posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 02:16 AM
In what can only be described as a major policy shift for US intelligence, a spoeswoman for the administration revealed at a college conference that
the United States would now actively seek to target and destroy adversarial intelligence services abroad:
"COLLEGE STATION, Texas -- The Bush administration has adopted a new counterintelligence strategy that calls for "attacking" foreign spy services
and the spy components of terrorist groups before they can strike, a senior U.S. intelligence official said yesterday."
Though I agree with the basic logic of this... I can't help but wonder if something along these lines can be considered an act of war. After all,
this sounds like we're talking about killing people, right? Even nonviolent disruption can be interpreted as war.
Then, again... the reality is probably that some of these foreign intel services are already attacking and disrupting US efforts in the homeland
itself. Bringing the fight back to their home turf would not be an unjust escalation. After all, "turnabout is fair play."