO2 content is at 400ppm.

Growing with CO2: Improve Your Yield Part II
Integrating CO2

In an unaltered environment, a plant will be exposed to an atmosphere containing 390-400 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide. A plant will not grow or thrive in environments with less than 300 ppm in their atmosphere. When modifying the growing environment to increase the yield of your plants, a grower will increase their CO2 up to 2,000 ppm. Although, the recommended CO2 level is 1,200-1,500 ppm. You can relate elevating CO2 levels to natural steroids- the plants can only sustain so much growth over a shortened amount of time before the plant experiences tissue damage and no longer produces a desirable product. Higher CO2 levels create a more compact cellular structure in the plant that yields a denser, not bigger, product.

Lowering atmospheric CO2 will lower yields worldwide, which will mean less harvests aka LESS FOOD.

With higher levels of atmospheric CO2 plants also make better use of water, which means they use less water leaving more potable water for humans and animals.

posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: 2012newstart

You do realise, the vast majority of those kids are agnostic/atheist, right?

And they have grown up to be dumber than a rock, as well as being indoctrinated into the New Age religion that AGW/Climate Change is caused by mankind...

Your religion has made kids dumber...

edit on 22-9-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Sep, 22 2019 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
I could answer more to the posters who promote that absurdity not based on science but on ideology, including where their own political agenda leads to a new ultraconservative dictatorship known from the time of Stalin and Hitler, if not to all out nuclear war, but I do not want to go to their level of reasoning.

ROFLMAO, see? the indoctrination has made kids dumber than a rock these days. Hitler and the nazis were extreme environmentalists, just like you are... and they loved SOCIALISM.

Fascism, animal rights and human rights. The Nazis ordered soldiers to plant more trees. They were the first Europeans to establish nature reserves and order the protection of hedgerows and other wildlife habitats. And they were horrified at the idea of hydroelectric dams on the Rhine. Adolf Hitler and other leading Nazis were vegetarian and they passed numerous laws on animal rights.

In fact the nazis gave more protections to animals than to other humans that didn't believe what the nazis believed. Exactly what left-wingers/extreme environmentalists like yourself want...

Let me prove it...

Killing Humans is okay, but don’t boil a lobster-Nazi animal welfare.

Switzerland: New Law Makes It Illegal To Boil Live Lobsters

The nazis banned several types of hunting, they outlawed the Jewish Kosher rituals, they outlawed the boiling of crabs and lobsters, and at least one fisherman was sent to a concentration camp by Göring for cutting up a frog for bait.

Not only did Hitler refuse to eat meat, but he and the Nazi Party passed some of the first nation-wide laws against all forms of animal cruelty in history. Even today, no country has laws that punish animal cruelty as severely as the Nazis did. And it wasn’t just Hitler; many of the top Nazi officials spoke out frequently against the mistreatment of animals. But why? How could the people who practically invented industrialized genocide possibly have been so against the killing of animals? To answer that question, let’s look at just how the Nazis viewed animal cruelty and the psychological explanations that can explain how they ignored the obvious connection between cruelty to animals and cruelty to human beings.

But it wasn’t just eating animals that Hitler objected to. He also objected to practices like vivisection, where scientific experiments are conducted on living animals. In fact, one of the first acts that the Nazi party passed on coming to power was a total ban on the practice. In addition, hunting and boiling lobsters were banned. Like everything the Nazis did, these laws were upheld with brutal methods. Anyone caught violating these laws was to be sent to concentration camps. And a German fisherman actually was sent to a camp for cutting up a frog.

Adolf Hitler Was a Strict Ethical Vegetarian

Hitler and the nazis used "animal rights" to bash at and demonize Jewish people for their Kosher rituals on how they must kill and prepare their food.

BTW, the nazis liberalized abortion. Before the nazis abortions were banned. Even minority women, and white women, were given free abortions paid 100% by the nazi state...

As for Stalin... He was a COMMUNIST... Another evil left-winger...

edit on 22-9-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

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