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If you’re not watching the judicial impeachment hearing. Turn it on now!

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+25 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:28 PM
Corey Lewandowski is eating up the time asking for references to the questions . Along with the Republicans asking for motions and when Nadler denies it . They ask for a point of order . At one point Nadler suspended the time but was forced to re-open it . The publicans asked for rollcall twice . And a motion to suspend the hearing which was denied . ( in the first round of questioning by the Democrats )

At one point representative Doug Collins looked over at Nader and said we could make this easier on you .

Nadler gave him a look like a bulldog chewing on a wasp . 😂

Doug Collins asked Corey and now we have a down on Congressional record. The Patriots are Corey’s favorite football team and Tom Brady is a winner ! 🤔

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee just specified a question. They thought they had remedied Corey asking for a references behind the questions by putting up a screen in the chambers . Then the Democrats put the wrong reference on the screen . ( you can’t make this s**t up)

I’ve never seen testimony like this. Lewandowski Is stalling but the dems know tactic is in their face .

There not happy at all . I’m sure they didn’t think this was the way things was going to know .?

We all know what a circus the impeachment hearings have been. Corey Lewandowski is live on air exposing the clowns . Lol
edit on 17-9-2019 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

+7 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Fallingdown

This is great!!!! LOL

edit on 17-9-2019 by RickinVa because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:31 PM
Clueless Nadler

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:36 PM
Is he taking a cue from Mueller? Good on him.

eta: minus the faux dementia
edit on 17-9-2019 by toolgal462 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:38 PM
Speaking of "useful (re useless) idiots" , Nadler sure fits the bill

+7 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:43 PM
What an absolute embarrassment. These ppl should lose their seats immediately.

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:44 PM
Some of the comments from Democrats are real gems 😃

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:45 PM
"impeachment by sharpie" hahah

Is this Doug Collins?

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: RickinVa

The first exchange drags a little in the middle .

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:50 PM
who is this asking the questions now? The comments on Fox10 are hysterical. I cannot repeat.

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:51 PM
Is is the best unexpected entertainment in days.

Jackson Lee........this isn't a house party

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:55 PM
Nadler looks like a weebil....I can't stop laughing

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 01:56 PM
Cory isn't making fools of Nadler and his cronies. He and they are doing a fine job of it all by themselves.

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 02:01 PM
Trump is a joke and you all know it... You all hold me to a higher standard than you do the President of the United States...

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 02:03 PM
Lewandowski has admitted in no uncertain terms that he is a Patriots fan !!!!


+45 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: tinner07
Trump is a joke and you all know it... You all hold me to a higher standard than you do the President of the United States...

Trump is funny, but he is no joke...

And you seem to hold yourself up on a pedestal, don't you?

Comparing yourself to the President. It takes some hubris.

*shakes head*

+34 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: tinner07
Trump is a joke and you all know it... You all hold me to a higher standard than you do the President of the United States...

Speaking of jokes, perhaps you should take the time to watch some of the video and realize that the leaders in your party are a "special" kind of special.

+4 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 02:07 PM
Johnson democrat Georgia : “ you felt a little squeamish delivering that letter to Jeff sessions ?

Lewandowski : correct I never delivered that message .

Johnson: you chickened out

Lewandowski : “ I went on vacation “ ( laughter from the gallery )

Johnson : You put the letter in your safe for safekeeping .

Lewandowski : Taking my kids to the beach that was more of a priority .

edit on 17-9-2019 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-9-2019 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-9-2019 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Fallingdown

Democrats sure know how to ignore what the electorate wants Congress to accomplish for our country. Very sad bunch.

+15 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 02:12 PM
Good stuff.

Watching the hypocrites democrats like Nadler get upset when Lewandowski does the same thing Mueller did to stall for time is priceless.

SO far they are mad trump asked corey to tell sessions to focus not allowing the treatment he went thru to be done in the future.

Keep in mind a few things.

1. They are fishing for obstruction. This would be into a crime (conspiracy with russia) that never occured.

2. It would be obstruction of an investigation thaat was started based on the FBI leadr breaking protocal by leaking to start the investigation.

3. We will most likely see it was obstruction of an investigation started criminally if the fisa applications were illegal and/or Mifsud was western intelligence, all which seems highly likely.

4. The invetsigation was never actually obstructed in any way, as both mueller and comey admitted the investigation was completed without interference from the white house.

5. The same people who think this is obstruction and such a huge deal had no problem with Hillary team lying to the fbi, and deleting subpeonaed evidence.

But hey, what did we expect, the democrats to actually work on policy? At least its good theater.

edit on 17-9-2019 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

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