posted on Sep, 14 2019 @ 03:12 AM
originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
Well considering black is not really a color in true form its an absence of it completely you're right, you won't see it. Not so sure I'd be scared of
it as I have experienced it...inside a cave past a certain point the is literally no light except what you brought in. When I was younger I went
spelunking and part of the trip around lunch was to show us what it would be like...all the lights go off and you literally can't see as if you are
blind...because our eyes only work when light is present...thats an easy way to experience true black for yourself. Sensory deprivation chambers also
simulate this.
I've experienced the same on a number of occasions, like a dark-room for example, but that's not really what I'm talking about. They had a sheet of
material which was coated with a substance which, at the time, was more 'black' than vantablack (I forget what it was called). They could induce
electrical currents across this material and change it's relative 'blackness'. They then projected some images on this material where half of the
image was on the silver screen and the other half was being projected onto this material. It's almost impossible to describe what we saw, but at
first you only saw half of the image (the part projected onto the silver screen) because half of the image could not be reflected back. Then they
started inducing current across the black material. At first you could begin to see the other half of the image, but then they could manipulate the
image by manipulating the black material so the image appeared to be something completely different. It was crazy!
And...what we saw was the non-classified version!
Going in, when they said we were going to spend the next 4 hours learning about the "color" black, I fully expected boredom to the point of physical
pain. I had no idea it would be such a riveting and memorable discussion!
In addition to having to sign NDA's, we also had to sign some 'hold harmless' agreements (true story) because some of the things we saw had the
potential to actually cause permanent mental impairment in certain people. I couldn't figure out why (at first), but then they started showing things
like ultra-high resolution 25 "giga"pixel images projected onto this same material. (This was the first time I'd ever seen images like this). It
short order it felt like your brain was turning inside out! I've never seen anything like it before. They could literally add, or take away,
information (data) from an image by manipulating the background and even though you could not visually perceive any optical difference, your brain
could tell the image was changing. (they would prove it by zooming in periodically and illustrating what information was being removed or added).
Like a subliminal mind-screw. It was truly bizarre and chilling.
When the whole thing was over everyone in our group commented afterward about feeling physically tired and mentally completely exhausted. It
definitely had a very real effect. If you were ever to put someone in an immersive environment with this technology it was easy to understand how you
could easily damage or manipulate them mentally.
edit on 9/14/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)