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China issues waivers for (drops) tariffs on select US goods

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posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: KYRick
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

THERE IT IS! That damn TDS rears its reeeing head agian... ORANGE MAN BAD! HES A POOPY DUMB DUMB HEAD!


Are you having some kind of breakdown...

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

No he is explaining to you what you sound like.

Why do you have “hopenot” in your name - you should of just went with feariswhatweneed, it would suit you better.

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 09:49 PM
Phew wasted five of minutes of my life on garbage post and not a single link was post to validate someones perspective let alone any objectivity

Trash on top of trash from both sides of the aisle

What are you guys 8 year olds? You read like it

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: fatkid
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

No he is explaining to you what you sound like.

Why do you have “hopenot” in your name - you should of just went with feariswhatweneed, it would suit you better.

Oh right ,I couldn't tell I never learned how to speak retard. Thanks for translating that for me.


edit on 12-9-2019 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Peeple

ver the last few months, comedian Bill Maher has repeatedly rooted for an economic crash, seeing it as one sure method to defeat Donald Trump next year. “I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point,” he said in June on his HBO show. “And by the way, I’m hoping for it. I think one [way] you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy.” “So please, bring on the recession,” Maher added. “Sorry if that hurts people, but it’s either root for a recession or you lose your democracy.”
well there is this bastard who really really really wants one because orange man bad less bunt in this one though

last week's surprisingly strong GDP report was probably a shocker to many Democrats. Many on the left have been counting on — or perhaps even sotto voce rooting for — a recession that would tank President Trump's re-election chances. Not another economy-shattering financial crisis, of course. The #Resistance doesn't want underwater mortgages or collapsing 401k balances anymore than anyone else. But maybe just enough of a dip to recapture the Rust Belt in 2020. No pain, no gain, America. And they had reasons! Okay, they might not know what an inverted yield curve is exactly. (It's when long-term interest rates are lower than short-term rates.) But when the infrequent occurrence happened in late March, they probably discovered it's often seen on Wall Street as a recession warning sign. Moreover, the Federal Reserve has been raising rates, historically a leading cause of recessions. Finally, the current lengthy economic expansion — a record 10-years-old if it lasts through July — has to peter out eventually, right? Maybe not. Expansions don't have automatic expiration dates. Australia hasn't suffered a recession since 1991. Sometimes the good times just keep rolling despite close calls from time to time. Indeed, the American economy might have just avoided a downturn when growth slowed sharply in the second half of last year. "The economy avoided a recession on the back of the mini-financial shock in the final quarter of 2018," according to a research note from RSM economist Joseph Brusuelas.
oh so not a full on recession just enough so they can get back the rust belt but dont worry its just a thin slice of the economy they want to fail like some messed up version of Liebesträume

Anxiety on the left reached new heights last week, with the government reporting that the nation’s economy had grown at an unexpectedly fast pace in the first quarter of the year. While Trump took credit for the surging economy, Democratic presidential contenders were immersing themselves in the Mueller report and debating whether incarcerated felons should be allowed to vote. By Thursday, prodded by former Vice President Joe Biden, they were revisiting the violence at a white supremacist rally in 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia. In his own campaign announcement video, Biden did not explicitly mention jobs or the economy once. “We don’t really have a robust national message right now” on the economy, said Celinda Lake, a leading Democratic strategist and pollster. “We will tend to talk about things like paid leave and equal pay — and those things are all very popular policies. But they don’t add up to an economic message that is robust enough to win the presidency and beat Donald Trump, who talks about a very robust economic policy.”
politicos take on it from a while back nprs take on how the economy is trumps biggest cudgel to use during his re election campaign so now the message is hey the economy is good but we can make it work better for you........while not really offering options to improve it

All that could make Trump's path to another term much easier. So Democrats are trying to thread a tricky needle: telling voters that while the economy is doing well, it is doing disproportionately well for the rich. In other words: the current good economy should be benefiting all of you more. The economy is doing okay... so what to improve? There's evidence that the economy particularly bears on voters' choices. Yale economist Ray Fair has a relatively well-known model for predicting the popular vote based on economic indicators. His latest prediction, as of April: that the Democratic nominee will get 45 percent of the popular vote. All of which is to say that if the economy is still doing well next year, Democrats may have to figure out how to tell people how things could be even better.

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 05:42 PM
A bit off topic, but the tactic is simple immiseration of the masses. It's textbook Marxism. No matter how far capitalism lifts people up, they've got to come along and tell everyone how awful things are. When that doesn't work, they fall to the, "sure, you got a raise, but look how much more money the rich people are getting". Nancy "breadcrumbs" Pelosi is actually great at this sort of messaging.
We live in a period of unprecedented wealth. Even the vast majority of our poor and homeless have devices in their pocket to call people, or access the wisdom of man, or play games on FB. The economy is booming, unemployment is at historic lows, wages are growing after a decade of stagnation, etc, etc, but the message still has to be centered on how bad things are.

Which isn't to say we don't need regulation, that the federal government isn't a corpratocracy, or that there isn't work to be done, but trying to pretend we live in the nadir of history is bizarrely alien to me.

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 05:55 PM

largest wage growth in history

Wages in the United States increased 5.20 percent in July of 2019 over the same month in the previous year. Wage Growth in the United States averaged 6.21 percent from 1960 until 2019, reaching an all time high of 13.78 percent in January of 1979 and a record low of -5.88 percent in March of 2009.



posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 06:18 PM
Thank you for fact checking that claim.

Funny to me, that while you fact check his "highest in history", it IS actually growing... I suppose the growing wages prove how bad things are? "I got a raise!" " Well, i had a bigger raise once. We're being screwed".

I don't know how effective that messaging is going to be, but I'm sure it resonates with some portion of the population as it always has.

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 06:29 PM
Some people scream fake news then produce their own.

In today's country, positive or negative is almost solely based on who did it or said it. Great way to run a country.

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