a reply to:
That is a strong opinion but not one backed up by the fact's, the Han are only one grouping of Chinese people whom have become dominant over time,
there are actually very many other Chinese people's - they do all have what you may call Asian characteristic's and what we in the west call Mongoloid
features since the first people our historians recorded with those features were of course the Mongol soldiers - though you know the Mongol's were not
the first and in fact it is today considered but not without some contention that the Hun tribes whom terrorized and nearly conquered Rome in it's
latter day's also originated in Mongolia or even western China, there are people in Germany whom have very strong Asiatic features - though mixed with
very strong Nordic ones and I can not remember if it is in Austria, Hungary (probably) or Germany but there is an valley were the men all have a
distinctive marking at the base of there spine which has been associated with Mongolian ancestry specifically the Hun's and the Mongol hoard of
Genghis yet they too appear western.
While in China though not Europeans they had very similar features and were what we call a Caucasoid racial group (named after the Caucasus mountains
in Russia were it was once theorized that the Europeans may have begun though partially in contention with and in agreement with the similar theory
stating that the Aryan people's (Persian's) may also be the origin of the European people's - in other word's no one really knows but they have a load
of hair brained ideas.
DNA has shed new light however though any claim is never going to be concise because it turn's out that people have been travelling east and west for
countless generations and intermarrying long before the Turk tribes drove a wedge into this interaction adding there own distinctive DNA to the
Back to China therefore there is no DEEP STATE in this argument people are people, the Japanese are NOT Chinese yet they are similar in appearance -
with slight differences the Chinese tend to have rounder faces, the Korean's are also not Chinese though they like the Japanese are related to them,
the Ainu (whom despite claim's by some that they appear western actually look more (Ancient pre Chinese) Mongolian/Siberianan and native American are
the remnant of the original indigenous people in Japan and probably the same group once lived in China before the likely south east jungle people (or
central Asian since it is also possible that the origin of the mongoloid races stem's from there) out developed them and then conquered them in time
removing them almost entirely from the genetic legacy of China itself.
Today the HAN Chinese outnumber there fellow Chinese being 91 percent of the Chinese population today but this was historically the outcome of war
and massacre with the victors settling the land they had conquered just like anywhere else in the world.
There are remnant's of some of the other surviving Chinese races but you would be very hard pressed to tell them apart except for there culture,
language and clothing though many of these other people's once had there own distinctive civilizations in what is today China.
The Zhuang (Sh-Joo-ang I believe it is pronounced) are every bit as Chinese as the Han yet they now only account for 1.3 percent of the Chinese
population but once they were as powerful as the Han in there own right and there are other's such as the Manchu, despite there inherent self belief
that they are a superior human race it turn's out that the Han themselves are actually not a single race but several that have adopted the dominant
Han culture and language so genetically they also are far from the mythical concept of a pure race and are indeed very mixed.
There are three main types of human skull, the Asian, the Cauc-Asian (I have added the - and made the central letter into a capital to point out the
name for the European race also has Asian connotations since it is believed by some that we rose in the Caucasus with Asian ancestry) and the Negroid
(no offence it is just what it is called and yes I know the racial connotations of using that term which in French I believe translates as black),
westerners have what are nicknamed aviator glass's eye sockets, a square outer eye socket gives them the impression of having squarish eye's, the
Asian and the Negroid have round eye sockets, the Nose is another difference with the nasal cavity in Europeans being narrow and long while in Asian's
it is more rounded and wider with the largest nasal cavity being that of the native African people's BUT other than that brain size is usually only
dependant upon nutrition and we are all essentially the same with minor differences - we are not different species, I could marry and have kid's with
an Asian or an African lady and vice versa, we are one race called humanity but you do know that the Han have a reputation for being exceptionally
racist toward other people's which given that they are not the pure race they see themselves as is simply hypocrisy but it may have served them
culturally in keeping there tradition's alive.
In the three main skull types our teeth are another difference but are far more varied than the other dominant features and can not simply be argued
to belong to one racial grouping or another, typically though African's have the strongest teeth, Europeans have the next strongest but tend to be
smaller than the African teeth and east Asian's have much smaller teeth, this is only a broad comparison though as some Mongolian's have teeth that
are stronger still and some Europeans have tiny teeth as do some African's, once again people are people and these are merely family trait's not
divisions in our race as we can still have kid's with one another so are the same species not separate races as the racists would like to make out for
there twisted ideology's.
edit on 11-9-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)