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Is public transit only for low income minorities?

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posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:04 PM
Well, considering USA public transit is generally only available in larger urban cities, and the large urban cities are where poor minorities and homeless live, it may end up appearing that's the primary users.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
Well, considering USA public transit is generally only available in larger urban cities, and the large urban cities are where poor minorities and homeless live, it may end up appearing that's the primary users.

I don't care if the people are green, if that is who is using it, great.

That isn't the case here, that is the problem. They are canceling routes that are actually used in favor of routes that are sensitive to minority and low income because "suburbanite who can afford their own car"
that's their own words (Milwaukee transit) not mine.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: Fools
So here is the deal super cool Portland guy - black people. Its a thing. You just don't understand because you are not having to deal with it.

What the actual F.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I agree. The modern purpose of public transit is two fold. One is to serve the needs of people who cannot afford cars and the the other is to cut down on traffic congestion and exhaust. Cutting special event lines will not serve the second reason for public transit. Rather than cutting the lines for those who cannot drive their own cars, if those lines are infrequently used is not the answer either. What would be a better line of approach is to cut the pick up times on those lines at least in half. Those that need to use them can organized themselves in a better manner to suit those more infrequent schedules.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm


In the Seattle area, the buses are always half or better full. It does depend greatly upon the time of day, of course. But even at 2 or 3 am, when one is on the way to the airport there are people using the buses.

No, public transit is among the last things that we should be complaining about.

A question...

How else are low income folks supposed to get around if they don't have cars, and need to get clear across town to work, so that, maybe, just maybe they won't always be low income?? Walk??

I like that transportation is available that can get one where ever one needs to go, or at least damned close. If that's what my tax money is being spent on, that's just fine with me. Not sure what your problem is with it.
edit on 9/12/2019 by seagull because: (no reason given)

(post by Fools removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: Fools

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: Fools
So here is the deal super cool Portland guy - black people. Its a thing. You just don't understand because you are not having to deal with it.

What the actual F.

It may be amazing to some people, but black culture in GENERAL is separate and more prone to crime and other maladies. I know that facts do not matter to people but wishing it away with good will is never going to help the situation. Holding individuals accountable for their criminal actions will.

I DARE you to ride the north side metro link in Saint Louis and see if you don't get frightened by the thugs that prey on people riding that line.

Pleaase, I beg of you to do so.

Also, if you rode the midtown to clayton line, well you would still be disturbed a bit but probably not mugged.

It is what it is honey child.

Ride St Pete & Tampa lines and get back to me. I've got plenty of years under my belt on those. Black folks aren't anywhere near as scary or threatening on public transit as you boldly imply.

Maybe get thee out to the homogeneous 'burbs and quake in your undies out there instead.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:27 PM


posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: seagull

In the Seattle area, the buses are always half or better full.

Ok, now imagine they aren't. Imagine those buses have two people, seriously two riders every day.

Now there is another bus in Kirkwood (yes I know that's still probably considered Seattle, but just bear with me for sake of argument) that is filled, but those riders are not disadvantaged/low income/minority...

If you were the transit authority, and had to cut one route, which one would you cut, The Seattle bus going to Tacoma with two riders that are low income/minority, or the Kirkwood bus? Our transit is cutting the one that is actually being used!

Yes it's sad for the 2 Seattle riders, but if income is not produced pretty soon more and more routes will be eliminated hurting even more areas. That is exactly what is happening.
edit on 12-9-2019 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: Fools

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: Fools

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: Fools
So here is the deal super cool Portland guy - black people. Its a thing. You just don't understand because you are not having to deal with it.

What the actual F.

It may be amazing to some people, but black culture in GENERAL is separate and more prone to crime and other maladies. I know that facts do not matter to people but wishing it away with good will is never going to help the situation. Holding individuals accountable for their criminal actions will.

I DARE you to ride the north side metro link in Saint Louis and see if you don't get frightened by the thugs that prey on people riding that line.

Pleaase, I beg of you to do so.

Also, if you rode the midtown to clayton line, well you would still be disturbed a bit but probably not mugged.

It is what it is honey child.

Ride St Pete & Tampa lines and get back to me. I've got plenty of years under my belt on those. Black folks aren't anywhere near as scary or threatening on public transit as you boldly imply.

Maybe get thee out to the homogeneous 'burbs and quake in your undies out there instead.

Keep on with the keep on honey. It is what it is no matter how you want to emote.

Get your head out of your ass. St Louis is NOT representative of the rest of the US' ridership any more than Smalltown Ruralville is. The only people I ever saw cause trouble on any bus line I EVER rode in Florida was drunk white folks.

It is what it is, sugar -- highly varied & dependent on area. Accept it.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:30 PM


(post by Fools removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I'd call it Seattle. Others might not...

Were it me? I'd find something else in the city budget/county budgets that can be cut, and funnel that money into the transit system.

The few things I ever liked about Seattle, one was that buses go everywhere! It may take a while to get there, but you'll get there. When I'm in Seattle, and without my car, buses are a god send. Cheap. Reliable. ...and there. No being ignored by a taxi, or hoping a friend is available. Hop the bus, and away I go.

I'd prefer that something other than very useful things like Public Transit get cut. I'm fairly sure that there are at least a few things that can be cut, and that money saved put right back into Seattle Transit, or whatever they call it now...

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: seagull

Were it me? I'd find something else in the city budget/county budgets that can be cut, and funnel that money into the transit system.

The problem with that is that "something else" in the city believes in their project just as much as you believe in keeping all routes open. The only option is to cut routes. So again, if you will. You must cut a route, which one do you cut?
This is what they are faced with. I just happen to disagree with the choice they made and the verbiage that went along with it. In the end ironically I think it will hurt disadvantaged people more. By them not bringing in fare money the budget will get even smaller.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: Fools

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: Fools

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: Fools

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: Fools
So here is the deal super cool Portland guy - black people. Its a thing. You just don't understand because you are not having to deal with it.

What the actual F.

It may be amazing to some people, but black culture in GENERAL is separate and more prone to crime and other maladies. I know that facts do not matter to people but wishing it away with good will is never going to help the situation. Holding individuals accountable for their criminal actions will.

I DARE you to ride the north side metro link in Saint Louis and see if you don't get frightened by the thugs that prey on people riding that line.

Pleaase, I beg of you to do so.

Also, if you rode the midtown to clayton line, well you would still be disturbed a bit but probably not mugged.

It is what it is honey child.

Ride St Pete & Tampa lines and get back to me. I've got plenty of years under my belt on those. Black folks aren't anywhere near as scary or threatening on public transit as you boldly imply.

Maybe get thee out to the homogeneous 'burbs and quake in your undies out there instead.

Keep on with the keep on honey. It is what it is no matter how you want to emote.

Get your head out of your ass. St Louis is NOT representative of the rest of the US' ridership any more than Smalltown Ruralville is. The only people I ever saw cause trouble on any bus line I EVER rode in Florida was drunk white folks.

It is what it is, sugar -- highly varied & dependent on area. Accept it.

Tell me about it all once your metro goes 40 percent black or more. You are a jack ass. Instead of realizing a problem, you cry RACIST thinking that will make everything better.

Your map is s#, the stats are fee-locked. Find another. I'm not disputing crime, just saying the website is a cash-grab.

Also, no kidding on crime spikes. When people of a feather congregate in enough numbers in a metro, crime spikes? You don't say! I've been through some southern white ghettos down there in FL that makes the black ones look good by comparison. Meth heads with no moral compass left versus gangbangers with a fleeting modicum, hmm, where would I feel safer.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Dear, crime has been "spiking" here since at least the 1960's. More than likely before that. Well at least as soon as there was a black majority in those areas.

And you know what? Sure black AMERICAN culture is suspect (if not proven), but another issue is politicians that enable it. And guess what? For all of those decades, in Saint Louis, and any other horrible area you can think of, they have been 100% controlled by the DNC.

You see, the DNC as a political outfit is not about fixing problems, it is all about profiting from problems. I cannot wait until everyone see's that and pushes them out of the picture.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 03:11 PM


posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

Great post. Every City is different. Chicago isn't worth using a car to get around the Metro Area, that's how good their system is. Hell, my parking last time I was there was almost as much as my Air BnB. Didn't use my car the whole week we were there. Even Ubers are pretty affordable there.

In Detroit, it's adequate but nothing to write home about and doesn't have the ridership to warrent expanding. The new light rail we put in downtown is a joke, going to places no one really travels.

In America, mass transit is looked down upon by most, with a few City exceptions.

In's one of the main forms of commuting. Just different philosophies on things.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: pavil
a reply to: Edumakated

Great post. Every City is different. Chicago isn't worth using a car to get around the Metro Area, that's how good their system is. Hell, my parking last time I was there was almost as much as my Air BnB. Didn't use my car the whole week we were there. Even Ubers are pretty affordable there.

In Detroit, it's adequate but nothing to write home about and doesn't have the ridership to warrent expanding. The new light rail we put in downtown is a joke, going to places no one really travels.

In America, mass transit is looked down upon by most, with a few City exceptions.

In's one of the main forms of commuting. Just different philosophies on things.

No one looks down on mass transit in America. It is also about distances and ridership (whether or not it is economically viable). Another issue is that there is a party in the USA that is full of grifters. They front load the project with nepotism and cultural feel good nonsense.

The reason why existing systems in CHicago and NYC "work" is because they existed before the DNC decided to make everything about race and nothing about what might actually work. It is such an obvious truth it obviously hurts people to recognize.

Keep in mind I am not a fan of the RNC either, same nonsense, just not as bold.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: Fools

originally posted by: pavil
a reply to: Edumakated

Great post. Every City is different. Chicago isn't worth using a car to get around the Metro Area, that's how good their system is. Hell, my parking last time I was there was almost as much as my Air BnB. Didn't use my car the whole week we were there. Even Ubers are pretty affordable there.

In Detroit, it's adequate but nothing to write home about and doesn't have the ridership to warrent expanding. The new light rail we put in downtown is a joke, going to places no one really travels.

In America, mass transit is looked down upon by most, with a few City exceptions.

In's one of the main forms of commuting. Just different philosophies on things.

No one looks down on mass transit in America. It is also about distances and ridership (whether or not it is economically viable). Another issue is that there is a party in the USA that is full of grifters. They front load the project with nepotism and cultural feel good nonsense.

The reason why existing systems in CHicago and NYC "work" is because they existed before the DNC decided to make everything about race and nothing about what might actually work. It is such an obvious truth it obviously hurts people to recognize.

Keep in mind I am not a fan of the RNC either, same nonsense, just not as bold.

Mass transit for most Americans is not their first option for commuting, so yes, it is looked down upon, generally speaking. Most middle class people only take mass transit if their are no other options. Certain cities are the exception, not the rule. Most of America was built for the individual driving their car.

Given a choice, in most communities, mass transit is not the preferred means of commuting like it is in many European Countries in big cities.

In cities that have a fully developed mass transit system, it's great. Not many cities have that here.

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